
The generation shock

Kong's roar wakes a man in Marineford. The man is Borsalino, aka Kizaru, one of the three admirals of the Marines. He lifts his sleep blindfold and stands up. He comes out of his office and looks towards the origin of the blush. The roar comes from the general direction of Mary Geoise. So he decides to go and see. He walks down the halls and comes out onto an outdoor terrace. On the terrace, he meets his fellow admirals, Issho or Fujitora, holder of Zushi Zushi no mi and Ryokugyu, owner of a mythical zoan, the Hito Hito no mi model: Niu Mowang.

"The roar is from Mary Geoise. Who wants to go?" Ryokugyu lazily asks.

"I think I should go. I'm the fastest of us." Kizaru answers slowly. Fujitora says nothing but throws dice on a table beside him. Kizaru seeing this, bursts into a ray of light towards Mary Geoise. Ryokugyu sat down at the table where Fujitora rolls his dice and picks them up.

"What are the dice telling you?" he asks, playing with his last.

"That luck is not with us."

Ryokugyu responds to Fujitora's beliefs but is interrupted by a running marine and forcefully pushing through the patio door.

"Sir, emergency !!!"

"Mary Geoise is under attack !!"

"They are asking the Marines to come and help them!"

Ryokugyu drops the dice upon hearing the Marine and glances at Fujitora.

"Who is attacking the GM?" Fujitora asks, resting on his sword.

"[The Devil of the Seven Seas], Seth." answers the worried marine.

The two admirals look at each other and acquire a serious face, losing any lazy and interested expressions they had.

"Come on, Kizaru won't be a match for Seth."

Fujitora gets up and walks towards the barrier of the terrace. A quake is felt, and a mound of the earth rises in the air. He climbs on it, and the mound accelerates towards Mary Geoise. Ryokugyu sighs and jumps and uses a mix of Soru and Geppo to fly through the air.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~

Kizaru appears in the airs of Mary Geoise, stepping on a solid plate of light. He sees gorillas creating chaos in Mary Geoise and part of the frozen [Pangaea Castle]. Knowing that the frost is due to Aokiji, he decides to take care of the gorillas through Mary Geoise.

Kizaru moves above the gorillas in one of the town squares. He opens his arms, making him shine.

"Yasakani no Magatama," Kizaru said, shooting countless destructive beams of light at the gorillas. The beams kill most of the gorillas, which are weak, but some larger ones just aren't hurt by Kizaru's attack.

"Ohh, Ohh, you're tougher than you looked," observes Borsalino.

"You don't have to do too much damage, or it'll be awkward," he said with his lazy voice.

The gorillas surviving Kizaru's attack try to attack him but cannot as he is too high in the sky and no tall building to climb on. So these smart gorillas pick up items and start throwing them at Kizaru.

"Be careful. You can hurt someone with this." Kizaru doesn't bother to dodge and lets the items reach him. Of course, objects pass through Kizaru, logia, and can only be hit with haki or seastone. Kizaru stays in the sky and decides to kill the gorillas one by one with a sufficiently powerful attack.

Kizaru raises his hands and points his ten fingers at the monkeys.

"Ten no yubi" ten lasers shoot from his fingers and explode on the ground near or after passing through the gorillas. Kizaru repeats the attack to finish off the last gorillas in the area.

"Fortunately, everyone is at [Pangaea Castle] for Levely. Otherwise, heavenly dragons will die, and GM will be boring with it.

Kizaru transforms into a ray of light and flies to the next area where the gorillas put the souk but are intercepted by a fist imbued with khaki, which causes him to crash into a building.

"oh, oh, that hit hurts," Kizaru said, wiping the blood from his lip. He gets up from the debris and looks at the building in front of him. On the roof is a tall, muscular, tanned older man with a light beard and a scar on his eye. The man has gray hair and blue eyes. He wears a red tropical shirt with light shorts and sandals. The man is a former Vice-Admiral of the Navy and his hero, Monkey D Garp.

