
Symbiotic Cyborg

Ever since Portia was abandoned by her parents, she was an outcast, neglected by society and even the social welfare service taking care of her. In a world where everyone by the age of thirteen bonded with one mythical creature or another, she was sixteen and still had nothing, apart from the cheap birthday present given to her by her caretaker on behalf of her parents, whom she loathed by then, so sold it...

Felix_Kunjan · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
64 Chs


Aeric was flying through the nearest city to the forest when a loud booming sound was heard then he looked back and saw a pillar of bright and colourful light shooting to the sky from where the girls left...


He arrived then immediately ran to Portia then saw all the damage...

"What happened?"He asked.

"I don't know, we just got here and..."

"No, I mean, where did you go? What did you do? Why didn't you tell me?"

"...I don't know, believe me or not, I didn't leave, something took over and..."

"...I believe you."He said.

She smiled and was about to hug him but restrained then said,"We have to help Kofi and ..."


Collins ran to his creature and lifted it up, it was barely breathing.

Portia asked if Ms TT could reverse the damage and she did her best, which was more than enough, apart from for the two, when the ground came back to order, the light show began again, they had to be kept separate by an insulator of some kind, was this what was going to happen every time they united with their opposites?


Kofi's eyes slowly opened then he heard someone call,"Hey stranger."

He looked at Portia and smiled as she hugged him, but couldn't help but sense Aeric's eyebrows furrow.

He asked what happened and she told him everything.

"That thing's my opposite? Why couldn't it be a human? Or something actually made of anti matter?"He asked.

"We don't know yet."Ms TT said.

"But you better get your rest, we're leaving."Aeric said.

"To where?"Kofi asked.

"To find the others, silly."Illusa said.


After Portia bade goodbye to Skylar's family, she opened a portal to the sixth dimension then Aeric said,"Portia, I'm coming too, I could never leave you alone, there are dangerous people out there."

He said, meaning someone very close by.

"Of course you're coming..."Portia said,"...long distance relationships never work."

He smiled then kissed her gently on the lips before they all walked through the portal except for Collins, he didn't want his Electro skiffer getting hurt again.

Ms TT just walked back out of the portal and the trial beast spontaneously appeared in her grasp then she walked back through and Collins yelled and ran after.

Collins yelled the whole time, falling through the ground and at the same time, the walls and at the same time, time and in every single direction he could think of, and more.

Everyone was clearly pissed off, which was why Portia took away his voice, literally, she kept it in her gem and promised to return it later.

The only reason he trusted her with his voice in that black bottomless pit was that he trusted his Electro skiffer to it, ish...they were short circuiting again, a little name they came up with for the battle of the Giants, so they had no other choice than to suck one of them in.

It was supposedly inhumane to put the dude inside and leave the creature, but Collins didn't think so, despite that, they did it.

They appeared at a strange place, it was like stacks upon stacks of screens and each screen displayed infinite information of everything happening everywhere within them, at the same time, it was such a rush, such a sensation, Collins felt like he could have all the knowledge in the world but of course, those people decided to pick just one.

He was fine till they manifested in it and he didn't see all that stuff anymore, it was still endless information, but not as diverse as before, and again, they manifested and now he was bound to only what was in front of him.

He didn't complain though, she was beautiful, gorgeous in fact, he'd never seen anyone as beautiful and yes offense to the others, they should have chosen better bodies to be born in, fine, maybe the woman they called TT was almost as beautiful, but he had no chance with her, and Portia was already occupied, so...

"Don't you dare."The woman said.

"Oh feisty, I like that."He said.

He tried to touch her shoulder but she held, squeezed and twisted his arm and wrist separately and they heard a crack and pop as he yelled and everyone ran to his aid.

The woman groaned and let go of him as Ms TT healed him.

The woman's cold eyes suddenly filled with emotion then she said,"Oh I'm so sorry, I have no control over my gem, in fact I think she controls me."

"You don't have to be sorry babe..."Collins said,"... because a small kiss will make it a whole lot better."

"Eww, barf, I'm married."

"Well you can leave him and come for someone actually on your league."He said again then she rolled her eyes.

"Wait, your gem controls you?"Portia asked.

"Yeah, all of us have a unique relationship with ours, what does yours do?"She asked.

"I guess it listens to my commands?"

"That's... convenient, and what about you?"

"Uuuh..."Kofi said.

"Oh right, I'm so sorry, finding so many people from my very own multiverse with gems is really exciting."She said,"My name is Alexa and what is yours?"

"Oh, it's..."Portia began.

"Wait, wait, wait..."Kofi said,"...how would we know you aren't one of Drizzle's monsters?"

"Do you mean Darlok?"Alexa asked,"Definitely not, I've faced enough of them to know, besides, I could show you where some of the other gem wielders live with me and my brother right now."

"Good enough for me..."Collins said.

"Meh, that'll save us a lot of searching."Portia said.

"Then come on, it's just a few realities to the left."

Portia was taken to a planet she had never seen or heard of before.

"What do uth mean?"Portia asked.

"Actually, it's mentioned Earth."Alexa said.

"And you say humans came from here?"She asked again.

"And most of the other creatures on your planet, I'm even surprised that you found a way to move to another habitable planet with the technology you had."

"What's wrong with our technology?"

"It's just... nevermind."

They got to an abandoned mansion which had only two other people in, who were using certain abilities with actually greater expertise than Portia and Ms TT.

Alexa then said,"I'd like you to meet Dollovan and Randall, the wielders of the gems of dark and white ice."

"What does that mean?"Ms TT asked.

"I have no idea."She said,"Oh and Dollovan, Randall, these are the wielders of the gems of..."

"What?"Portia said,"Oh, I'm Portia, I wield the gem of voids, this is Terratikka, the wielder of the moonstone, Kofi, the wielder of the lightning gem, Collins, he's the... companion of the creature that wields the gem of dark lightning."

"Hey!"Collins yelled.

"What?"Portia asked.

"I don't like how you said companion."

Portia looked at him with her eyes half closed then said,"And this is my boyfriend, Aeric."

He was a few inches taller then Alexa, who in turn was a few taller than Ms TT and Portia, he was about her brother's height.

Alexa then said,"It's kinda weird how you've gone to another planet yet you are still using the same names we use on earth...anywho, the others are off finding...the others, but feel at home, we have a lot to talk about.

Portia still couldn't help but wonder why Darlok hadn't been making efforts to catch her anymore, so that night she wanted to talk to Skylar about it...