

Fanfic based on the Marvel universe. The protagonist is a person who gets into a symbiote. The fanfic is primarily based on the 1994 animated series "Spider-Man," and any other sources are only used when beneficial to the author. Notes: By definition, the authors ignore the herds of all-powerful beings of interuniversal scale, conceived by the murky "genius" of illiterate, American comic book writers. The authors believe in the conservation of energy and other fundamental laws of physics and are unable to imagine how a certain fat, green man folds the spacetime continuum with his fist just because "Hulk smashes". For such things, we require a more substantial and elaborate justification. The same goes for the rest of the herd of creators and annihilators of universes, of which Marvel has spawned a wagonload and a little cart. Original- https://ficbook.net/readfic/1056797

Agno_Agno · Komik
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36 Chs

Tablet of Time 3/3

Walter Mayer.

And here he is, one of the most enigmatic characters in the Marvel universe. The Mighty and Terrifying Wolverine. Yet, if you look at his story not through the lens of comics, but as the life of a real person... well, the guy hasn't had much luck with his personal life.

Alright then, I've changed my scent to a human one with a hint of perfume, and now the "Nazgul" scent is coming from a regular gold ring with beautiful engravings – something fans of "The Lord of the Rings" would appreciate.

And there, Wolverine stops in front of us. He starts scrutinizing us quite unceremoniously. Laura responds by giving him an equally bold look while enjoying her ice cream. As for me, I raise an eyebrow questioningly. No, my dear, you approached us, so you should initiate the conversation.

Ah, now he's caught a whiff of my "natural" scent, which clearly raises some doubts for him. Well, I'll never forgive myself if I miss the chance to tease him a little and drop a couple of interesting facts about his biography. I wonder, can I retrieve his memories from "blood memory"? Oh, it seems he's decided to approach. Well, let's listen.

"Hey there, kid, haven't we met before?" I couldn't resist doing the classic "facepalm" gesture, given that I assumed Logan was straightforward as an arrow and not much of a spy, but to this extent... Well, he asked for it.

"You know, Mr. Howlett, addressing someone you haven't seen in a long time with 'hey there, kid' is rather impolite. As for your question – yes, we've met.

Gods, you, descendant of a respected man, lived through the Civil War, both World Wars, Vietnam, spent so many years in Japan, and yet you haven't gained any manners... despite learning the Japanese ceremonial ways... quite regrettable – hmm, there's a zinger!

If I were to switch to Nazgul mode right now, pick up Rogue and daughter, and disappear in an unknown direction with devilish laughter, Logan's level of astonishment would be somewhat less.

"You... you... where from?" Quite informative, well, I'll just tell the truth, only the truth and nothing but the truth.

"From space, apparently," with a deliberately playful tone, and some sarcasm in my voice, "and why are you so surprised, James? However, my time is rather precious, dear, and I plan to spend it relaxing with my daughter.

If you were an attractive young lady, I might have enjoyed chatting with you for a bit longer. But well... alas. Although you can always schedule an appointment with me, my name is Walter Mayer, in case you've forgotten.

Perhaps then we could talk a bit more. For now, I kindly ask you to leave me be." Hmm, seems I might have overdone it a bit. He's not planning on leaving, and the presence of a child next to him doesn't seem to bother him.

"Well, no, you can't just take off like that. I need answers, and if necessary, I'll get them by force!" So determined, but that tone can really tick me off.

"Only I decide what I can or cannot do," I deliberately repeat a phrase that once heard Rogue from Nazgul, "and if you lack the brains not to threaten an unknown person in a crowded place, you might want to seek help from Professor Xavier. Perhaps he can assist you.

Or in the worst case... a certain acquaintance of mine (a very, very close acquaintance, we see each other every day in the mirror) in a black cloak wouldn't mind teaching you some manners in a language you'd understand..." and now the delightful scene unfolds: two brooding guys, one around 20 and the other around 40 by appearance, facing off. Laura diffused the situation in her own unique style.

