
Synergy: My System is Possessed

Dan's life has been on autopilot since a traumatic event, until he reunites with his old friend Melisa, who seems to have undergone a drastic transformation in a short time. However, Melisa is hiding a heavy secret that could change the world forever. Suddenly, Dan gains magical powers of a warrior, but he soon realizes that he is being haunted by the person who possessed those powers before him. As he struggles to make sense of it all, he finds himself trapped in a power struggle that could put his family and loved ones in danger. Dan's grip on reality begins to slip as his powers change him in ways he never imagined. But he is not alone in his fight. With the help of his companions, Dan must defeat god-like beings who are conducting simulations using different worlds, including their own. The truth behind these beings and their simulations is bigger than anything Dan could have ever imagined. As he slowly embraces his powers, he must also save himself and his family from the unknown dangers lurking around every corner. Join Dan on his journey as he fights to protect his world and loved ones against all odds. Will he be able to defeat the god-like beings and uncover the truth behind their simulations? p.s: mc will start out weak and timid. It will take him some time to change for the better. Also, he will not have issues with killing people, but he won't go out of his way to do that. A.N: This is my first story on this site. Please help me get better by leaving suggestions. Extra tags: #smartmc #averagelookingmc #weaktostrong

Karthik_Kumar_5864 · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
30 Chs


Melisa raced towards the light, her heart pounding in her chest in anticipation. Getting closer, she realized it was coming from a tiny opening in the mess of debris. The campus she once knew was a total wreck, and the only building still standing tall had its entrance blocked by a big heap of rubble. Melisa looked around, desperate to find another way, but it seemed like that blocked building was their only shot.

Breathing heavily, the rest of the group caught up to her, their exhaustion evident from their gasps for air. Beads of sweat streamed down their faces, except for Dan, who appeared surprisingly calm. His recovery stat had saved the day, giving him the stamina to handle the intense sprint without breaking a sweat.

Between her labored breaths, Evelyn exclaimed, "What do we do...now?" She doubled over, hands on her knees, and sank to the ground, completely spent. The others followed suit one by one, collapsing onto the rough terrain.

Dan scanned their surroundings, desperately searching for any kind of shelter, but all he saw was a jumble of concrete. Like Melisa, his gaze landed on a faint glimmer of light peeking through a small hole in the crumbling building.

"Looks like not everything is destroyed," he remarked, pointing towards the feeble light. "At least this building seems to be holding up." He paused, searching for any other possible entrance. "But I don't see any other way in."

Melisa's sudden declaration broke the heavy silence. "I can try and clear a path."

A mix of shock and admiration spread across the faces of her companions. "Well, I guess it's no surprise that you can lift something huge like that," Ray said, his voice filled with a mix of awe and resignation.

Without paying any mind to his words or the curious expressions around her, Melisa dove straight into her task. She summoned her weapon, transforming it into a sword, and with a powerful swing, she sliced the colossal block of concrete in two. Returning the sword to its sheath, she effortlessly lifted the smaller piece, which appeared to weigh at least a ton, and dropped it aside, creating a clear pathway for the group to advance.

As the others remained frozen in disbelief, Dan sprang into action, crouching down to enter the narrow opening. One by one, the rest followed suit, until only Melisa remained. With a final glance at the decimated surroundings, she took a deep breath and joined the group.

As Dan ventured further down the corridor, his attention was immediately drawn to the unmistakable signs of violence etched along the walls and floors. It was a scene of brutality, although compared to the horrors he had witnessed before, this display seemed slightly less savage. The intense lights illuminating the area revealed the gruesome details with unsettling clarity.

"Seems like this place is still running on backup power," Dan remarked, surveying the well-lit surroundings. "But why are there more lights than usual?"

"Maybe the main power wasn't destroyed like the rest of the campus?" Ray speculated, attempting to provide a plausible explanation.

'Survivors'. The stranger's words echoed in Dan's mind. He couldn't wrap his head around how someone could be so reckless, squandering precious resources in such a dire situation.

Deciding to take the lead, Dan proceeded cautiously, his senses on high alert. Each room they passed revealed a disarray of chaos and destruction. Some were completely wrecked, with walls reduced to rubble, while others appeared locked as they normally would. One door in particular caught Dan's eye. It wasn't fully shut, with a slight opening, but when he tried to push it, it wouldn't budge. Something was blocking it from the other side. At first, he thought it might be more debris, but then he heard faint whispers seeping through the crack.

Dan briefly considered leaving whoever was inside to their own devices, but when he turned around, he saw that Melisa had also noticed the hushed voices.

"Should we try calling out to them?" Melisa suggested, her voice brimming with empathy. "If there are survivors, we should stick together. Maybe they need our help too."

Dan hesitated at first, but the stranger's words echoed in his mind.

'If they managed to escape whatever chaos was going on, they might have some useful information for us,' the stranger's words lingered in Dan's thoughts.

