
Symphony of Voices

One moment I am awake the next I am asleep, and it is beginning to become difficult to tell if the world I am in is real or fake. How do I escape this ever-lasting loop of confusion and danger?

EmpNoxus · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
27 Chs

Exploration of A Mansion

Trying to first pull open the door instead of pushing it, I opened it fully and was met with the view of a bedroom. Perhaps the kitchen wasn't upstairs like I first thought. Thinking about it more clearly now, would it make sense for a kitchen to be placed upstairs?

Instead of being upstairs, it would probably be downstairs where the dining room and rooms involving meals would typically take place. Going through the doorway, I didn't notice anything happening which was a good sign, however, it also didn't help that the room seemed to be quite dusty. Coughing once and waving my hands in front of myself, I looked through the dust and noticed that while the outside hallways seemed old, they never really had much dust on them. Perhaps something or someone did indeed take care of the mansion though they were all on their own so they decided to skip rooms or something. 

The room didn't have much to see, there was only a standard cloth bed placed in the middle of the back wall, and the right wall simply held bookshelves though they were empty and filled with cobwebs. The left of the room didn't have anything but peeled wallpaper and more webs. 

Moving a bit closer and examining the flooring, however, told a much different story. Hmm, the floor on the left side of the room had marks of perhaps previous furniture. The spot itself still looked old of course, but with only a light bit of dust it was clear that at least compared to everything else, whatever the furniture was, it had been moved at a later date. Perhaps it was something important that would be missed, like an old inherited chair or something passed down for a century. Smiling I continued my examination and knelt to the floor. I wanted to look under the bed, and as I moved down to my stomach and onto the dirty floor I saw that there was nothing under it. Puffing out a breath of air which moved more dust particles I stood back up and took one last glance around the room. 

Still, nothing attracted the attention of my eyes, as such I moved away and back to the door. Grabbing the handle I closed it and wiped some of the dust and cobwebs that had somehow gotten on my body. The dust came off relatively easily, however, the cobwebs seemed to be always hanging on me, which made me feel a bit uncomfortable, but after a bit of rubbing and airing of my shirt, I managed to feel a bit more comfortable, albeit slightly dirty feeling.

This dream world was indeed quite realistic I mused. Moving once again I stepped upon the red carpet and walked to the very next door which was just ten or twenty steps away from the previous one, I wasn't counting. Just as I reached for the silver knob I felt something. 

It was akin to the feeling of someone watching you. I guess this world wasn't exactly as normal as I had first thought. Slowly being covered in goosebumps I quickly turned my head to look around and was met with the view of nothing. Well, to be more specific there wasn't a person looking at me or anything. Confused I rubbed my head, however as I looked around in confusion I quickly locked onto the painting that had been at the end of the hall. 

That's right had been, I noticed something different. This time the painting wasn't exactly at the end of the hall it somehow seemed to move on the wall, this time closer to me. uncomfortably shifting my body around I quickly grabbed onto the silver knob and as I was watching the painting closely I opened the door and looked quickly into the room to see what it was. 

Before I could get a good view, however, I could sense that the painting seemed to have begun moving again, and just as I moved my head to look, I noticed that the painting was quickly moving towards me. Panicking I rushed into the doorway and closed the door swiftly. Whooshing sounds seemed to quickly follow behind me and as I slammed the door shut I immediately heard the painting continue its charge and I felt the door vibrate from being slammed at a relatively high speed. As I was holding the room I noticed that the room itself didn't seem to have windows so I was blinded by the darkness. Feeling the doorknob I briefly looked for the lock or something to at least keep the door shut so that I could move away from it. I wasn't sure if this painting could somehow turn the knob.

The pounding continued and as I was searching for a lock I finally felt a slight bump just below the knob and swiftly turned this secondary knob sideways. A lock sound came from this and to make sure it was locked, I turned the knob and tried slightly pulling the door. Neither worked, which was a good thing because the pounding continued and if it had hit the door at the right time, if it wasn't locked, of course, it could have opened the door and well I would be done for.

Letting out a huff of air I tried to adjust my eyes to the darkness quickly, ignoring the bumping of wood sounds that periodically sounded out. Although there wasn't exactly a window, there was a small light source that for some reason managed to shine through and my eyes managed to use that source to quickly adjust to the dark. I wasn't exactly able to see everything, but it was good enough to move around.

That painting didn't care about the previous room since it didn't move at all when I entered and explored it, so there must be something of importance within this one. Something important to 'it' anyway.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

EmpNoxuscreators' thoughts