
Symbiotic Cyborg

Ever since Portia was abandoned by her parents, she was an outcast, neglected by society and even the social welfare service taking care of her. In a world where everyone by the age of thirteen bonded with one mythical creature or another, she was sixteen and still had nothing, apart from the cheap birthday present given to her by her caretaker on behalf of her parents, whom she loathed by then, so sold it...

Felix_Kunjan · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
64 Chs


The Principal looked at Corma's parents as they walked into the school, through her crystal ball, then smiled as she saw Corma behind them.

"Well done Corma."She said.

They walked into the office and Corma looked terrified as they were offered a seat.

The Principal then said,"I called you here this day to talk about how wonderful a student your daughter is."

"Oh really?"Her mother asked.

"What?"Corma asked.

"I've been watching her, all those broom accidents, potion explosions and spell misspellings were actually...intentional, weren't they, Corma?"She asked.

Corma stuttered,"I...I don't..."

"So, Angus, Shikari, wouldn't you be proud of her?"

Their irises literally shrunk as the principal made a reversal incantation then said,"Corma, you made this spell on your own, didn't you?"

Her two familiars climbed on top of her defensively as the principal said,"You have nothing to fear, I'm intrigued, not exploitive."

"Well, yeah, I did."

"That hasn't been done in centuries, how did you do it?"

"I just read what spells with similar effects had in common then put them together, before... nevermind."

"Oh but do continue..."She said.

"Angus hissed then started scratching her shirt and she told him to settle down, till she realized,"How did you break my spell if you've never heard of it before?"

The principal sighed then said,"I could have helped you reach your full potential."

Then a huge claw bashed the desk and Corma screamed, then one was slashed at her neck and immediately, a white glow emanated from her chest as she made an incantation she had never heard of then she vanished with her black cat and raven and appeared in the school compound.

She immediately began running as the ceiling of office turret tower exploded open and out came a long, centipede like creature which climbed down the tower at massive speeds and all the students and professors were taken aghast.

The creature jumped down at Corma and immediately, a long, intricate spiderweb appeared out of nowhere and as the creature got stuck, its scaly armored skin started sizzling and burning then Corma looked back to see a beautiful woman with dark skin, also with a gem on her neck, she looked back then said,"Hey sis."With a wink.

***To know exactly what happened to Corma next, feel free to read it all in the book Bright Academy, and be patient, it's definitely not close to the beginning, thanks anyway 😊***

Portia sat on a bench, sobbing to herself, her entire day had been ruined just by a comment made by a hater, one whose life she had ruined, several times.

She heard a sparking sound then looked back to see cracks forming in the wall and immediately bubbling back as the concrete cooled and they wrote, in a spider web crack sort of fashion, her name.

Then, a spark of white charges jumped out and started spinning around her, and changing colour, then before she knew it, she was surrounded by several, multicoloured, glowing streaks of light.

They then fizzed out in a firework like array of multicoloured sparks.

Someone then barged into the room from the back door...

Portia turned in Kofi's direction, then as he was about to show himself to properly apologize, a thick tall man... Skylar's brother most probably, appeared and hugged Portia, apologizing for what had happened.

Kofi was still going to stand up when Portia herself pulled him in for a passionate kiss, on the lips and Kofi knew, his chances were ruined, again.

Aeric held her and kissed her back as his six wings darted out, glowing a sunset colour gradient, then she slowly pulled back and said,"I love you Aeric, no one else."

"And I love you too Portia."He said.


Portia arrived home, in Aeric's arms and Uncle Cloud thought she was injured, till they said they were dating and his wife nudged his elbow.

They finally had the birthday feast they so waited for, as spheres of fire and sparks shot out into the sky, bursting in the most beautiful array of fireworks.

The entire time, Portia and Aeric spent together as the crowd cheered.

Portia rested on his shoulder as one of his wings covered her, keeping her warm, then a drop of rain touched her forehead and so as his.

She then said,"I'm not letting there be any literal rain on my parade."

Swiping her arm, she reversed time on the clouds, for them to assemble again exactly when the party was over.

Aeric walked Portia to her room and kissed her goodnight, then before he left, she appeared behind him and hugged him, saying,"Thank you for everything."

"It's my pleasure Portia."He said.

"Oh and please, call me Porsche."

"You got it."He winked.

The next day, Portia didn't get to class when Kofi stopped her.

"Portia..."He said,"... I'm sorry for all I said and did, as you know, I'm not the smartest person around."

"But you're still smart enough for me, friends?"She asked.

That last words felt like a blow to his gut, but he smiled then said,"Friends."

He had just been friend zoned.

Portia searched for Illusa right after classes to take her home but didn't realize Kofi watching her from afar.

"Look at how much that orphan, whose family was just murdered before her eyes, loves Portia."He said.

"Well..."Jack said,"...she is really good with kids."

"And with your heart..."Lloyd said,"...why don't you move forward?"

"Because she's under the watchful eye of nobody but Skylar's own older brother."

"So you're scared of getting your butt kicked."

"I'm scared of getting my heart shattered and hurting her because I broke the little we had, sometimes, things like like this are best ignored, I'll find someone else."

"But you don't want someone else dude."Jack said.

"I said just drop it you boulder brains!"

They decided to just what he asked for.