
Synthoria Online: For Love and Glory

"Synthoria is a revolutionary MMORPG-turned-esports sensation that has taken the world by storm. It offers players an immersive experience like no other. Equipped with cutting-edge technology, players enter the game by scanning their embedded microchips on the interface of their gaming cabins, gaining access to a realm where fiction and reality intertwine. In Synthoria, players can choose from a vast array of classes, each with their own unique abilities and playstyles. Engage in heart-pounding player-versus-player battles, participate in intense guild wars, or embark on epic quests filled with thrilling challenges and hidden treasures. Or live the peaceful life of lifestyle players whose battlefield and claim to fame are the products they are able to produce. Beyond its captivating gameplay, Synthoria offers a social landscape where friendships are forged and rivalries ignite. Join guilds to form alliances and conquer territories, mentor aspiring players to guide them on their journey, or even find love and companionship within the game's marriage system. The possibilities are as limitless as the vast virtual world itself. Are you ready to immerse yourself in a world where your own brand of victory is the ultimate prize?"

BloodHyacinth · perkotaan
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2 Chs

The Legendary Storm Weaver

It was a heartbeat after midnight. Lin Qingye stood at the highest vantage point in the city, perched on her penthouse balcony as her gaze swept across the vast, busy metropolis below. The city lights shimmered like constellations in the velvety expanse of night, denying sleep's existence like it always did. As the night sky stretched out before her, dotted with stars that twinkled like diamonds, she watched as the neon lights illuminated the streets, casting an otherworldly glow on people's faces.

This is City S -- a place of endless ambition and opportunity, where dreams could be realized and fame was the ultimate goal. The energy and excitement of the city were palpable, never fading even in the wee hours of the night.

As the cool breeze caressed her long, flowing hair, Qingye leaned against the railing, a pensive expression looming over her face. If anyone could see her right now, they would be left in awe of her serene face that offered no hint of the inner turmoil she was going through at that very moment. 

The memories of her epic battles and the heart-pounding moments that led to her victories in the game flooded her mind. Those days seemed like a distant dream - a part of her life that almost feels unreal even to her. She had poured her heart and soul into the game, dedicating countless hours of her youth. Her heart ached for the days when she felt most free - when she felt that she belonged only to herself and her passion.

She longed to be known simply as Excelsia, the Storm Weaver.

She was blithely unaware that her existence that did not fit the confines of the ordinary. For Qingye, her avatar was simply a way for her to pass the time. But for the Synthoria Online players, it was an identity akin to a myth among Pro League Players. 

To begin with, she was the youngest player to have ever entered the Pro League. She left the whole alliance in shock and awe as she displayed her exceptional skills and unique, unpredictable gameplay style at the mere age of sixteen.

Her marksmanship abilities as a gunner were second to none. It was unparalleled to the point of earning her the reputation as "The First Gunner" in the Pro League. It was said that every shot she fired was poetry in motion - the way each bullet kissed its mark with deadly precision was romantic. Not to mention the manner with which she effortlessly weaved through the battlefield, anticipating her opponent's moves, and using the most unorthodox methods to counter. The way she played left spectators awestruck.

One of Qingye's signature moves, the "Dance of the Storm Bringer," showcased her lightning-fast reflexes and uncanny accuracy. It was a deadly combination of agility and dexterity, as she darted across the battlefield, her movements resembling a swirling tempest about to devour a city. She would leap, pivot, and turn, while firing off shots with pinpoint accuracy, leaving her enemies in disarray. It was a sight to behold – a sight you would never want to see on the battlefield if you were to face off against her.

The Storm Weaver was both a dream and a nightmare. She was someone you would love to hate as she siphoned off your health points down to their last digits. And yet, due to her commanding presence on the battlefield, all you can do is swallow the taste of defeat like a bitter pill. 

As The First Tactician, she pioneered the concept of unorthodox battle strategies that took advantage of the terrain map to affect the results of the battles in the game. This, along with her other methods to take advantage of loopholes in the game mechanics, forever changed the landscape of competitive gaming.

Being at the front and center of the game, Qingye couldn't escape rumors as speculations about the worth of her in-game avatar and her talent fee ran rampant in the gaming community. Years later, someone who supposedly knew her revealed that her worth, from the peak of her career until she retired, was an astounding sum that supposedly exceeded billions making her virtually impossible to poach. Although this rumor remains unconfirmed, the gaming community accepted it as if it were the truth – it was believable enough after all.

But it was not her skills as a pro gamer that led to her meteoric rise to fame. As the captain of the legendary Team Hysteria, Lin Qingye singlehandedly led her teammates to unprecedented success.

Qingye's journey with Hysteria had been one of growth and triumph. She had started as a loner gunner, catching the attention of scouts with her natural aptitude for the game. Her exceptional reflexes and strategic mind have set her apart from her peers. It wasn't long before she found herself surrounded by numerous offers to join competitive gaming. Her decision to join Hysteria, a rag-tag team of undisciplined players left the entire esports scene baffled.

