
Symbiotic Cyborg

Ever since Portia was abandoned by her parents, she was an outcast, neglected by society and even the social welfare service taking care of her. In a world where everyone by the age of thirteen bonded with one mythical creature or another, she was sixteen and still had nothing, apart from the cheap birthday present given to her by her caretaker on behalf of her parents, whom she loathed by then, so sold it...

Felix_Kunjan · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
64 Chs


Portia went to school then was immediately hugged from behind, by Leslie.

He kissed her allover her face, but she didn't smile and he asked what was wrong, then she looked at him and said,"I'm just...tired, that's all."

He smiled then asked,"Will you then like a power boost?"

She smiled as he offered her her exact favourite mix of coffee, from her exact favourite store.

She took a small sip from it and felt immediately full because of the lumps in her twisted stomach.

He placed an arm over her shoulders and they walked through the hallway, Portia reached into Ms Terratikka's mind and immediately, she came and said she needed to speak with Portia alone.

Leslie reluctantly let her go and Ms TT asked, when they were in the safe room(Physics lab),"What's wrong, sweetie?"

"I saw Skylar last night."

"Really?! That's amazing! What did you two talk about?"

"He wants me to dump Leslie for Kofi."

"I'm sure there must be a reason."

Portia began to cry as she said,"There are, good ones, but that doesn't make me want to leave him any more, please help me, Ms TT, should I hurt such a good guy, so badly?"

"If you put it that way, I'm sure even Skylar would reconsider, but think about it, if you stayed with him, will the both of you be really happy? Both of you?"

Portia slowly shook her head then Ms TT said,"Well that sums it up, he isn't the right guy for you."

"And Kofi is? That self absorbed, hot headed, broken vigilante?"

"... upon all those character flaws of his you know, how many of yours do you know?"

She was silent as Ms TT said,"It isn't because of his problems that Skylar picked him for you, but because the good, far outweighs the bad and I can see a bright future for the both of you, together."

Portia quietly thanked her then left, to meet Leslie waiting for her.

He then asked,"So, what were you two goddesses of beauty talking about?"

"... about us."

"Oh really? Anything I should know about...us?"

"Leslie, you are a wonderful guy, and this isn't coming from me..."


"...but, we aren't right for each other, and we never will be, Leslie, I want to break up with you."

"This is because of Kofi, isn't it?"

"Skylar, he didn't do anything...I mean..."

"Skylar told you this?"


"Well in that case..."He said and kissed her,"...this is my kiss goodbye, go get that boy."

Portia hugged him tightly and thanked him for understanding, then walked away, she first had to find Kofi and apologize for...

There he was, kissing Vulpine, in school...she just left, feeling furious at her stupid self.

She wanted to go and cry in Ms TT's or Uncle Cloud's arms but she stopped herself, she had shedded enough tears, now it was time for action.

She took a deep breath, then turned back to see Kofi walking into his next class of which of course, Vulpine was enrolled in.

Portia had to find a way to talk to him, personally, without arousing any suspicion.

She took a step when time was paused and walked into the classroom to see the confused Kofi, and he didn't look happy when he saw her.

She slowly progressed to him as he asked,"What do you want now?"

"I just wanted to apologize, for how I've been acting, I know I was rude, no, an awful and wicked person and an even worse friend but, I just wanted to ask if you could forgive me."

"...who put you up to this?"He asked.


"Why are you doing this? Who told you? What do you want from me?"

"... I've been told that..."

"That what? What?! Answer me!"

"That we would be perfect for each other alright?! Ms TT and Uncle Cloud and even Skylar came back from his realms just to tell me I belonged with you."

"Do you like me?"

"...I don't know."

"I hate it when you do this, it's a simple question, do you like me?"

She shook her head as she whispered,"No."

"Then there answers your question."He said, angrily.

He left.

"I love you instead..."Portia whispered to herself.

Kofi stood by the door and told her to get out, which she did, and she resumed time so he could be with Vulpine, the love of his life.

She was done interfering.

When she resumed time, she was in a closet and crying, she had ruined her chance with him, she always just froze before him and could never think of the right thing to say, but congrats to herself, jow he was gone,. probably for good.

She cried for hours, but he never came, she missed the times he used to come and lift up her mood.

She walked through the rain home, not using her abilities in anyway to get her there faster or just drier.

Uncle Cloud was worried and asked what was wrong and she didn't know what to say, neither could she cry, her tears were done.

She just sighed and said,"I had a bad day at school today."

"...do you want to talk about it?"

"...no, not really."

He respected her boundaries as she soiled the floors and carpets with rain water on her way to her room.

She sat by her window and didn't want to eat for the rest of the night, when she heard a mild banging a few rooms to the right.

She looked at and through the wall to see Aeric was ramming his head into a wall, and bleeding profusely.

She gasped then teleported into his room and pulled him away from the blood stained wall then yelled,"Aeric! What the heck are you doing?!"

He didn't respond as he immediately lost consciousness.

His eyes slowly opened and he realized he was on his bed, with a throbbing headache.

He looked to his left and saw Portia sitting there, asleep on the floor.

Portia woke up on Aeric's bed then tried searching for him and found him taking a shower.

She pretended to be asleep when he came out then when he was done changing, he walked towards the wall, then turned and sat by her.

She slowly ' woke up ', then called him.

"What do you need Portia?"He asked, tenderly.

"I need you to tell me why you were hurting yourself last night, and looking into the past, I can tell this isn't the first time, you have been doing it often."

"It's nothing, Portia."

"Yes it is something, you could have died, is this a habit of your's?"

"...you can say."

"...are you doing it because of Skylar?"

He looked at her, then slowly nodded.

She sighed then said,"Aeric, I know Skylar was your brother, but..."

"He wasn't just a brother to me, Portia, he was much more than that, but you wouldn't understand."

"You'd be surprised at how much his ex girlfriend could."

He turned away then Portia said,"We have all been affected by his death, but he's in a better place, literally, I know you may think it silly, but I have seen him, and he couldn't be happier, also literally."

"But then why did he have to die?"

"I don't know Aeric, but it isn't only the losses that affect us, our actions after them also do, so are you going to continue trying to kill your father, or yourself directly?"

He didn't respond till she gently placed her hand on his, then he looked into her eyes.

She then said,"I could never get any happier than this, to see you and Skylar's whole family happy and safe."

He smiled then lifted her up between his arms and said,"Stay off my bed."

Then he dropped her as she stopped laughing when she realized he was serious.

She frowned at him rubbing her rump then he smiled at her and helped her up, at least, he could be helped.