
Chapter 96: I Hate Katherines, Part 1

One night, in the streets of Atlanta.

A brunette woman is walking along the sidewalk, going home from another day at work.

Suddenly, a hand grabs her mouth, and she is taken to a dark alleyway.

The man who just took her away, whose head is covered by a bonnet, asks the woman…

"Is your name Katherine?"

Out of abject fear, the woman answers, "Y-Yes."

"Does it begin with a K or a C?"


"Then you need to feel the wrath of a man scorned!"


The next morning, a group of roving policemen finds a woman all hogtied and gagged.

She is unconscious, but the cops at least feel the pulse coming from her wrists, which means she is still alive.

What surprises them, though, is that they see a burn mark on her leg.

The mark is suspiciously similar to the marks being made by a branding iron, the thing that is being used to mark livestock.

Wasting no time, the policemen send the woman to the nearby hospital.


The days flow by as they should again.