
Symbiotic Cyborg

Ever since Portia was abandoned by her parents, she was an outcast, neglected by society and even the social welfare service taking care of her. In a world where everyone by the age of thirteen bonded with one mythical creature or another, she was sixteen and still had nothing, apart from the cheap birthday present given to her by her caretaker on behalf of her parents, whom she loathed by then, so sold it...

Felix_Kunjan · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
64 Chs


Carna cast a flame spell and blasted purple flames at the cocoon, while Alexa protected herself with a thick scorpion carapace.

After Carna was done, they realized, nothing had happened.

Alexa yelled in agitation,"This ice is unbreakable! Aw, cold."

"How did it hurt you if you're immune?"Carna asked.

"Well the wielder of the Omni crystal is the light Drana counterpart of the void crystal, it only makes sense."

They then looked at the force field encased key, which was still trying to bind itself to the indent in the column of ice and rock, then they freed it.

The moment they did, the ice and rock started flaking away in a burst of snowflakes and fine dust.

After it was done, the creature fell into their arms, it was like nothing they had ever seen before, maybe it was a one of a kind species.

It looked

The creature's eyes slowly opened and they looked like the nebulae found in space, like the stars in the deepest aspects of the void.

The creature looked between the two of them, then Carna cast an interpretation spell as Alexa said,"Hi, I'm Alexa, the wielder of the crystal of spiders and arachnids in general and that is Carna, the wielder of the crystal of wisdom, what's your name?"


"...okay not much of a talker...then why were you in that stasis anyway?"

"...please, could we leave now?"

"O... okay."Alexa said.

She began walking away then Alexa looked at Carna, who said,"Be patient with her, she has reasons for her actions..."


Sitting around a campfire, Alexa took a bite of the Kuliod in her hand which was a transparent fruit which had a complex sour, bitter and sweet taste and a more balanced nutritional content than any food made or discovered by man.

She looked at the creature, who only sat in the snow, with the cold breeze blowing over her face.

Alexa took a deep breath and walked to her then said,"Would you like some kuliods? Yannojes? Or how about..."

"I need nothing but your silence."She said simply.

Alexa shrugged, then sat by her, then the Omni crystal wielder looked at her then asked,"What is going on? Is this some kind of infiltration strategy or..."

"The stars are beautiful..."Alexa said,"...and no, this isn't a strategy, unless trying to get to know you is one, then fine, I just want to get to know my sister better."

"Why are you being so nice to me?"She asked.

"...why shouldn't I be?"

"You don't know me or anything about me."

"Well that's what I'm trying to find out and Carna over there has an omniscient library so she knows everything about you."

"But she isn't the one obsessing over making me comfortable."

"You say it like you want me to stop."

"Maybe...I don't know, not a lot of people have been nice to me all my life."

Alexa looked around then said,"Not a lot of people to be nice to you, the place is desolate."

"I came here of my own will, I used to live in an inhabited planet, but I always lived in fear of hurting people and they in fear of me hurting them, I couldn't stand it any longer so I left."

"Well, we aren't scared of you hurting us."

"You would be once you know I'm Darlok's daughter."

Alexa burst out laughing and even her tears froze solid as she said,"And I'm the ruler of an entire race! Ba ha ha ha...why aren't you laughing? Oh right... your species doesn't laugh."

"Being of every single race and ability apart from of the void, I could laugh if I wanted to, but that isn't the case."

"You're... telling the truth."

She looked into Alexa's brown eyes, then nodded and Alexa yelled,"What did you do to the real wielder?!"

"I knew you'd react like this, I'm going back."

"Not until you tell me what you did to her you monster!"

"That isn't something I haven't heard before."She said.

She was leaving when two walls of ice formed to block her path, but they just disintegrated when she touched them and she continued moving.

Alexa couldn't let her leave so used a web to hold onto her hand, spider silk was somehow immune to her omnipotent abilities so she couldn't break free, she turned around and demanded Alexa let her go.

Alexa pulled her back till they were face to face, then said,"Not until you tell me the truth."


"Because if you don't, I'll be glad to leave you here in a cocoon of poisoned spider silk with only your head exposed as the darkness of the cold slowly freezes your giblets solid and trust me when I say, this isn't Arachnida talking."

"Alexa, leave her alone."Carna said.

Alexa stared deeply into the wielder's eyes till she said,"My name is Yikora and I am the only surviving offspring of Darlok himself, I was sent to over take a planet when Darlok found out I connected very strongly with the Omni crystal but I wasn't able to do it, I felt...fear and sorrow, guilt for what I had done to the previous planets and remorse for what I was about to put the innocent inhabitants of the said one through, so I broke all ties with him, he has been trying to catch me since and even when I protected the entire universe with my life, it was never enough, everyone dreaded and hated me, no matter what I did."

"I don't believe you."Alexa said, her eyes beginning to glow.

Her razor sharp arm was thrusted at the belly of the wielder as Carna yelled for her to stop, then she pierced through the ground and sighed and said,"You weren't afraid to die, I see at least a part of your feigned story was accurate, but which proof could you provide?"

"Why don't you check your library? Why don't you go through all the books to see how I left that planet, how I roamed around for several millennia, looking for someone who would not see a monster in me, till I gave up and did what I thought best, placed myself in a stasis in a place I hoped my father wouldn't find me, and where I may receive my chance of redemption and forgiveness when the two of you found me."

Arachnida looked at her, then said,"Well we better get going if you're going to redeem yourself, our kin are waiting."

She looked at Arachnida, surprised, as she said,"And just for clarification, I am Arachnida."

The two looked at Carna who stood up, then said,"Let's go home..."