"Dad, no need, or we'll end up dealing with witnesses and hiding bodies afterward," a statement delivered in a calm, almost bored tone, coming from a cute little girl. Well, I expected something like this, but Logan's reaction is like a bucket of cold water.

"Uhh... is she serious?"

"More than serious," the little rascal answered just as calmly.

"Alright, James, if you want to talk to me, you can find me. Luckily, I'm not hiding from anyone. But right now, this isn't the time or place. Your charges might start to worry." Reluctantly nodding, Wolverine stepped back.

He was carrying so much baggage that he completely ignored Rogue hiding in the bushes. Well, seems like I might have pushed it a bit too far. But well, shock therapy might be good for him.

Oh well, I have a feeling I'll have to interact with him a lot more. On the other hand, should I keep him around? There's a lot of trouble I can get out of him, but what about benefits?

I've already obtained the healing factor and enhanced senses. Laura's already training him in tactics and hand-to-hand combat, you can see that just from the way he moves. Adamantium skeleton? That's unlikely, unless... he can remember the whole group of scientists involved in the "Weapon X" operation.

Maybe if I manage to extract those memories from him, I could trace a path to the organizers of Laura's torments. And I wouldn't mind acquiring a couple (dozens) of ingots of that fascinating alloy. It's not like I wouldn't appreciate the security for my phone.

And having something like an adamantium katana – that would be cool! Never mind that it's like nailing with a microscope. But when the urge strikes, that's all that matters. One more conversation remains, but first, I should retreat deeper into the park. It's also best for the girl not to hear this; she's still quite young, and there might be mention of something... um... not entirely decent.

Decided. After handing a bit of cash to my adopted daughter (hmm, I really do see her as my daughter now, and that's her "dad"... it's nice, no matter what you say), I sent her off to get cotton candy and milkshakes. Just in case, I'm keeping an eye on her movements through the cells I've planted. Meanwhile, I've slightly wandered deeper into the park. Well, I think it's enough.

"Well then, young insurgent, would you like to come over and talk like decent, educated people, or do you prefer the romance of bushes and tall grass?" I smirk slightly.

Anna Maria, also known as Rogue, and so on, and so on.

The amusement park was indeed a pleasant place for relaxation, but Rogue wasn't in the mood for entertainment. It felt like they were actively trying to distract her from thoughts of the Nazgul. She understood that she had already annoyed if not everyone, then certainly many, by questioning and uncovering everything possible about this being.

She had even read "The Lord of the Rings" cover to cover. No one could grasp her obsession, but how could she explain to others what it meant for a societal outcast to simply touch another person without thick gloves and the fear that this touch would kill them? And if that person turned out to be an attractive guy, saved her life, and incidentally granted her the ability to fly and a few other things?

But then Rogue noticed that her mentor was acting strangely – he first sniffed around and then simply walked somewhere with an expression as if he had encountered at least a ghost. The eternal curiosity of a woman, which in its time had been the source of many problems of all human kind, simply demanded that she follow her mentor.

Besides, there wasn't much else to do – Jubilee had managed to disappear somewhere, probably off to terrorize either Scott or Storm again, and she didn't have many friends in school – mostly just acquaintances and allies.

Mary quietly separated from the group and followed Logan. She hid in the bushes, eavesdropping on their conversation. And why not listen! That person she had met not far from the battle with Landon clearly knew something about her mentor, and moreover, about her savior too!

And that phrase... Anna shivered when Walter responded similarly to the Nazgul. No, they weren't at all alike – different face, hair, voice... but their eyes were the same. She shook her head, trying to organize the chaos of thoughts swirling inside her mind.

"I need to find out what all this means," Rogue whispered quietly and quickly moved through the bushes following the young man heading deeper into the park. But she didn't manage to hide for long. As soon as she went deeper into the park, the guy turned in her direction.

"Well then, young insurgent, would you like to come over and talk like decent, educated people, or do you prefer the romance of bushes and tall grass?" Darn it, caught! But on the other hand, hadn't she wanted to talk herself?

Letting out a heavy sigh, Rogue emerged from the bushes. However, her nature required some kind of response – she couldn't show weakness or embarrassment to strangers.

