
Symbiotic Cyborg

Ever since Portia was abandoned by her parents, she was an outcast, neglected by society and even the social welfare service taking care of her. In a world where everyone by the age of thirteen bonded with one mythical creature or another, she was sixteen and still had nothing, apart from the cheap birthday present given to her by her caretaker on behalf of her parents, whom she loathed by then, so sold it...

Felix_Kunjan · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
64 Chs


Alexa went out of the mansion and looked at the black line that spread across the sky, it was happening...

Corma looked at the vegetation as it either wilted and faded away, or grew into something hideous, she went to talk to the others, if this was their last chance to defeat Darlok, they had to succeed, they were all going to merge.

Ms Terratikka looked into the inter dimensional rift and saw two, huge skeleton like hands grabbing hold on either half of the sky, and prying it apart from the other side.

She took a deep breath, if she acted rashly and actually succeeded in killing this beast, the others would effortlessly get her, her best option was to match them in power, but even then, she'd be vastly outnumbered, not to mention the fact that even when they outnumbered the one in Skylar's multiverse, it was still superior to them in the fact that Darlok had upgrade it further.

The sky was torn open and a massive and red eye poked out, then blasted a gamma ray burst like laser at the ground, melting through to the other side of the planet and beyond, effortlessly.

The being was forced to the other side as another stretched its long fingers into their world, eager for blood, as mutated Angels and Demons were let loose into their world...


Felix spun a whip made out of water which splashed violently over a demon's defenses, before he blasted all the water at it, shooting it into others behind it and making the splashed water hold on to its arm, then flinging it over his head and headfirst into the ground.

He then swiped his arm as a circular blast of water knocked back all the creatures that had been attracted to him, then the water froze into tiny dagger like ice crystals before piercing through the ghouls, then large geysers erupted, sending them high into the sky, before the water condensed around them and forced them down, splashing on the floor covered in spikes of ice with the creatures being impaled within.

Felix yelled at Dollovan and Randall to do something, anything, as he stretched his arm, letting a powerful wind carry all the ghouls into the sky, right before a single drop of water darted and pierced through each and every one of their cores.

Dollovan looked around at the damage then widened his eyes when he saw Dolores being attacked.

He went to Randall and asked him to merged with him but Randall was still skeptical.

"What more evidence do you need that we're either going to die or raise from the dead and die as zombies?!"He yelled, frost creeping on the floor.

Randall told him to calm down, but his fury rather raged further with fires melting through the ice and about to burn the hearts of everyone around when Randall took his gem and shoved it into Dollovan's chest.

"Don't fail me now dude."

Before Dollovan could say a thing, he had vanished into the gem and all that was left of him was his voice is his head and a large scythe of ice which went on to slice cleanly through the necks of all the creatures bothering Dolores.

Dollovan asked where Randall was and he said,"In your gem and at your service."


"Dude, calm down you'll melt everything around here, we have merged in the best way possible, now you get the full power and I get to tutor you on how to use it with the wisdom of both our gems, it's a win win."

"Would you ever be able to get out?"

"Maybe, but only after the job is done."

Dollovan looked as armies of the creatures were swarming around them, then Dollovan said,"It might help if you used Gene Dormancy."


"It enables you to freeze every living creature along the entire multiverse as long as it shares enough characteristics with the original one you froze, or all of the same species or even identity."

"How do I do it?!"

"Just like every other power you've used, just think of it and do it like your life depends on it!!"

Several daggers of ice grew from where Dollovan was standing and pierced through the cores of each of the different types of creatures around him and immediately, every single one of them were frozen in ice.

He didn't know how this worked or whether or not it had a way to thaw, but he still needed to use it.


Several white threads formed an interwoven barrier which blocked against the claws of one of the creatures, then they immediately wove into a single, sickle like arrangement and sliced through the midsection of the creature, before it swiped in a circle around Uendj.

He then pulled it back and fired it at a single row of monsters as it spun and sliced through them, then caught one by the neck, lifting it into the air and slowly sucking its soul, before slamming it onto several of the other creatures.

Usjnz then placed his hand on the floor as his soul stealing strings wove through the soil and went to pierce through several of the creatures in a circle, then they started stealing the souls of the creatures and the ground he stood on.

With its soul gone, the ground became basically useless and lost all principle, including the effects of gravity on it, making it begin to float off the ground.

Toyoran, who wasn't far behind, swiped his arm as several blood disks sliced through the creatures, then he did a b aerial, flinging several daggers of crystalline blood at the monsters, then he stretched his arm and the blood in the body of one burst out and pierced through several of the creatures around it, before shooting up into the sky and he appeared through it.

He landed on the aerafirma as the creatures literally made a ladder to get to them, they looked at each other, they had no other choice than to merge.

They brought their hands together, when a harpoon was thrusted through Toyoran's midsection and he was dragged down...