
To The Mutt Pitt and Back

"Welcome to the Mutt Pitt ladies and gentleman! Tonight is gonna be wild and ferocious! The most hyped up match of Mutt Pit history...Juseo, Mutt Pits rising star and king of the self made Dog fighting style! And his oppenent..."

'Would you just shut the hell up already, this guy is gonna give me a damn headache.'

I sigh to myself, letting out some of my frustration.

Here I sit. Waiting to fight in this underground fighting pit. The most famous of them all and I'm it's champion.

I've been living in this hell hole for years on end. Fighting for others and just trying to survive.

I used to be happy. In fact I was in a successful boy band. Getting here in this shit hole is one hell of a story.

The peaceful and happy life to unending torture. The tattoos they force onto fighters, the lashings we get just because our owners are angry. The injuries we get from fighting to the death. The people we have to kill with our bear hands.

'I've felt empty for a few years now. This fight will be my last, I'm sick of it all.'

I stand up and start walking towards the arena, sliding on my 'Mutt Mask'.

I see my opponent staring me down as I exit. The most hyped up fight in history, yet we're dressed like animals. Only a set amount of cloth around our waste to conceal ourselves. Everything else is skin. Either to show off our tattos or our scars.

I can see the fury in his eyes, he wants to win. He wants to live.

'I'll be dying with you, I hope that'll ease your sorrow after death.'

"...and now our fighters will have a nice heart to heart! Come on now little mutts!" The announcer shouts gleefully.

'You're enjoying this...you sick bastard'

My opponent takes a few steps towards me.

"This is the end of the line 'Wolf King'. Even if you are a wolf my style will prevail in the end. I'm the dog king, and tonight I will kill this rabid wolf, once and for all!!" He shouts out at the crowd while saying the last part.

"You're too cocky. You made it this far by sheer luck. I'll put you in the ground where you belong. Dogs like you deserve to be in cages but I'll send you straight to hell." I tell him.

I can tell he's angry, his body language practically gives it away. He doesn't retort but instead just nods.

"So you know who I am then?" He asks.

"I do. Juseon Motoro, the serial killer who only targets children." I tell him grievously, clenching my fists.

"Pffhahaha, aw damn. You got me, the infamous serial killer. Man It's nice to know I'm still famous. Wanna know something? Their screams were so damn invigorating! Every single time I cut or shot one of them they would scream so loudly. It was so plea-"

I cut him off, throwing a single punch into his gut at record speeds.

He gasps for air and collapses to the ground.The crowd around me gasps in shock, and I look up towards them. Even through their masks I can tell they're confused.

I start walking around Juseon, circling him.

"Curious on what just happened? It seems no one realized I started my pulling my punches last year." I say, loud enough so the crowd can hear clearly.

I stop and stand in place, scanning the people in the crowd.

"I've been doing this for a little over a decade people. These are fights to the death and I've been through so much fighting that no one will ever be at my level." I tell them smugly.

'It feels nice talking like this. Even if I'm not exactly having a conversation this fells nice. I feel like I haven't had a conversation with someone in centuries.'

Juseon tries to get up but I kick him in the back of the neck.

"I'm a broken record yet you all can't get enough of me. Well how about this...I'm done. I will not fight in this hell hole any longer. Don't think I'm joking either."

I place my hand on top of the Mutt Mask on my face. I look down at the ground and pull the mask away from me. Showing my face to the man at my feet.

Looking down at the mask I caress the front of it before I throw it towards the other side of the pit.

I stand there in silence, along with the crowd.

After a few seconds I raise my head. Showing my face to every person willing to look.

There was a few secoof silence before all around me I hear people start to gasp.

"Wasn't he one of the lead singers in a boy band? The one that went missing? He was the most famous missing persons case in the country..." I hear someone in the crowd murmur.

I smile when I hear this.

'I'm glad someone here remembers me. Then this wasn't for nothing, I'll finally be able to escape today...'

I start crying at the thought of finally escaping this hell. As I stand there my legs start to give out and I fall to my knees.

