
System of Moons

A jumble of random works with the Moon Knight system meeting the Avengers because there's really not enough of these stories. (Uploaded on AO3 first.) NOTE: I DO NOT have DID or speak/know fluent/a lot of spanish, strictly going off of how the Tv show and Comics show it and from my own research. And most of the spanish is translated from google, so 100% lemme know if anything is incorrect. These are all my own take on the characters etc, so if anything seems out of character, know that I have not written any stories with the (following characters) before. I am open to suggestions and such for how to make them feel more in character. (Following characters; Tony Stark, Thor, Natasha Romanov, Steve Rogers, Clint Barton (More to be added?))

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4 Chs

Sarcophagus (2)

As promised, Marc and Jake had told Steven everything that happened, before and after the meeting with the Avengers—while beating up some cultists of course—before promptly passing out on their bed at the end of the night. Morning rolled around and Stark sent him the details of the mission, telling him to meet up by the docks at nine. Having more time to rest, Jake fronted most of the day, since it was Steven's day off and Marc was "sleeping" in the headspace. There wasn't much info on any schemes from his informants, so he was left walking around listlessly, eventually agreeing to go to a mall for Steven.

Nine rolled around quicker than he expected, time really does fly when Steven is left to roam antique shops…

"Alrigh Marc, better go meet the Avengers." Steven sighed as he walked out of the mall.

The two switched and Marc was off, he made it to the docks five minutes before ten. Suited up as he surveyed from a nearby rooftop, there were a few thugs patrolling on the ground, the rest busied with waiting as the large cargo ship began docking. A few minutes passed before he heard quiet footsteps behind him, Black Widow skipped formalities and instead jumped straight to telling him the plan.

"You and Cap will flank left, I'll go right. Clink and Tony have the front." She didn't wait for a response before climbing down the fire escape.

Marc and Cap stared at each other for a moment. "Watch my six." Marc said before jumping off of the edge, cape flaring out into its crescent.

The two moved quickly, keeping close to cover as they made their way around. Stopping at the corner, he pointed at the other before raising two fingers. Motioning them to the left. Cap nodded, slipping past him to the left as he moved to the right. Marc slid into the warehouse, crouching as he pressed himself behind some crates. Peering out from behind, he noted the four enemies standing idly. All armed with guns and at least one knife on their person, formulating a plan in his mind. He grabbed two crescent darts from his chest, jumping over the crate as he did so. The darts flew through the air, hitting their targets precisely, their bodies collapsing to the ground as Marc curled himself and rolled into a crouch. Grabbing two more crescent's, he threw one, dodging gunfire before tackling the last enemy.

He slammed the crescent into the ground beside the other's head, purposefully nicking their ear. Their face was ashen and damp with sweat, eyes bulging from their sockets. He bashed his fist into their face, successfully knocking them out. He hadn't even fully stood up, let alone have time to think before someone barreled into him. Knocking the wind out of him, he flew through the crates, splinters and weapons flying. He didn't even have a moment to flail before his back hit the side of the cargo ship.

'What the fuck ?!'

Then he was falling, a blue abyss staring back at him as panic flooded, seeping into his bones and rattling them. He couldn't even scream before he was under, throat suddenly raw as he faded from consciousness.

. . . .

"M—" Jake choked, dazed and entirely confused. The suit seemed to have unfortunately disappeared after the forceful switch. He kicked frantically, pulling himself to the surface. Gasping for air, he coughed harshly. Letting the bandages wrap around him—forgoing the bottom half of his face—he dragged himself to land, coughing up the rest before rolling onto his back. Taking a few deep breaths as he assessed himself and tried to work through what happened before the switch.

"Moon Knight! Are you alright?" Captain America rushed over, crouching down to inspect him.


Jake huffed, forcing himself to stand as the rest of the bandages covered the exposed half. Cap stood up with him, eyebrows knitted. Jake was mustering up his best Marc accent when his eyes caught the towering figure of an unruly large muscled man.