Agreeing with Melisa and considering the stranger's advice, Dan nodded, realizing the importance of reaching out to potential survivors.

Dan positioned his hands on one side of the door, ready to exert their strength, and Melisa stepped up beside him. Their combined power, surpassing that of ordinary humans, effortlessly shifted the heavy obstacles that had blocked the door. With a collective effort, they swung the door open and Melisa stepped inside first.

"We're not here to attack you!" Melisa shouted, her voice filled with sincerity. "We've come to help!"

As she cautiously advanced, the room remained still, a tense silence hanging in the air. Dan followed suit, taking his second step forward. Suddenly, he was overwhelmed by a vision of an object hurtling toward his head. Reacting instinctively, Dan activated his time dilation ability, narrowly dodging the incoming attack. Swiftly spinning around, he seized the assailant's arm, exerting enough pressure to make them drop their weapon. He pinned them against the wall with a quick twist, effectively neutralizing the immediate threat.

"Aaagh!!!" the assailant cried out, a mix of pain and surprise in their voice as they struggled to break free from Dan's firm grip.

"Let him go, or I'll shoot!" a voice called out from behind Dan. He swiftly turned his attention, and what he saw took him aback. A sizable group of people had gathered, their numbers too many to count at a single glance. In the center stood a girl, her hands trembling as she tightly clutched a handgun. Flanking Dan and Melisa were four others, armed with makeshift weapons, ready to defend themselves.

"Wait! Wait!!" Melisa quickly stepped in, positioning herself between Dan and the girl holding the gun. With her hands raised to show they posed no threat, she pleaded with genuine sincerity, "Look, we're not like them. We're just trying to survive, just like you. We needed a place to hide, and we saw the light coming from here."

The tension in the room remained heavy as the girl with the gun carefully considered Melisa's words. The others in the group maintained their defensive stances, their wary eyes fixed on Dan and Melisa.

"I'm Melisa," she introduced herself, hoping to establish a personal connection. "We've got some friends outside, and there are injured people in the dorms. And it looks like you have injured people here too. The last thing we want is to turn against each other."

The girl with the gun and her companions hesitated, torn between trust and caution. After a few tense moments of contemplation, it seemed like they reached a collective decision. However, their wary eyes remained fixed on Dan, who still had a hold on one of their own.

Realizing that the group posed little threat with their current weapons, Dan quickly made a calculated judgment. He loosened his grip on the restrained individual and let him retrieve his fire axe. Keeping a cautious distance, the guy backed away, his movements filled with wariness.

"Dan!" a voice called out from one corner of the group. Dan's attention shifted to see Kate making her way toward him, a mix of relief and joy written across her face. He couldn't help but notice how clean she looked compared to him, Melisa, and the others in the room. It seemed like she had encountered less trouble during the chaos. His gaze then fell on Asha, who quickly glanced away, avoiding direct eye contact.

"You guys know each other?" the girl with the gun questioned, prompting both Dan and Kate to answer almost simultaneously.

"Kind of." "Yeah." Kate turned towards Dan, surprised by his cold response.

After a few more moments of consideration, the girl finally lowered her weapon, signifying a cautious level of trust. She approached the person Dan had restrained, accompanied by another group member who carefully examined the injured arm with genuine concern.

Dan quickly scanned the room, sizing up each person and taking note of their condition. He counted a total of 21 individuals, and it became clear why they had all gathered in this particular place. Many of them were wrapped in bandages, showing signs of injuries and the need for medical attention. Despite the room's chaotic state, Dan recognized it as the infirmary—an obvious choice for those seeking safety and essential supplies.

Beside him, Asha finally spoke up, still avoiding eye contact. "I'm sorry for leaving you like that," she murmured, a tinge of regret in her voice.

Dan shrugged, his response casual. "Don't worry. I probably would've done the same."

Asha's eyes widened, clearly surprised by his nonchalant reply. However, Dan shifted his attention back to the room, leaving her to process his words on her own.

In the meantime, the rest of their group entered the infirmary, catching the attention and raising suspicion among the existing occupants. All eyes followed their every move, with particular interest directed toward Brad. Dan observed Melisa, Kate, and the girl with the gun engaged in a conversation, sharing their experiences and circumstances.

"We tried to run outside, but it was too dark," Kate recounted their harrowing experience. "It was like we were completely cut off, trapped somehow. We should've turned back right away, but..."

Kate's words trailed off, leaving everyone in suspense, their anticipation growing. Without skipping a beat, Asha interjected with a mix of pain and anger in her voice. "That idiot! He didn't listen!" she exclaimed, frustration evident in her tone.

The group exchanged curious glances, wondering who Asha was referring to. Sensing their curiosity, Dan spoke up, "Jason," he stated, prompting Kate to look at him with hope in her eyes.

