
Symbiotic Cyborg

Ever since Portia was abandoned by her parents, she was an outcast, neglected by society and even the social welfare service taking care of her. In a world where everyone by the age of thirteen bonded with one mythical creature or another, she was sixteen and still had nothing, apart from the cheap birthday present given to her by her caretaker on behalf of her parents, whom she loathed by then, so sold it...

Felix_Kunjan · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
64 Chs


"How long has this been happening?"Felix asked.

"Several days now."One Yokkan said.

Felix looked between the two incredibly identical versions of Yokkan then said,"Could you become, I don't know, one again?"

Both of them touched hands and immediately merged into one then Felix asked,"And this has been happening to you too?"

Rydona answered in the affirmative.

"What else has been happening?"

"Well I fall endlessly through the floor of your planet..."Yokkan said.

"My room gets flooded by every glass of water I drink..."Rydona said.

"I blast lasers."

"I wake up weightless and stuck to the ceiling..."

"Oh, and we phase through objects."They both said.

Felix was silent for a second and pinched the bridge of his nose in thought, he then dragged Rydona down from the air and made Yokkan reappear from the inner mantel of the earth then said,"Quantum tunneling."

Rydona was confused as Yokkan said,"You mean the ability of elementary particles to act like a wave when encountering an obstacle to have a..."

"... probability of passing right through it by frustrated total internal reflection."Felix continued.

"Oh that's what you call it, back at my tribe we used to call it the way of the wave."Yokkan said.

"Same difference."Felix said.

"What does this all mean?"Rydona asked.

"Allow me Felix..."Yokkan said,"... it's when a really tiny particle like a..."

"I know what elementary particles are, brute."

"Okay, well, it states that if an electron is shot at a wall too thick for it to pass through, it has no chance of going through the other side until it breaks through, but..."

"You know what, never mind, doesn't this only work at an atomic scale?"Rydona asked.

"Usually..."Felix said,"...but not necessarily for the wielders of the crystals of Colossals and anti Colossals, you guys have the ability to impart fear and dread or courage and valour into anything you wish and to copy, if not take the strength of anything around you, but that doesn't explain your actual colossal name, what if you had the ability to make anything bigger or smaller and I mean anything, atoms, electrons, light, water...laws."

"But doesn't that defy the laws of Physics?"Yokkan asked.

Rydona looked at him for a second with a hint of surprise, but then turned back with her cold, expressionless but beautiful countenance.

"Who is better to break the law than the one that made it?"He asked.

"So you're saying..."Rydona said.

"If we could learn the laws and things we have been manipulating, we could actually learn hoe to control them?"

"Oh you could do much more than control them, you could control the skyscraper of multiverses of both Colossals and anti Colossals."Felix said, drinking some water.

"Now that's speaking my language."Yokkan said, returning to Rydona's expectations.

"But Rydona..."Felix said,"... someone is going to have to teach you the basics of what's going on."

"I will."Yokkan said.

She looked at him for a second, then said,"I'd rather choose my own teacher, no thanks anyway."

He felt slightly hurt to his pride, but brushed it off as another effort, it didn't work.

Dollovan was falling from a mountain of ice and blasted an ice wind which froze a smaller wave of the stormy sea.

He rolled off of the frozen ramp like wave then continued running and slid as a bridge of ice formed.

He felt the icy winds blowing over the raging sea then jumped and landed, freezing a section of the ocean about a kilometer and a half in diameter.

He breathed out fog and knew he had used his ice abilities to the maximum, he had to expell some heat, but he then began to hear spine chilling whispers...it was his gem.

It didn't usually say much, though there were situations it had conversations with him, usually, it just said a few phrases at most, repeatedly and they usually proved useful, when he knew how to use them.

This time, it said,"Cold thoughts...Cold thoughts..."

He wondered what that meant, but decided to head back to land.

Blasting flames behind him, he took to the skies and reached the mansion in no time but Dolores didn't welcome him like usual...

"Where have you been?"She asked, coldly.

"Out at sea."He said in the same tone,"Did I miss something?"

"I missed you..."She said,"...but you didn't care, you never do."

She was leaving when he held her hand and said,"Dolly, you know I love you and don't say this to anyone else."

She looked at him and he saw the frost within her eyes, as she pulled her hand from his grip then walked off.

He was confused then went to Portia and Aeric, who he found arguing, and that was unusual because he had never found them doing that, not once.

He went next to Yokkan, whom he found giving Rydona the cold shoulder, everywhere he went, someone was acting in a way they never would, like he would.

He took a step back then touched a wall and immediately breathed out fog and saw ice crawl around and freeze everything instantly.

He gasped then ran to his sister and saw her frozen solid, what had he done?


Kofi looked at Yokkan, who always acting very strangely and wondered what was going on, till he saw it, with his own eyes... Rydona crying.

He had had enough and pushed Yokkan back then yelled,"Dude, what's wrong with you?!"

Yokkan chuckled, then began laughing before saying,"And what is it to you? Is there something you'd like to say? Any feelings you'd like to confess?"

"... there's nothing between us."Kofi said.

"Oh really?! It doesn't look that way, but let me just take your word for it, Rydona, let's go."

"Leave her alone."Kofi said, trying to prevent himself from frying him where he stood.

"Are you her night in shining armor?"

Kofi looked at her, then spoke,"I am the one who truly loves her..."