
System in Attack on Titan

Eren after losing almost everything is determined to keep everything he has, and in his eyes it is Mikasa. And he'll do anything, even killing those close...

AlexWebNovel · Derivasi dari game
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11 Chs

Who's the Hunter?

Outside of the Trost District, there is a carriage traveling slowly by horse away from the wall.

And inside the carriage, was Eren, the man with the Rifle next to Eren, the soldier across the two, and the two others were at the front with the horse. 

The man with the Rifle called, Albert was explaining to Eren how the gun works and how it is fired. He also attempted to fix the Rifle that Eren was now holding while explaining the mechanics of the Rifle.

[Skill Gained!

Rifle Engineer Lv0 = Increases knowledge, efficiency, and speed in creating, dismembering, and repairing any Rifle by 10%


Almost immediately the knowledge he had about this Rifle increased, it had almost made Eren jump in discomfort but he held it in. So as the man was showing Eren the working Rifle and how it worked, Eren attempted with a small stick and rock he had found.

What Eren was doing was a solution that should only last until the end of their hunting trip but would at least increase their chances of hunting more.

And with a sudden click, the lever-type handle opened dropping the casing to the ground. And Albert, the Soldier, and the man sitting beside the driver started clapping.

"Well done, little man!" Albert said, scratching Eren's head aggressively.

"Because you fixed it, I'll let you fire a bullet from it. How's that sound?" Eren only looked at Albert, before nodding in agreement. He would then slot the casing back in and close the handle.

[Rugger no.1 Rifle: Normal

It is a hammerless falling-block single-shot rifle. 

Quality: 65% 

{It was a scuffed fixed, however, the Rifle can now be operated as intended but will be easier to damage, rendering the gun unusable.}

Features: None

INFO: .25-06 REM Caliber, 1 Round Capacity, 2.4 Barrel Length, 8.6 LBS, and Iron Sights with a lever action reload.


Seeing this Eren agreed with the sheet of paper and laid the gun next to the backpack he was using, and over time they arrived at a forest. Not the Titan Forest, another one with slightly smaller to or half their size. Here they could find the animals they wanted because of Titans not being found.

Realistically speaking, they should be hunting in the dark, however, they were sent out at day time to either get food for higher-ranked officers or slowly take away unnecessary people. Even after sending 'Operation to retake Wall Maria' they still had a shortage of supplies and the officers were very greedy and just wanted to stuff their faces with food.

An hour into the ride, they arrive at the forest and they dismount, while one of the men stays behind to keep the carriage and horse safe. And into the forest by foot, Eren was holding the Rifle like Albert as Albert explained different signs of animals.

And after an hour, the 4 of them see a deer in the distance and all of them crouch behind trees. Albert waved Eren towards himself and when he came close he pulled Eren in front of him, he helped Eren raise the Rifle and aim at the deer.

"Eren, when you've found the right angle to hit its heart, you breathe in, hold your breath, and then pull the trigger," Albert whispered, Eren did as told.

Aimed at the chest and slowly crawled his iron sight toward the deer's heart, he felt his sweat down his face as his adrenalin pulsed in his veins, he breathed slowly, grasped his breath, waited for a second to confirm his aim, and squeezed his right hand squeezing the trigger.


A silent but audible bang came out of Eren's gun, the recoil barely shook his arms, and the deer seemed to jump and run before face-planting into the ground, dead.

Immediately all 3 men jumped up.

"Yeah!!" The men ran and brought Eren into a hug, before pulling him towards the deer.

"Look, little man! You did it!" Albert praised, and the man with a hunting dagger passed it to Eren.

"Come on, I'll teach you to cut the antlers, and when we get back to the Wall. I'll show you how to skin it." He spoke, patting Eren's back before showing him how to cut the antlers.

In Eren's backpack, there were two 1ft multi-spiked antlers, and on the man's back was the dead deer that had been blooded. They then proceeded to walk towards the carriage, having a light chat and laughing.



Then almost immediately Albert grabbed Eren's arm and he and the others bolted off toward the carriage and afterward, the booming started following faster and faster. Eren then looked behind himself and saw an 8-meter blonde Titan walking after them, his heart skipped, and continued to run faster with the others.

The soldier then jumped and used his ODM gear to zip forward then circled to slice the Titan's ankles, tripping it then jumped and cut its nape killing it. However, instead of celebrating he yelled.

"Keep moving! There's more!" 

Hearing this all of them continued running while hearing more booms behind them, they would finally arrive at the location where the carriage is. Everyone jumped in and Albert slapped his back.

"GO! GO! GOOO!" The driver slapped the horse's reins into a sprint, and Eren then looked at the piece of paper flapping in front of him.

[Gained 10 Gold Pieces, due to killing a Medium Prey Animal.]

[Title Gained!

Hunter = Double the amount of Gold gained after killing anything you've hunted


[Skill Gained!

Rifle Training Lv0 = Increases accuracy, stability, and aiming speed while also decreasing reload speed by 10%


[Skill Gained!

Concentration Lv0 = On activation allows the user to concentrate 10% more effectively for 10 SP every 10 seconds


Eren then looked at the back of the carriage to see a Titan, but not any Titan. This one was crawling on all fours and charging quite fast.

It was abnormal.