Cap turned around, shoulders going stiff for a moment before he glanced back at Jake and gave him a few signs, that he absolutely did not in fact understand. So of course he nodded, and watched the star spangled man run full barrel towards heavy steroids, building lifter Dwayne the rock Johnson. He decided to follow suit by throwing a few crescent darts at the behemoth, they did little as a distraction. The man didn't even stop to pull them out as he entered a fist fight with Cap.

"Bueno, eso es simplemente insultante.""Well that's just insulting." Jake glanced over at Khonshu who sat unhelpfully on a nearby crate. "¿Alguna sugerencia?""Any suggestions?"

"Ugh, Moon Knight. A little help?!" Cap called as he slammed his shield into the behemoth's abdomen.

"Sí, sí, no te pongas nerviosa…" Jake cursed as he grabbed two more crescent's.

Attack him from behind, Jake Lockley. Khonshu so helpfully responded.

Nodding, Jake ran at the man, diving under him. He turned mid slide, pushing off of the ground and leaping at the man's back. Digging the crescent's deep into bone and flesh, the behemoth screamed as Jake dragged the blades down his back. Removing his hand from one to punch the back of his head, he only needed two strong hits before the other collapsed. Huffing, he stepped off of the unconscious man, taking a moment to lean against a nearby wall as he worked through the uncomfortable feelings and growing headache. He hates being forced to the front, fronting is uncomfortable enough as it is. But it's easier knowing you're going to feel the weight of limbs and gravity, rather than unexpectedly having it forcefully press down on you. Followed by disorientation and a headache, so to say Jake wasn't in a good mood would be a serious understatement.

"—rc, hey! Marc, are you okay?" Cap was shaking him.

"¿Qué? Mierda…Fine, I'm fine." He rolled his tongue around, trying to find the right cadence. The other didn't seem convinced.

"We've secured the area and weapons, you should come back with us for now and get checked at the tower just in case."

Jake shook his head "'m fine, jus' need…some rest…" his brows furrowed, a wave of exhaustion crashing into him. 'Khonshu, Marc.'

The panic and adrenaline had entirely left his body, taking every ounce of his strength to keep his eyelids open with them. He slumped down against the wall, Cap grabbing him before he could slip too far.

"I've gotcha, get some rest." He hoisted Jake up onto his back.

The last thing Jake saw was Khonshu watching him, his words relaxing him enough to finally sleep.

I will protect you.

. . . .

Steven awoke to an unfamiliar ceiling, his limbs heavy as he willed himself to sit up. Looking down at his hands, he met the white of familiar gloves. So he was still suited up, why though?

"Marc? Jake?" He whispered, looking around the room, his eyes landed on the small mirror.

'¿Qué? ¿Steven?' Jake's voice was groggy, he seemed to have just woken up as well.

"Where are we? What happened?"

'No lo sé todo, pero Marc se cayó al mar antes y fue entonces cuando me adelanté.' 'I don't know everything, but Marc fell into the ocean earlier and that's when I fronted.' He winced, Steven sharing the expression.

"Bollocks, Marc's not going to front for a while."

Jake nodded, 'Estamos en la torre de los imbéciles, después de que el pánico y la adrenalina se agotaron no pude mantenerme despierto.' 'We're in the asshole tower, after the panic and adrenaline ran out I couldn't stay awake.'

Steven glared at the other, "So, in other words…We're at the Avenger's tower?" He spoke slowly.

Jake nodded as Steven's mouth hung open, "Bloody hell! I can't go out there, I'm gonna make a right ol' bloody fool outta myself!" He held the sides of his head.

'Idiota.' Rolling his eyes, 'Déjenme entonces al frente si están tan preocupados.' 'Let me front then if you're so worried.'

"No! I'd rather embarrass myself than let you pick a fight and insult them."

'No iba a…' 'I wasn't going to…'

Steven raised an eyebrow at the other, completely unconvinced.

