
chapter 47: Peppermint oil

A girl with big doe eyes limp her way towards the gate as her healing properties could only heal so much she still had strained muscles that made it painful to move. She can endure the pain and pretend that everything is okay but what was the fun of that?

She wasn't a masochist who enjoy being in pain. This doe eyes brunette clothing is in tatters which display scars and open wounds that had yet to heal. She forcefully stopped her healing ability as she didn't want to go on another murderous rampage from hunger once more.

This injured deer person was no other than Dyllis the Wendigo, A sudden thought came to mind 'if they heal me with holy magic wouldn't that just reverse the effects since I'm a monster of the dark?' She stopped at what she was up to and decided to change her plans.

She gritted her shark-like teeth together in frustration as she tried to straighten out her posture while limping slightly less than before. Dyllis felt grimey and disgusting As the dried blood covered her from head to. It felt like dried mud was sticking to her very pours but at least the blood should come off easily unlike mud.

Dyllis approach the front entrance with a limp in her step as her body scream in agony from the strain she had put on her muscles. The friendly but sweaty beast human guard looked at Dyllis with concern "Do you need a healer?" he asked with slight worry lace in his tone. Dyllis's lips twitch up slightly "no but are there any herb Shops in the city?" She spoke dryly.

The beast human guard nodded as his donkey tail flickered "The herb shops are always by flower beds for some reason, so if you want to find one go look for flower beds" He gave an eerily smile as he sketches the back of his head. Dyllis sighed as she limped her way inside as she carefully looked around for an abundance of flowerbeds.

As she casually limped around a few people who offer to help support her, Dyllis politely rejected them as she is afraid of them finding out that she didn't have a pulse. Dyllis is classified as an undead, which means her body is as cold as a corpse and she had a slight stench of rotten flesh. Of course, her body functions still work but her heart remained unmoving, she felt like nature had engulfed her heart some time ago leaving a replacement.

A thought had emerged from her mind as she thought about the upcoming war 'Can I grant others of the Wendigo fever spells to a few of my clansmen?' She stopped limping for a moment before tossing that thought aside 'I will ask the system later' as she dismissed the troubling thought she continued on her quest to find one of the many herb shops.

Soon enough she found a small shop that had a bunch of weird-looking flowers planted in the flowerbeds and flower pots as the green cobblestone building had some moss hanging from the roof. The place reminded her a bit of a flourishing shop she had seen once in the big city. She limped her way towards the colourful glass door and enter the shop.

Once she entered the shop she felt a sudden change in the air as an overwhelming aroma flooded her delicate smelling senses, she leaned up against the wall for support as a person quickly came over with a cloth mask. Dyllis took the mask and put it on her face as she felt less dizzy as all of the overwhelming aromas disappeared as quickly as they had first come.

"Ma'am welcome to the holy sister's herb shop how may I help you?" the person asks once Dyllis regained her bearings, Dyllis shook her head to clear her cloudy thoughts. Dyllis open her mouth as she spoke "I was wondering if you carry any peppermint oils?" Dyllis ask the shop helper, the person smiled politely as she walked towards the back of the shop, Dyllis waited by the back entrance as the being came out with a jar of light green fluid.

"This is our last jar of peppermint oil, miss you are very lucky we still had one in stock" they spoke as they went behind the counter jar in hand. A small woman rest peacefully with her head on the countertop, the assistant nudges the woman over with her elbow as she proceeded to do her job. Dyllis smiled at the lady who put the peppermint oil in a little green bag that had vines covering a cross 'must have been made with Magic's she thought as she intaken the bag cute design "That will be 3 silver coins ma'am" Dyllis pulled out a money pouch as she made a show of taking three silver coins out.

The clerk waited patiently as the coins got passed over to her as Dyllis put away her money pouch. She picked up the bag by its dried grass handles "I hope you come by soon again ma'am" The clerk bid her fair wells as Dyllis limped out of the establishment. Dyllis took off the mask and put it in her inventory for later use as she made her way to a guild to a booked room.

Once she enters her room she peeled her tattered and blood-stained clothes off as she went towards the bath. She put the bag on the counter as she runs the water not long after soaking in it and cleaning the dry-up blood off her body and out of her hair. After her soak she dry off with a towel as she found a robe and put it on to cover her strong lanky frame.

Dyllis pulled out their torso and started eating as her stomach growled in protest, after a good twenty minutes of eating her stomach finally calmed down she washes her hands and mouth before taking the peppermint oil jar out of the bag.

The wounds that didn't fully heal before start healing at a rapid paste only leaving behind scabs she flicks them off which just left greyish skin. Dyllis brought the peppermint oil for a reason as she had muscles pains it is believed that peppermint oil can help.

Dyllis wobbled over to the bed as she plopped herself down as her body screamed in pain and bliss, she opened up the jar and dip her fingers in as she proceeded to rub the oil over her aching calf's and thighs as well as a few parts of her arms and torso. She closed the jar once more ask she finally relaxed on the bed going into a deep sleep.

As she slept the peppermint oil worked its magic on reducing the muscle pain almost entirely getting all of the muscle strain. Dyllis found herself sitting at the small table along with the Ai who quietly seemed to be writing something.

"System I have a question for you" Dyllis started as the Ai program glanced at Dyllis before continuing what it was doing "What is it host?" it asks as it kept on steadily writing "Can a few of my clanmates Wield the power to turn others into Wendigo's?" She asks cautiously not sure how the system would respond or act.

It remains quiet as it stops writing a thoughtful expression appeared on its program face "Yes after certain conditions are met host" it went back to work after answering the question "What are the requirements for this to happen?" Dyllis ask as the system AI image stop on what it was doing again.

"Classmates have to earn a special feat or title" it paused before it continues to speak "After they earn this title or feat host can upgrade their position in the clan heritage" it went quiet once more. Dyllis let all of this new information sink in before she covered her face "Wait you mean there are different types of roles in my clan? And that I can only change their roles once they had earned a feat or title" she spoke out loud to herself astonished by this discovery.

"Affirmative" The Ai finished on what it was doing and stared at Dyllis "Can you tell me more about the heights?" Dyllis asked wondering what roles she could put her minions into. The system's eyes sparkled for a moment before explaining…


System Menu

Name: Dyllis Smallwood

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Race: Human (Low-Grade Wendigo)

Level: 40


Strength: C

Speed: C

Defence: C+

Magic Pool: (C+)

Luck: F+

Attribute: Dark magic

System points: 93

Skills: Great Sense of Smell (max), Slash (max), Bite(max), Mimic(max), Wendigo Fever(Max), Body advancement lvl1, Fist fighting lvl2, Abyss Hand, Abyss Cloak.

I am putting her stats at the bottom of each chapter for now on

Bao_Karencreators' thoughts