
Start Of A Night Raid

Benedict, who didn't miss Arthur's moment of irritation, smirked before telling his reason for coming to see the teenage boy.

"I came here to tell you that the Riggs Family is willing to extend our help in your attempt to subjugate one of the Kings of the North," Benedict stated. "I know how Renz operates. I'm sure that he will just wait for the one-month deadline of your competition and play it safe.

"Frankly, I don't blame him for doing so. After all, we just lost many elite soldiers. The loss was not only from the incident that happened a few days ago but also from the previous battles that we waged many years ago.

"The help that the Riggs Family can give you might be limited, but as long as we are able to do it, we will offer our assistance.

"Will this not cause a rift between the Riggs Family and the rest of the Dvalinn Federation?" Thirteen asked.