"Moon Knight, there will be a debriefing in the conference room in twenty minutes." A voice suddenly startled him, fumbling off the bed, he grumbled as Jake laughed at him.

"Alrigh fine, I do think it'd be best if you front during the debriefing." Steven conceded, " As long as you don't pick any fights, and you're only allowed to insult them if it's appropriate."

'Para mí es suficiente.' 'Good enough for me.'

. . . .

Jake blinked a few times, trying to clear the spots from his vision as he stood up. He looked at Steven in the mirror for a moment before walking out of the room, a hallway greeted him on the other side. Glancing down the two pathways, he turned right, making his way to the open living room. It was, unsurprisingly, empty. He stopped mid step, eyes landing on the kitchen fridge. His stomach growled right on que, he didn't know how long it had been since they'd eaten, which is why he didn't even try to stop himself as he stalked over to it.

'Mate, shouldn't we ask before taking anything?' Steven chimed in, frowning in the fridges reflection.

"Uno: tengo hambre, dos: probablemente haya algo aquí, tres: tienen dinero, cuatro: Me importa una mierda." "One: I'm hungry, two: there's probably something in here, three: they have money, four: I don't give a shit." He spoke disinterestedly.

Swinging the door open, his eyes scanned over the blank space and some food that was far few inbetween. He decidedly grabbed the pizza box, since it was the only one not marked with a name. He was highly disappointed though upon opening it and finding only one measly slice of pepperoni and some crumbs.

'Boy, that's a bit underwhelming, innit?'

"Eso es decir poco." "That's saying little." Jake sighed.

Frowning, he reluctantly picked up the slice, bandages receding from his mouth as he took a bite. Tossing the pizza box away and grabbing the only cola left in the fridge, he strolled into the conference room. Pizza crust half hanging out of his mouth as he cracked open the cola, brushing of the eyes on him as he sat at the far end. Finishing off the crust before chugging the drink, setting the empty can down on the table before propping his feet up beside it. Finally turning his attention to the group as the bandages returned over his mouth, the room was silent as everyone simply stared. Thankfully, the silence was broken by "Culo de hierro" as Jake likes to call him.

"Alright, if everyone is ready. Let's go over the details of last night's mission." Stark's eyes narrowed at him specifically, attention soon turning to Cap. "Steve, if you would kindly start?"

The red white and blue suited man nodded, "We split up from Natasha after she told us our plan of action, it was going smoothly, then we both split up and entered different warehouses. There were only a few thugs in the one I entered, and when I left, I only saw Moon Knight falling into the water."

Stark nodded before everyone's attention turned to Jake, "Fill in the blanks? Oh, I should mention that the man you faced was enhanced , which is why you got throttled so hard."

Jake blinked, gaze drifting to the table to see Steven watching pensively. 'Enhanced? Like, genetically, experimentally modified?' He blanched.

He sighed internally, 'Khonshu?' he waited a few moments, unsurprisingly unsuccessful. He returned his eyes to the still staring group, mustering up his best Marc accent. "Can't remember."

The others blinked, Clint opening his mouth first. "Wait, I'm sorry. Did you just say you can't remember?" His eyes widened.

"Did you hit your head?" Stark's brows furrowed worriedly, "We couldn't properly check before because the suit wouldn't come off, you didn't forget who you are, did you?"

Jake rolled his eyes, "No, idiota , I don't hold those memories."

He saw Steven facepalm through the corner of his eye, 'Mate, it still sounds like you hit your head and forgot.' He sighed.

Shaking his head, Jake groaned in annoyance. " Khonshu , esto es cosa de Marc no mía, nunca estuve de acuerdo con ninguna parte de esto. Ni ahora, ni cuando conocimos a estos idiotas, ni mucho menos antes." " Khonshu , this is Marc's thing not mine, I never agreed to any part of this. Not now, not when we first met these idiots, and certainly not before."

Rubbing his temple, he slid his feet off of the table, elbows propping up on it instead. Watching the confused eyes flicking between him and the others.

