
chapter 2

Victoria Pieces looked at her daughter with strange eye seeing her happy for some reason, Aquarius always been very mature child, maybe it because of their absin parenting because jobs or her own personality, she always been very independent, but when happy and exciting it always show on her face unlike when she upset, she always expressless.

Victoria love her daughter but sometimes her perfectionist, annoying her to no end with always having finish her class work a month in advance or finishing her gymnastics and dance routine , even if she already dead tired, sometimes victoria get Noah to grab her and chuck on the bed to go to sleep.

Victoria looked at her phone and saw a email came through informing her of the time she supposed arrive at hospital, Pennsylvania hospital is one of the top best hospital in usa, it was huge opportunity for her work there.

She and Noah her husband agree for them move, they very fortunate that it bratch at Noah work open up there so they can move without giving up anything, properly the only negotiate is that Aqua moving away from everyone she knows to unfamiliar surrounding with no one but them to reply on, she was totally disagreeing with them at the start until they had bribed her with things, one is homeschooled as she says school takes up to much time and boring, since she skipping two grade, she in grade 7 three years above her age group, another is a having a swimming pool & gym & dance studio and gymnastics area at home they purchased, lucky for them they found one with all of them already fitted, and finally a dog, Aqua always wanted one but they didn't agree as she to young and Lily her sister in law already busy looking after her, but seeing as she already old enough they a agree when get their thing sort at Pennsylvania, Pittsburgh they adopted one.

After replying to her email, she got in the car glance behind her seeing her daughter closing her eye, looking a asleep.

Aqua is mix of both of her and her husband, taking all their best features, with her dirty blond hair, unturned nose and natural pink lips, and her husband sharp gray-blue eyes, his perfect lips. Overall she very beautiful little girl.

Victoria and her husband Noah are very good- looking individuals, with her tall and slim figure, short blond hair and blue eye. Her husband is tall and toned with light brown hair and gray-blue eye, so they baby won't be ugly in anyway.

Noah looked at his wife and daughter in fonds, hoping that the move will bring in good things, he tell Aqua still a bit unset for parting away for everyone she knows specially Tate her best friend who she knows since baby because his bestfriends with tod McRae.

While they didn't spend all day togather they very close doing dance together, playing pranks or shopping with lily and Tate mom.

He park up at the airport tell his wife and daughter to get ready, after making sure they got everything ready, they went in, lucky they didn't have wait long much longer whey called in, his always had strong sense time already being on time not to late or to early.

15 Hour and 5 minutes later


Noah looked for his Sister after getting their luggage , their only three bags with their essentials because most of their thing have moved before.

Lily agree help make sure everything sort at their new house by the time they got there, which helped a lot.

Lily is his sister who really love Aqua like her own daughter in away she is with how long they spend together, she looked after Aqua and write her own stories, she well know children author.

Noah spot her black hair get his family to follow after they all hugged her get in lily cars as they drive to their new home, 4 hours later they at the new home, it close to their workplace.

Plus his sister found new dance studios, gymnastics clubs and swimming pools near, they supposed have meeting all tommow to see which ones Aqua wants, all three of them are going, then afterwards if they got enough time they go to an animal centre for aquarius to choose a dog. Then the day afterwards they both going to their workplace to get familia while Aqua starters for class at home, it good thing they got it all sorted before they left all need to do it learn information now.

Noah could help wipe his head at the time packed schedule not day is spared for all of them sometimes he wish his daughter didn't have so many interests, they very lucky they got Lily he wouldn't feel safe leave her with strangers.

Lily excitingly shows the house they her family, specially swimming pool & dance studio and gymnastics area and finally Aqua new room, her and Victoria special designed it for her.

Aqua has totally of two room, one for her wardrobe and other thing and other her bedroom with a bathroom suite, her room was decorated in white & blue & green and purple.

With Aqua happy squeal, she can tell they did a brilliant job, after make sure everything ok she let the rest before she goes back to her room, she needs read up on Abby Lee for tommow, she mostly read about her achievements before.