"You managed to escape from one of them, right?!" Kate pleaded, her desperation palpable. "Please, you have to save him!"

"One of them?" Ray asked, his curiosity piqued. The rest of the group turned their attention to Dan, waiting for an explanation.

Dan chose his words carefully, wanting to reveal as little as possible. "There was an attack when we were in the classroom," he revealed cautiously. "I managed to get away before the building collapsed, but I don't know what happened to him."

Eager for more information, Melisa began to speak up, but Dan swiftly redirected the conversation back to Kate.

"So what happened to Jason?"

"He tried using a flashlight to find a way," Kate began, her voice filled with unease. "But as soon as he stepped into the darkness... it was like it just swallowed him whole. We waited for what felt like forever, thinking he was gone."

Dan's mind flashed back to their encounter with the kidnapper among them, realizing the similarities in their experiences. But what Kate said next caught him off guard.

"We kept calling out to him for minutes until he finally reappeared... but he looked all messed up," Kate continued, her voice tinged with sadness and disbelief. "Covered in blood, face all beat up. He screamed at us to run. I tried to get closer, but that's when those things showed up..."

Recognition flashed across Dan, Melisa, and the rest of the group as they realized the "aliens" Kate was talking about.

"We ran for our lives," Kate confessed, her voice heavy with guilt. "I should have done something..."

A heavy silence settled over the group. Melisa, Brad, and the others struggled to find the right words, still shaken by the horrors they had witnessed. But Dan's attention honed in on the details of Kate's account—or rather, what seemed to be missing. She hadn't mentioned anyone with special powers, yet here they were, a room full of survivors, even after encountering the "aliens." Something didn't add up.

Gathering his thoughts, Dan posed a series of questions to Kate, adopting a curious tone. "Do you remember anything else?" he inquired. "How did they attack you? Did they use any strange weapons?"

Kate furrowed her brow, deep in thought. "No, I don't remember any weapons," she replied after a moment. "Someone in our group tried shooting at them, but it didn't seem to do anything."

Dan's theory solidified in his mind, but before he could voice it, the girl holding the gun spoke up, her voice trembling with fear and uncertainty. "They were taking people," she revealed, her words quivering. "They would grab someone, and then... they would just disappear."

'They must have a purpose,' the stranger concluded, voicing Dan's thoughts. 'But if that Jason was able to come out alive then he was different.'

Dan's mind connected the dots, merging the stranger's insights with his observations. "He had a system but..." he added mentally, "The kidnapper had a system too so why him? They specifically wanted Jason?"

The stranger countered, 'There's also a possibility that they're simply taking people indiscriminately.'

Dan nodded, recalling how deserted the campus had felt. It seemed like this operation had been going on before the chaos erupted. But why had they stopped now? And why trap them in this place?

"Maybe they found what they were looking for," Dan wondered quietly. "Or maybe they're being cautious after the last encounter..."

His gaze shifted to Melisa, who remained silent, lost in her thoughts.

'They're after her,' the stranger concluded, his voice resonating in Dan's mind. 'And they're probably preparing for a bigger attack.'

Dan's mind was a whirlwind of conflicting thoughts, his original objective of reaching Audrey feeling more and more distant. The idea of sacrificing Melisa to the "aliens" for his own escape briefly crossed his mind, but he immediately dismissed it. The thought of leaving her behind before getting the "token" prevented him from accepting that option. Besides, abandoning her didn't sit right with him. He also realized they might gather more valuable information if they survived the upcoming attack. After much deliberation, he made his decision—he would fight.

Amber broke the heavy silence, echoing the worries that were weighing on everyone's minds. "So, there's seriously no way out of here?" she asked, her voice filled with concern.

Dan nodded grimly. "Yeah, they've trapped us here for a reason," he confirmed, gesturing towards Melisa. "They're after her."

All eyes turned to Melisa, seeking an explanation. She was taken aback for a moment, but soon she understood what Dan meant.

"Yeah, that makes sense," she nodded, addressing the group. "I'm sorry for putting all of you in danger. I'll go alone so you can escape."

The rest of the group stood frozen, struggling to grasp the full context of the situation. Meanwhile, Melisa took a few steps away from the group, preparing to leave the room. Brad made a move as if to stop her, but Dan's voice cut through the tension.

"What are you talking about?" Dan's confusion and frustration were evident. "You're seriously thinking of facing them all alone?"

"But I can't let you put your life at risk," Melisa responded, her concern resonating in her voice. "I can handle myself."

"I know," Dan insisted firmly, "but that doesn't mean I'm going to sit back and do nothing."

"But..." Melisa attempted to interject, but Dan interrupted her.

"Fine then, why don't you do your thing and I will just do mine," Dan suggested.

Melisa gazed at Dan for a moment, a mixture of emotions crossing her face. Eventually, a small smile formed on her lips.

"Okay." She finally said accepting Dan's proposal.

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