

Meanwhile, in the present year of 2040, Debby Mai waves him out of his flashback.

"What in all creation is wrong with you?" She shouts.

"Oh, Honey, love muffin, sugar, I'm sorry. I blanked out for a minute." He began to try to make up for whatever he did or didn't do.

"And who were you thinking about?" She posed the question again.

"Uhh, Uh?" He stuttered, not really understanding the question.

"Syn Rya! Who?! WHO? Who were you thinking about?" She says singing the tune with an enraged tone.

Then and there her tone raised and it was as if the earth shook under her and opened up to a fire pit of destruction and despair.

The louder she scolded him, the farther he began to draw back into the past? He'd gone so far that it was the year 2024.

Eighteen-year-old Syn was to go to community college because his mother was diagnosed with stage 3 cancer.

Yet one day he saw Debby again. He hadn't seen her in three years because she transferred to Trouter high and he stayed in Shelli high.

That didn't change their friendship, but it did change the way he saw her. She had evolved into a beautiful woman while he was well Syn.

He was still 6'0 and with an average wide receiver's build.

Running into her would have been a coincidence but she had every one of his classes and sat one row directly above him in each one of them. So not seeing her would be awkward.

Every day in class he smelled her perfume, saw her long curly locks. So in an imprudent attempt to move that awkwardness along he went to speak to her.

Yet, he forgot that he was going through a rush and had on a toga that wasn't fully tied. Thank goodness it had not fallen or there wasn't a strong wind, but it sure made her blush.

"Oh, I'm sorry, uh, Debby, do you remember me?" He says yanking at himself and maneuvering it this way and that.

"Oh, yeah, you're Syn Rya, right," knowing but not fully wanting to admit it.

"She remembered my name," he mumbles to himself.

"Pardon me, did you say something?"

"Oh, oh, no I didn't. So what classes are you taking?" He says knowing full well what classes she is assigned to.

That is where it began. He was now talking with the first bully he ever encountered and it led to well….

"So, do you want to have dinner with me? I could show you how my teacher taught me."

"Excuse me?" She is astonished and thinks very inappropriately. Maybe because of the toga but no one could really know.

"No, no, no. I'm talking about Calculus. Geez, Do you want me to help you?" He said trying to recover.

"Oh, yeah, of course, at first I thought you were trying to ask me out or something," Debby says with a slight want in her voice.

"No, no I would never ask you out. Well, I would totally ask you out you know? It's because I thought that you, I mean, I like you. I just can't talk to you. I start to get all tongue-tied and stuff, like that, comes out. Ugh. The truth is I like you but I just can't, see I know calculus, and I can play sports like it is nobody's business, because it isn't. But it's just that-….. I can't talk…to…you. I can't talk to you" he struggles to say.

"Oh, alright, I'll see you tomorrow in the library, and later we can go to dinner, "K", " She says with the least amount of talking possible.

Unfortunately, as he was daydreaming his wife was presently growing madder and madder. Soon, he awoke from his daydream and said to her "Do you still love me" faster than the speed of light.

Being unsure whether to scold him or tell him the truth she mumbles," Sure".

So he overzealously says, "I love you, too. How long will you love me?

She immediately says, "Longer than forever and a day. How long will you love me?"

"I will love you longer than matter can exist", he replies with stars in his eyes.

That proclamation of their love seemed to make everything alright.

It was as if the entirety of their love was wrapped into one.

They affirmed each other's feelings and their love grew stronger.