
Symbiotic Cyborg

Ever since Portia was abandoned by her parents, she was an outcast, neglected by society and even the social welfare service taking care of her. In a world where everyone by the age of thirteen bonded with one mythical creature or another, she was sixteen and still had nothing, apart from the cheap birthday present given to her by her caretaker on behalf of her parents, whom she loathed by then, so sold it...

Felix_Kunjan · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
64 Chs


"Portia, that woman is you."

"What?!"Portia yelled,"How is that even possible?! I'm only seventeen!"

"Actually, you're older than that, much older than that, much older than...any of us here."Uncle Cloud said,"When a crystal wielder is created by a dragon, the have the ability to grow into immeasurable levels of power, but if they die before that time, they are reincarnated into another body, but with the same identity, yet with no memory, it has happened to almost every wielder there is, I believe."

"How do you know this and what does this have to do with my parents?!"

"It has everything to do with them, they were the vessels used to convey and take care of you all this time, they were the true chosen ones."

"Well they didn't do a good job at their only assignment as the ' chosen ones ' though."

"Portia, I could never understand your pain, mostly because I was the cause of much of it, but I can promise you that I will never be so reckless and inconsiderate again, and that everyone here is trying their best to help you."

"What about Skylar?"Aeric asked,"He and the previous wielder of the demonic crystal were both alive at the same time and the wielder of the angelic crystal was nowhere to be found, so how is he a wielder now?"

"Skylar is a very rare case, he was never actually a wielder, he only one the right to become one by defeating the original one in battle, with no power of his own much of the time, so I could say he was preferred over being better than the others."

"And, how do you know all this?"Portia asked.

"I have a source."

"And is this source reliable?"Aeric asked.

"Being the holder of all the truth in our multiverse until the Phoenix is back in power, yes, I think the Omega of truth and selflessness will be reliable."

They both looked at each other, confused, but a little bit stunned, as Uncle Cloud continued,"Omegas are the first race with abilities, they gave birth to the generations of those with the same, similar or diversely different ones."

"Can we meet him?"Portia asked.

"Yes, you could meet her..."


Collins had been looking at that card for a while now, and feeding his Electro Skiffer, all while avoiding that obnoxious girl who kept following him.

He'd zap her to ashes but, she just wasn't worth the extra work.

He just decided to stay in a hotel for that evening.

The specific hotel he was staying in was the Quay residence, the logo being a letter Q with its tail extended and designed as a key.

The seaside hotel was a roughly cylindrical building with ninety floors and levitating rings of recreational apartments noosed around the hotel at the forty fifth and eightieth floors, with transport on sky streets to and from them.

It may seem sophisticated, but this was actually a fourth class hotel in Collins' time, he wasn't at it for formality or class, just for comfort and privacy.

He went to check in then realized the mark on his wrist and realized it began glitching, and of course that goose's hologram was of low quality.

He knew that place was all fancy name and clancy game.

He was walking to the elevator when he realized it changed, well, added something.

Now there was an actively counting timer which gave him three and a half hours and a map showing him the way to the park, was that guy for real?

Collins just went to the recreational centre for a spa treatment, his body was creaking like wooden floor boards.

After the half hour he spent there, he went for a nap, which he expected to span for at least five hours.

He lay down as the timer went on, then fifty minutes to time, he woke up, in a different place...


"It's a matter of life and death."Alexa said.

"Why? What's wrong?"Randall asked.

"Where is Terratikka?"

"She's with Portia and Aeric."

"What?! Ugh, come on!"

"Why? What's wrong?"He asked again.

"... it's a long story but, you guys cannot listen to my brother, no matter what."

"That's supposed to be new?"Randall asked.

"Please, it's not a joke and he doesn't know he's wrong either, just tell him to meet me with Terratikka."

"I thought you needed to talk to all of us."Randall said.

"You guys will be waiting here for Felix."

"Of course we would."

Randall looked at Dollovan after Alexa was gone then asked,"Couldn't you have said anything?!"

"Yukuyika dirudura."

"Wait, you don't understand me? The world is ending! No one's interpreting!"

"What I said does not need to be interpreted, otherwise you and your entire species will be emotionally scarred for generations to come, and you need an interpreter as well."

He then left.

Randall ran after Dollovan when he saw where he was going then they met the others, and Felix.

He looked at the two then said,"I know what my sister said."

"Well that adds value to our lives and very existence."Randall said sarcastically.

Felix then said solemnly,"Either way, we really need to get to my sister, Darlok is planning something and has started making armies of that next generation beast we fought in Darlok's realm, and we won't have a chance unless we also merge."

"Irono..."Randall said,"...your sister made it very clear that we shouldn't listen to you."

He half closed his eyes then said,"Alright, you win, but if we end up becoming pawns for that Multiversal tyrant that has been plaguing our existence for millennia, it's on you."

"Well that was reassuring."Randall said with a smile.