
Symbiotic Cyborg

Ever since Portia was abandoned by her parents, she was an outcast, neglected by society and even the social welfare service taking care of her. In a world where everyone by the age of thirteen bonded with one mythical creature or another, she was sixteen and still had nothing, apart from the cheap birthday present given to her by her caretaker on behalf of her parents, whom she loathed by then, so sold it...

Felix_Kunjan · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
64 Chs


Arachnida spun the trident and sliced through several of the icy creatures then stabbed one through the chest and threw it like a javelin, shooting it through the entire row and skewering it through the wall.

It was pulled back to her by a web as she stabbed one of the creature's fists into the floor and kneed it in the side of the head, shattering it to pieces and even sending the pieces breaking through several creatures, then she back kicked one right through the belly and webbed several of the imps attacking her then shot them high, before slamming them into the armies using her webs.

She then stabbed the trident into the floor and spun at the top, kicking down several of the flying creatures, before pulling it out midair and landing with it smashing several of the creatures to pieces.

She looked back and realized the walls refroze after they broke, there was simply no damage left on them.

She then placed her arm onto the floor and the ice below her began to crack then it formed several giant scorpions which destroyed half the armies.

She then jumped off a wall and was about to take the key when she realized no more creatures were attacking.

She knew she had let her scorpions attack some of them, but this was too easy.

She looked back to see them cowering in fear...were they scared of the key?

No, that wasn't it.

She heard a massive crack then looked up as the entire ceiling and wall before her began to move, then the entire ice cave began to stand up, and she looked at it, as it slammed its hand onto the ground.

She had dodged and began running on its arm then jumped off and did a back butterfly kick on its chin and cracked it severely as the creature stumbled back, but it healed.

She landed on its chest and jumped to the new ceiling before piercing the trident into its ear and kicking the side of its head.

The creature's eyes began to fill with essence from the glowing orb then became blue as the creature grew in size and density, with several spikes of ice extending from all over its body.

It slammed her into the ground with its hand but couldn't crush her as she pushed back, then she walked out from underneath its palm then smiled sweetly, before crushing its fingers and throwing the entire creature over her head and onto the floor, crushing much of the seemingly endless armies.

She jumped up and threw the trident at the centre of the creature's chest then it closed its eyes, awaiting what was coming, then it happened...

Arachnida pulled back the trident with a web without stabbing the creature through the heart, then she just walked off.

The creature slowly got to its feet as Alexa walked to the key, which was embedded in the bed rock.

She was about to start pulling when she heard a thundering voice say,"It wouldn't be prudent to use force, for the key may be destroyed and so will your only chance of finding the one you seek."

"You speak English?"Alexa asked.

"I speak whichever language is needed."The giant said.

"Then how do I get it out?"She asked.

"Use the trident of the unbreakable sea of snow."

An imp handed it to her then she thanked it and picked the trident and looked around and found an inscription which matched the ones on the staff.

She took a deep, cold breath then mumbled beneath her breath, as Arachnida took control once more.

The trident began to melt then flowed into the carvings on the wall and froze again, frost wedging it till it went flowed the key then moistened the hinges and Arachnida slowly took it out.

"Only a true master of Dark Drana could complete the quest and set us free."The giant said.

She held the rock like plate with embedded colourful minerals inscripted in a writing of Dark Drana.

It was a pair of spells, a location one and a translocation one, but neither of them were activated.

She then realized the cave began to crack and fall apart.

She began running then jumped and punched through a rock which was about to crush some of the creatures, but the giant said,"Our purpose is fulfilled, we may be disposed off now."

"Not on my watch."

She webbed another rock then spun it and threw it to explode another that was falling, then shot a large web which held the falling debris, she then told the creatures to follow her out and all of them did, but one...

She broke down the wall which hindered the giant's escape then it broke through to get out and all the creatures were mesmerized, there was snow everywhere, never had they seen something so...at home.


Carna took a rock then changed the drunes that governed its existence to electric drunes, then threw the glowing rock forward and yelled an activation spell and the electro sphere burst with bolts of lightning electrocuting the rock creatures before her, then the lightning accumulated and exploded yet again.

She turned back then made a wind drune in her notebook then tore out the page and tapped it from the back, making a powerful wind tear through the cave and erode severely all the rock giants charging at her.

She took the whip before her and spun it as it glowed and emitted electric charges, making a perfect circle of glowing indigo light, then she shot it as it manuvred through the armies by the effort of her telekinesis to melt through several boulder geists, before getting to a wall, where it immediately began scraping drunes in it, then she clapped her hands and a massive flood came and washed away all the armies but she walked through the light water unscaled.

She then bent backwards and dodged the sword of iron ore swept at her torso, then with one breath, her telekinesis broke it apart and made the pieces slice through several creatures, then she swiped her arm as the glowing shard of the sword on one of the creatures exploded.

She got to the key, then as the crystal cave began cracking, she made a time freezing spell and read out the drunes on the whip and as time was frozen, it turned to lava, which flowed into the cracks and carvings in the wall and let the key out, which looked like a block of ice with several crack like writings in it, spells.

She teleported out and met Alexa waiting for her.

"What took you so long?"She asked.

"Don't patronise me."Carna said.

She connected the two then screamed as she was pulled into the air and dragged through the snow.

Alexa webbed the key and pulled back then it flew into her grasp, but continued trying to fly somewhere, the two looked at each other and followed.

They got into another cave, which was a mixture of the two they both went through, then they saw it, the wielder, frozen in ice and stone...