"Ughhh, mind repeating that? Maybe in English? Por favor?" Stark improperly pronounced.

Jake glared at the culo de hierro, "Marc isn't here right now." He put it simply, although not simply enough because they seemed even more confused.

"O—kayyy, are you Khonshu then?"

Jake didn't even bother stifling the laugh, turning to Steven as he pointed at Stark, forced accent dropping as he spoke. "Eh, eh. Steven, ¿puedes creerlo? ¿Yo, Khonshu? ¿Parece que tengo un cráneo de pájaro por cabeza? ¿Realmente cree que soy una paloma que hace berrinches?"

Steven was covering his mouth as he chuckled, shaking his head at Jake's words.

—"Hey, hey. Steven, can you believe it? Me, Khonshu? Do I look like I have a bird skull for a head? Does he really think I'm a tantrum throwing pigeon?"

The Ai translated, blinking stupidly, Jake looked up as his lips downturned. "¡Eh! Eso no está bien, deja que un hombre tenga sus secretos."

—"Hey! That's not nice, let a man have his secrets."

"There shouldn't be any secrets here, we can't work together if we can't trust you. So just tell us, in English please." Cap said in a firm voice, tone soft.

Jake rolled his eyes, "¿Se supone que debo confiar en ustedes, contarles todo y no recibir nada a cambio? La confianza es una calle de dos sentidos, y hasta ahora, ninguno de los dos ha sido pavimentado para encontrarse en el medio."

—"I'm just supposed to trust you guys, tell you everything and get nothing in return? Trust is a two way street, and so far, neither have been paved to meet in the middle."

They exchanged glances, Stark sighing as he crossed his arms. "You're right, but there's not much to give. You know most of not all of our names, and we trusted you not to tell anyone about P—Spiderman."

Jake scoffed "Siempre hay algo que dar, pero te pido que creas en nosotros. Sinceramente me importa una mierda tu identidad. Me estáis pidiendo que os cuente algo personal que por mi parte no quiero compartir, ¿cómo os sentiríais si llegara a vuestra casa y empezara a recoger todos los objetos y destrozara el lugar para encontrar vuestros secretos?"

—"There is always something to give, but I'm asking you to believe in us. I could honestly give less of a shit about your identities. You're asking me to tell you something personal that I for one do not want to share, how would you feel if I came to your house and started picking up every item and tore up the place to find your secrets?"

Natasha's brow furrowed, "Who's 'us'?"

"¿Eso es lo único que has sacado de mis palabras?"

—" That's the only thing you took from my words?"

She shrugged as Jake sighed, "Yes, us. Marc, Steven, and me."

Stark latched on and Jake swears he's never doing this again, he'd switch with Steven but the little shit left him. "So who are you? And why are there three people? Does Khonshu just have multiple avatars and you guys switch every once in a while?"

Jake would love to just leave it at that, but he's heard Steven rant about how god's can only have one avatar, and that it wouldn't be good for any god and said avatars to be caught. He definitely doesn't want to think about what it might lead to if he lets them believe that and tell other people.

"No, gods can only have one Avatar. If any god was caught having more than one, they'd end up dealing with grave consequences."

Stark frowned, "Alright, then answer me. Who are you and the other two?"

Jake let the suit recede as he watched the others eyes widen—aside from Widow—"Jake Lockley, displeasure to meet you. My friends are unfortunately absent, but Lockley's questionnaire is open for temporary business."

"Vamos a divertirnos~"

Wrote this from 1-5 am three day’s ago, continued it from 3-7 am today, so I was/am understandably tired as hell. I was gonna post before but decided to wait and write more before as it was only at 1.4k words previously. So enjoy! (Not beta read, lemme know for mistakes! I’m gonna suffocate under my covers now.)

(Google) TS:

Mierda - Shit

Que - Huh?

culo de hierro - Iron asshole

Vamos a divertirnos - “Let’s have some fun.”

DakotaInExilecreators' thoughts