
Symbiotic Cyborg

Ever since Portia was abandoned by her parents, she was an outcast, neglected by society and even the social welfare service taking care of her. In a world where everyone by the age of thirteen bonded with one mythical creature or another, she was sixteen and still had nothing, apart from the cheap birthday present given to her by her caretaker on behalf of her parents, whom she loathed by then, so sold it...

Felix_Kunjan · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
64 Chs


Kofi stood in front of a mirror to see if anything was wrong in style then Vulpine pulled him by the collar, kissed him and said,"You're perfect just the way you are."

He smiled and took her hand as they walked away, but their reflections didn't, rather, that of Kofi grinned, right before the mirror shattered.

Portia woke up then realized she was thirty minutes late for school, groaned and reversed time by four hours so she could sleep more, she had a lot of...stuff to do the previous night, crying and feeling sorry but angry at herself for treating Kofi the way she did.

She woke up and went out of the room, this time, thirty minutes early, then swiped her arms and her clothes changed, morning breath was gone and the bags under her eyes were corrected then she looked at herself in a mirror, then squinted her eyes, shrugged and left, as the mirror shattered.

She went for breakfast and sat opposite Uncle Cloud on the table, with her eyes mainly on Aeric, who didn't seem bothered, but Uncle Cloud seemed to realize as he asked,"Is anything the problem?"

"I think she's just falling for him."An aunt said.

They both choked then looked at the woman, then at each other.

"What?!"Portia said,"No! I dated his brother, I can't go for him too, isn't that some kind of unspoken rule or something?!"

"Besides..."He said,"... I'm not getting into relationships anymore, I've lost interest and the most outstanding reason;"

"He's centuries older than me."Portia ended.

"And Skylar was decades older, there's no discrimination in love you know."She said.

The two couldn't look at each other anymore and Uncle Cloud tried to clear the air,"So, Portia, I heard that you umm, did..."

"Yeah, I did something..."She said, nervously looking away from Uncle Cloud's wife's grin.

She then remembered something then said,"I was able to come in third in my class role this semester."

"Well that's wonderful!"Uncle Cloud said.

"I have to leave, excuse me."Aeric said.

Portia looked around as the woman was still giving her googly eyes, what was her problem?

Portia just stood up to leave as well and Uncle Cloud frowned at Aunt Claire.

"Why did you do that?"He asked, frowning.

"Oh, it was just a hunch."She said, taking a sip of water.

Portia arrived at school, distracted and absentminded, was it that obvious? Was it...true?

She had actually felt something for Aeric for a while, but tried pushing it down, she was supposed to be with Kofi, even though he was already with someone else, it was destiny.

She bumped into someone on her way to class but didn't bother looking at the boy who looked at her with a grin.

Kofi heard whispers in his ear, echoes he couldn't trace.

He looked at his reflection in the wall of ice Jack had just made and was about to touch it when he snapped back into reality as he was called.

He looked back at Jack but his vision was a little blurred.

He shook his head as Lloyd asked if everything was fine, but he held his head, then said,"No..."

Then collapsed.

He slowly opened his eyes feeling a throbbing feeling in his eyes, but it didn't hurt.

He looked around and felt like somebody was watching him.

The nurse walked in then said,"So Kofi, you're good to go."


"I tried healing you but found nothing out of the ordinary, you may leave, but try and have some rest, you could take permission under my name to leave."

He got off the bed but felt this overwhelming fear in his heart, he didn't remember the last time he felt...scared.

He couldn't hear a word the nurse said after, but just nodded and left.

His steps were imbalanced and he bumped on a wall then Vulpine rushed to him then kissed him and said,"Kofi I was so worried, don't do that again, please."

"I have to leave."

"Sure, I'll take you..."


She was confused then asked if something was wrong but he said, not looking at her,"I just need some rest."

"But you are sure you want to go alone?"

He nodded, then walked away without saying anything else.

She found his character very odd but decided to leave him alone.

Kofi walked through the hallways, dazed by all the echoes he was hearing and everyone looked at him, but he saw none of them.

Instead, he saw one person watching him, a shadow like person, following him like a cloud.

He began to run, through the seemingly never ending hallway, and bumping into people he didn't even notice.

He crashed through the doors and began sprinting away when he crashed into something hard and cold, when he looked at it, he saw that same figure and yelled in fear as electricity burst forth from him in all directions, shattering the figure into a thousand pieces, and each of the pieces had something to say, but his heart failed when he sensed not one but two figures behind him, calling his name.

He turned to his back and saw them approaching, then charges jumped from his body as he yelled, then bolts of lightning were shot at the two figures from him but they were all absorbed by a third one which assembled from the shards of the first, then Kofi found himself doing something he hadn't he hadn't done before; begging for his life.

The figures walked closer and he begged again, for them not to hurt him, not knowing where this fear was coming from, but it was overwhelming, worse than any other emotion he had ever felt in his life.

Another one joined and called him in a concerned feminine voice as one of the first two said,"Kofi, it's us Lloyd, Jack and Vulpine, what's going on?"

He shivered violently as he looked at them, then his vision cleared up and he saw them, but mostly, Vulpine.

He then said,"I have no idea what was going on."

He then saw the wall of ice made of squeezed together, melted shards of ice and one of the figures watching him from within it.

"We have to get you home."Jack said.

They took him home but he could still see the creature following him from plane to plane, even in the window of the car, but only in a blurry way and he had a feeling, it was restrained and couldn't harm him.

Vulpine volunteered to keep an eye on him and got her servants to get him something to eat.

She ignored all the calls from her manager, who was only concerned about her media presence for dating a lunatic.

He sat, staring at the glass of water, for several minutes and she was about to speak when her mother called her.

In the still liquid, Kofi could see one of the creatures, from it, he could hear it calling out to him.

His shivering finger raised up and touched the water, making waves.

Then his eyes slightly glowed...

"Look at him."Her father said.

"So you're telling me to just dump him? I know he isn't like this, there's something wrong with him, and I have to help and support him instead of leaving him at the slightest sight of trouble."Vulpine said.

"My vampire bat..."Her mother said,"...we only want the best for you, and..."

"...he is the best for me, please."

"I'm sorry if I caused any inconvenience, I feel much better now."Kofi suddenly said.

They looked at him, like really looked, and he seemed a lot better.

Vulpine's parents smiled and gave her the go ahead to stay with him, but she still wanted him to rest, meanwhile, in the glass of water, the liquid stopped swirling and Kofi's reflection, or Kofi himself, hit the unbreakable wall as hard as he could, yelling for Vulpine not to believe that liar, but no one heard anything.

Then when they left with the imposter, Kofi vanished and appeared on the knob of a door, on the varnished wood of the table and on the glass of a picture, on everything that casted a reflection of that reflection, but when everyone looked at the reflection, all he could do was exactly what the imposter did, he was trapped.