"Old man, what are you doing here? You are retired, and why are you attacking the World Government." Kizaru knows he's not as strong as Garp. He can only rely on his top speed thanks to the Pika Pika no mi. But if he doesn't have enough power to get through Garp's defense, speed is of no use to him.

Even if Kizaru is lazy and slow, he is not an idiot on the contrary. He knows that if Garp is here, it is not to visit the place, whereas, during his service, he did everything to avoid setting foot on Mary Geoise.

Kizaru must buy some time while Fujitora and Ryokugyu arrive. Between them, they can beat Garp and defend Mary Geoise.

"Nothing, a kid like you, should take care of. Go back to Marineford and stay there. It's not your fight." Garp said seriously.

Kizaru raised his eyebrows at Garp's words and tone. He had never seen Garp so serious except maybe when Ace was on the firing squad. He deduces that what is happening is very important and that the enemy has managed to convince Garp to go against GM. This is not easy because even if Garp shows his aversion to GM, he is one of the most exemplary navies and hates pirates who loot, rape, burn towns for fun. Garp knows GM is not all pink, but it keeps most of the population safe.

So Garp didn't do anything to go against GM, but now Garp is going against GM, which means the person attacking Mary Geoise is very powerful, persuasive, and he has a plan to replace GM. Kizaru is thinking about people who can do this, and there is only one person that comes to mind, Seth the [Devil of the Seven Seas] or [The Eternal Angel] as the people call him.

The situation is much worse than he thought. If Seth attacks Mary Geoise, he won't leave without accomplishing his goal. At the end of that day, either Seth is dead, or the GM is destroyed.

"Garp, I know you don't like GM, but if Seth destroys it, chaos will follow for many years to come. Without control, piracy will proliferate, and everything we've known until now will truly be the golden age of piracy! Kizaru loses his temper, thinking about the consequences of GM's demise. Even though his justice lies between Akainu and Aokiji, he has become a marine to protect the others.

"I know all of this, but you think someone like Seth hasn't thought about it. You think he hasn't planned something to make it happen. You think he hasn't planned what to do after GM is gone. Let me tell you you're wrong. He planned the next few years and how to replace GM. Now, if you want to fight, that's what I'm here for. " Garp replied with a serious voice and a stern face.

Kizaru doesn't respond and attacks Garp. He keeps his distance and continues to fire lasers in her direction. He knows that if Garp touches him, he will end up seriously injured.

Suddenly, Garp is crushed to the ground by a purple gravitational field. He does not have time to get up as a demonic-looking bull charges him. The Taurus throws Garp into the buildings behind him as he passes through. Fujitora and Ryokugyu place themselves at Kizaru's side.

"You tell us what's going on."

"Why are you fighting Garp when we have other things to do."

"Seth convinced Garp to help him destroy GM," Kizaru said to his colleagues.

Ryokugyu and Fujitora understand the situation and decide to fight Garp three-on-one to finish him off quickly and help fight Seth.

Garp comes out of the debris and looks at the admirals of this generation. Without a word, he attacks Fujitora. He knows that Kizaru is too fast and that Ryokugyu only has brute strength. Fujitora is awkward with the control he has over his Devil Fruit.

Garp's main focus is on Fujitora, which means Fujitora is more injured than the other admirals. Ryokugyu decides to end it and transforms into his hybrid form. He becomes a large humanoid monster with a human body and a hybrid head between a human and a demonic bull. Ryokugyu is holding a huge black and blood-red mace. Fire breaks out around him.

"Extreme: Big Bang" Ryokugyu hurls his sledgehammer at Garp, creating a wave of demonic energy and fire towards Garp. Garp cannot dodge due to attacks from Kizaru and Fujitora. The attack hits Garp and explodes.

A powerful explosion occurred, raising a huge mist of dust. But through this dust, a brilliant light appears. The light shines more and more as the fog descends. To end up showing a giant Daibutsu made of gold.

Everyone knows who this Daibutsu is and that the situation is getting worse and worse.