Qingye's role on the team was as a prodigious newcomer, still learning the intricacies of competitive play. But as time went on, her leadership skills flourished, and she quickly rose through the ranks as she proved herself worthy of becoming the team's captain. It was a position of immense responsibility, but Qingye embraced the challenge with unwavering determination.

Under her guidance, Team Hysteria had undergone an unprecedented transformation, one that still came as a mystery to those who knew of the team's history. And soon enough, Hysteria developed a reputation for its unrivaled teamwork and calculated plays. Their movement on the virtual battlefield was a show of brilliant gameplay and faultless coordination.

Qingye's strategic genius became the team's secret weapon, their ace in the hole. Her ability to anticipate and break down the opposing team's plays and instantly devise counter-strategies as if she had planned their moves had opponents scratching their heads in disbelief. She was not just a skilled gunner; she was a master tactician, orchestrating the flow of battle with precision through the sheer ability of her mind's computing power.

Under her leadership, Hysteria became the undefeated Champions of the Pro League, claiming the title for seven consecutive years. This was a feat that no one in the history of the League could replicate even after she left. The impact of Hysteria's success reverberated throughout the Synthoria Professional Alliance and the esports gaming community as a whole, propelling her entire team into legendary status.

The impact of Hysteria's success extended beyond the virtual realm. Synthoria Online had become more than just a game. It was a phenomenon, with billions of fans tuning in to watch matches and cheer for their favorite teams. Hysteria's dominance had elevated the game to new heights, attracting sponsors, investors, and even mainstream media attention. Esports turned into a cultural phenomenon. It was Qingye, the Storm Weaver, who was at the forefront of this revolution.

At the end of her career, Lin Qingye earned numerous titles during her seven years of stay in the Pro League. Due to her numerous contributions to competitive gaming, she became the first player to be inducted into the Synthoria Professional Alliance's Hall of Fame, where she earned the title of The Mother of Synthorians. 

As she stood there, reminiscing about her past, Qingye couldn't help but wonder where all of her former teammates were now.

There was Zhanshen, known as Synthoria's God of War. The fierce warrior could unleash devastating blows upon his opponents. Zhanshen's real name was Tang Hao, a young man with a shaved head and a fiery spirit. His eyes burned with determination, and his muscular frame showcased his dedication to physical and virtual training alike.

Next was Xiao Lanhua, also known as Little Orchid, a graceful and strategic illusionist. Xiao Lan's real name was Mei Ling, whose avatar was a young woman with long, flowing silver hair and an air of mystique. Her calm demeanor belied her deadly magical abilities and impeccable timing, earning her the title of "Queen of Illusions" among her peers.

The team's cleric, known as Invincible, possessed unparalleled healing and defensive abilities. His real name was Chen Chaoxiang, a young man with a kind smile and unwavering loyalty to his teammates. His calm and collected nature served as an anchor for the team, providing unwavering support in the heat of battle.

ShenLong, nicknamed DivineDragon, was a durable tank with unparalleled defensive abilities. He was known for his impenetrable defense. His real name was Wu Lei, a young man with dark, brooding eyes who seemed to see through his opponents' every move.

The team's second strategist is a puppet master known as Boundless Scholar. His real name was Cang Tian, a bespectacled intellectual who possessed a sharp mind and a wealth of knowledge about the game. His ability to analyze opponents' strategies and adapt accordingly also served as instrumental in Hysteria's continuous triumphs. He often stayed up several nights with Qingye coming up with one battle strategy after another to secure Hysteria's domination on the battlefield.

Finally, there's the exceptionally skilled Necromancer who went by the name Death Shroud. Death Shroud's real name was Yi Ran, a reserved and introverted young woman who had a profound fascination with dark arts. Her unique interest, coupled with her silent nature, always intimidated Hysteria's opponents even before they met on the battlefield.

These players birthed the legend of Hysteria. It was their teamwork, flawless plays, and unpredictable tactics that remained unmatched by any other team in the league. Together, they had formed their legends, their names forever etched in the annals of esports history. They had shared a bond forged through countless training and battles they overcame together. The friendships they had cultivated were forged in fires that will never die.

Qingye missed the camaraderie, the shared dreams, and the aspirations that had once united them.

She knew they were only a message away. All she had to do was reach out and they would come running, eager to meet their captain and spend time with her once again. Truth be told, she wanted to see them too. But in her heart of hearts, she knew the best thing to do was to stay away from them. Someday, when the time is right, she will see them again.

As the darkness of the night enveloped her, Qingye steeled her resolve - the last thing she needed right now was to drown in a sea of nostalgia. She decided to leave that world behind. There was no longer room for regrets.

After all, despite the glitz and glamour that accompanied her success, Qingye's decision to leave professional gaming had been a well-guarded secret. Only a select few knew the truth: she had no choice but to step away from the world she loved due to her obligation to inherit her family's business empire. 

With a sigh, Qingye turned away from the balcony, leaving the skyline of City S behind. She glanced at the mounting paperwork on her desk.

Note: I made some adjustments to the chapter. Mainly fixed the names and changed some of the member's classes. I'm sorry for that.

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