'Stop crying damn it...you still got a job to do. I need to do one last thing before I die.'

I try to contain my composure and stand up, looking at the man who's currently stumbling to his feet.

He looks in my direction and falls back down.

"You're scum...and you're going to pay for what you've done." I tell him.

He starts to back away from me, still heaving from the punch I gave him.

"You have no right to kill me! You've killed people to so you have no right to judge me!" He shouts, fear practically pouring out of his words.

I look at him with disdain.

"I don't care what you have to say, I'm going to kill you because I want too. I'm a killer, not some justice warrior." I tell him.

He starts quivering out of fear. He stumbles over himself and slams back down on his head, making the mask fall off his face.

As soon as I see the fear on his face I smile, my teeth revealing themselves.

"How does it feel being someone else's prey? This is what you get for targeting innocent kids, you sick bastard."

He whimpers, crawling away from me as fast as he can.

"Someone help me! Please! I'll do anything! Please help me! HELP ME!!!" He yells.

The crowd just stares, with no reaction at all.

I slam my foot onto his back and hear a loud crack as he gasps for air once again. He starts to clutch his chest.

I kneel down, leaning down and putting my face right next to his.

"You have nothing to offer them. They came here to see someone die, and I'm here to deliver. It's about time you died." I whisper to him.

He's whimpering out of fear and pain. He crawls up from the ground and kowtowing at my feet, begging for his life.

"I promise I won't do it ever again! Please let me li-" I cut him off, putting my foot on his neck and slamming his face down to the ground.


He tries to get up again but kick him in the side of the head, hitting him directly in the temple. He immediately slumps down and falls unconscious.

I look up towards the crowd. "You all are no worse than him. You watched as we killed others just to live in a cage. I hope the rest of your lives are painful, like mine has been." I tell them.

I look at the exit of the arena I came out of. Expecting to see someone walk out, but no one does.

I look back towards the crowd.

"I've been trapped here for 13 years. Fighting for my life every other day. I used to be happy. I used to be someone, but I'm no longer the person some of you have come to recognize. Even being in a boy band and being so popular...no one came to save me. I don't care what any of your motives are. You are still murderers. You watched as we bled and you smiled. You're all weak, and you'll always be weak." I tell them.

I notice a few of them tense up while the rest keep composure. I look at the exit again, waiting for someone to walk out, but again no one does.

I look back towards the crowd and nod at them.

"I will give you this last act of entertainment. In return, all I ask is that you remember me. All that I've done and said in this short match and who I used to be." I tell them, mustering a lighthearted grin.

Very few of them acknowledge what I said. Only one or two even manage to nod at me.

I sigh to myself 'That's good enough.'

I look back down at Juseon. 'Someone waited 9 months and they got this monster as a son. What a sad result.'

I grab him and wrap my around his head, getting a firm grip...and twist violently. A loud crack echoes throughout the pit, as the lifeless body of Juseon Motoro hits the ground.

I look towards the exit one last time...and see two men clad in suits, walking towards me.

The crowd gasps and stares at the men as they approach me.

"Well, ladies and gentleman. It's about time I take my leave." I turn and look at the men approaching me. "Come on you two, make it quick. Just do it here, I don't mind." I tell them.

'One of the main rules in the Mutt Pit is to never remove your mask during a match, and to never let your mask be destroyed. The mask symbolizes a leash for all fighters. In this pit, life has a leash on you. So if you remove that leash or the leash is destroyed, then life can no longer hold onto you. Therefore you will be killed, just like I'm going to die now.'

I sigh as the men start to draw guns out of their suit jackets. I take a step towards them and kneel down, accepting my fate.

Only one if them piints their gun at me. He tenses on the trigger but seems to hesitate.

"Sorry for this, young wolf." He says in a sad tone.

He stares me dead in the eye. He studies my face and I swear I see tears start to form in his eyes but he looks away.

His finger tenses on the trigger and then... everything turns black. My mind...feels at ease.