
In Coma

Ken was already in the front gate of the kingdom when a loud boom sound resounded through the surrounding after the boom sound was heard an earthquake happen. Ken was surprised by what happened when he looked back he saw a mushroom-shaped smoke from afar, then he suddenly thought of Sirius who drew the attention of the tiger. The incident caught a large amount of attention, especially for the royalties.

Of course, Steven and Rudolf also notice the ruckus outside. When they look outside the window, the two of them saw the massive mushroom-shaped smoke from afar. When they saw that the direction of the smoke is Salgab Forest, Rudolf and Steven had a bad feeling about it. They walk to the gate leading to Salgab Forest when they are going outside the gate Steven and Rudolf saw Men. Ken's clothes were all ragged, there is no part of his body that is clean. He looks exactly like a beggar when Ken saw his father and Steven he revealed a joy in his face. Ken ran towards their direction.

"Dad! We must hurry and help Sirius, he is in danger right now!" Ken shouted to his father. His shout attracted the attention of the people nearby and they cast a glance in their direction.

Rudolf and Steven's expression contorted, their bad feeling was right on the spot. Rudolf looks at his son and said.

"Lead the way!"

Ken followed his father's order and start leading the way. Steven followed them quietly but his expression has a trace of coldness in it, he is glaring to Rudolf. Rudolf himself notice the omnibus feeling at his back and he knew that he is to blame if something really happens.

"Stop glaring me like that. I know I was wrong about leaving by their side." Rudolf apologetically said. But his apology was not useful as Steven still didn't stop glaring at him.

"You should wish that nothing happen to Sirius if something really happens to him..." Steven said but he stops midway of his sentence. Steven knew that Rudolf knows what he means so he didn't bother continuing it.

'Why we are heading in that mushroom-shaped smoke?' Steven who is quietly following behind them wonder.

Right Ken is leading them to where the smoke was, he didn't exactly know where Sirius is but he has a feeling that if he goes there he will find Sirius. Ken's feeling was right, Ken, Rudolf, and Steven go to the smoke's direction. In their way they saw a huge space full of a burnt mark and the ground was full craters, one will think is what kind of monster rampage in there. They continue to look for Sirius, Rudolf, Ken, Steven separate to each other to widen their search area. Rudolf is following the trail of burnt marks in the ground, his face has an ugly expression on it as he follows the trail.

As Rudolf continue forward he saw a lying figure in front, the ground where the person lies down was messy. Rudolf saw a massive black crater and near the outskirt of the crater is where the person is, he also saw a mutilated corpse. The corpse was burnt black and it is also not a complete corpse, the corpse is from the dead White-Tiger. Rudolf was shocked when he saw that one of a king in Salgab Forest is burnt black in front of his eyes.

"Cough! Cough!"

Rudolf woke up from his stupor state when he heard the coughing sound and look at the direction where it came from. Then again, he again received a massive surprise because the one coughing is the Sirius, but Sirius condition is not that good either. Sirius is currently unconscious and there is an ugly expression in his face.

Rudolf rushes his way to Sirius, he first checks if the heartbeat is still stable or not. Then he checks for the body if there is a serious injury, Rudolf releases a sigh of relief when he discovered that there is a life-threatening danger for Sirius anymore. But he can't help but wonder why Sirius is having an ugly expression.

Rudolf carried Sirius and look for his son and Steven, he knew that they are still in Salgab forest and didn't know whether the smoke attracted the other kings. Fighting a king in the forest a little bit difficult even if the one fighting was Rudolf. He easily found his son. Ken look at his father's back and notice that his father is carrying Sirius. His face contorted to an ugly expression.

"It's because me being useless! I am just a deadweight for him!" Ken blame himself after seeing Sirius state. Shortly Steven arrived in their spot. He was filled with worry after seeing Sirius ugly expression.

"Huff!" Steven release a sigh of relief when he saw that Sirius was not that serious. Rudolf saw Steven's and also sigh a relief.

"So, what is Sirius' condition?" Rudolf break the silence,

"Not that serious, he just overexerted his body and he used too much mana," Steven answers, he told them that if magician overexerted they're used on their mana, there is a possibility that their untrained body can't take the outcome.

Rudolf suddenly sighs a relief, now that Sirius was okay there will be no problem between him and Steven. Steven and the father-son duo bring Sirius to the kingdom, they plan to invite a doctor to check if there is some inner injury. On their way to the kingdom, they didn't bother the other creature, but they still observed the surrounding. The fact that a king went out in its territory then there is a possibility that other kings went out too.

Steven and the father-son successfully reached the kingdom without meeting an accident, but upon their entry, the castle knights block their way.

A female Knight with a red hair, her hair looks like fire, and her eyes are also red. Anyone can see that the female knight is a passionate person. She approaches them and said.

"Excuse us Duke Sheperd and Duke WinderForg, we would like to ask you to report what you saw in the Forest!"

"Can you please let us take my son to our mansion to get treated?" Steven replied coldly. Even though he knew that Sirius didn't receive a serious injury, he still feels unpleasant by the fact that after they just enter the gate a group of knight is waiting for them.

The female knight has a surprised expression on her face and suddenly look at the child in Steven's arm. The female knight feel surprised again when he saw that the kid is full of injury and the aura around him are in a disordered state. She looks at Steven's eyes then said.

"I understand, please treat your son first and after that, we can talk. I hope that you can come to the castle and report it to the king what happened in the forest."

Steven walks away without saying anything, he even didn't bother to turn back. When the other knights saw him walk away without saying anything there is a faint trace of hatred in their eyes, they can't have a thought that "This Duke is so arrogant, he didn't even put us in his eyes!". But they can't do anything about it because they are just a knight while Steven is a Duke.

Steven walks straight to Sheperd, he even uses wind magic to fastened his arrival. Upon his arrival the butler and maids saw Steven coming back with Sirius in his arm, they were all shock to see that their young master was seriously injured, some butler went and report what they saw to Emily. When Emily heard that Sirius was injured she hurried herself up to where Steven is.

"Sirius my dear! What happened to you!?" Emily couldn't longer keep her calm and shouted while running in Steven's direction.

"He is okay Emily." Steven answer to calm her down.

"What do you mean he is okay! Look at how his injuries look like. Even an ordinary person can see how injure he is!"Emily replied quickly.

Steven gives Sirius to Emily and Steven went to his way to call for the best doctor in the kingdom. Shortly after that Steven went inside the room where Sirius is and behind him is an old woman in a green dress, her image is like an old granny from everywhere, but in fact she the best doctor in the kingdom.

The old granny checked Sirius condition, she even uses a 6th step spell 'Advance Heal' a spell used by 6th circle Mage to one hundred percent heal Sirius. Out of her expectations Sirius still didn't wake up, then she came up to a conclusion that Sirius is in a coma state.

"This child is in a coma state and if it is what I am expecting he will wake when his aura and mana stabilize." The old granny softly told Emily and Steven what's her conclusion.

"What do you mean stabilize?" Emily asked.

"It is when a magician has two or more element, they will face a problem that a one element magician didn't face." Steven by her side answered instead of the old granny.

"Right, right now this child's element is not balanced that's why his aura and mana is in a disordered state. His body went into a coma state to prevent him facing more danger. When all are stabilized then he will surely wake up." The old granny continues Steven's answer.

She and Steven are both dual element mage and also experienced what Sirius is currently experiencing that's why they are not that so worried about. Emily after hearing what they said starting calming because she knew that her husband and the old granny has two elements so she thinks that they also experienced it.

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