"Perhaps I was just walking by? Is that not allowed by law?"

"Oh, since when does eavesdropping on someone else's conversation qualify as 'just walking by'?" Mayer asked with a smile, "But I don't think you followed me for no reason. So, what do you need, and would you mind sharing the name of such a lovely lady? You've already heard mine," the guy continued to smirk.

For some reason, Anna felt like he was playing with her, like an adult with a child or a cat with a mouse, but it was hard to figure out which.

"Anna... uh, I mean, Anna Maria," embarrassment broke through her feigned bravado.

"Walter Mayer, at your service," the interlocutor bowed slightly. The girl couldn't quite grasp if he was joking or if this was just his way of communicating. "So what brought you to me, young lady?"

Rogue took a deep breath, gathered her courage, and blurted out in one breath, "IheardthatyouknowabouttheNazgul,couldyoupleasetellmeabouthim?" For a minute, Walter stood there, digesting the statement, but then he understood what she was asking.

"Why do you need the Nazgul?" he asked, coming closer and looking intently into Anna's eyes.

"Well... I... um... I would like to thank him for saving me... and for the gifts, you know..."

"I'll pass on the message," he nodded.

"Oh, can I meet with him?" Anna was full of hope. Maybe she could see her savior again?

"That's for the Nazgul to decide. Do you have a phone?"

The girl sadly shook her head. She had been thrown out of her house with the bare minimum of belongings, she was on a full scholarship at school and didn't need money, and she didn't have anyone to call, so buying a cell phone was out of the question and unnecessary.

"I see. Here, take this," the guy handed her a new phone, "there's only one number in the list. That's the one you need."

Anna was taken aback. Was it really that simple? Ask for a connection to the Nazgul and immediately get it? She found it hard to believe.

"Why?" she whispered.

"Why did I help you so easily?" Walter nodded, "Well, why not? Even if you tell Logan or someone else about it and they set a trap at the meeting point... I doubt you'd have the strength to deal with the Ringwraith. And as for why you specifically – let's say, I have a weakness for attractive girls," Rogue felt herself blushing again. Compliments were rare for her.

"Allow me to give you one piece of advice – don't trust Xavier. He's a telepath capable of rummaging through the minds of those around him, and he's the head of a special school... I don't believe he doesn't use his abilities on the students."

So be cautious in your interactions with him. And now, it's time for us to part ways," the guy turned around and headed deeper into the park.

"Wait, tell me, what exactly connects you to the Nazgul?" The puzzle refused to form a coherent picture, and understanding who Walter Mayer and the Nazgul really were was vital. Rogue couldn't explain why, but she was firmly convinced that things were not as simple as they seemed at first glance.

"Let's just say we have a lot in common..." Mayer replied without turning around, raising his right hand in a farewell gesture, then almost instantly disappeared into the dense foliage. A moment of shock, and the girl rushed after him, but there was no one to be seen behind the trees anymore. The guy had simply vanished. Rogue's heart raced as she pursued, but there was no one there. In the last moment, Mayer's hand had flashed with a plain gold ring with GLOWING inscriptions.

Walter Mayer.

There was nothing more to do in the park. Rogue got the Nazgul's phone number. It was a good thing I had a spare phone with me. After the incident with the Hobgoblin, I didn't dare to go out in crowded places without a backup device. If I lost my music again, I was sure I would do something regrettable to someone (though I wasn't sure who).

Speaking of music, the borrowed phone also had a complete collection of albums on it... well, I hoped she would like it. There were plenty of beautiful compositions.

Taking Laura along with a big plush teddy bear (the organizer shouldn't have let a little harmless girl into a shooting range, seriously), I headed towards the exit. It would be nice to collect DNA samples from Xavier's students, but I couldn't think of a way to do it without a fight. I could release Symbiote cells into the air, but I wouldn't be able to control their flight, and there could be problems with collection.

The fewer cells, the harder they were to control and the closer I had to get. Playing around with large groups from a distance worked reasonably well, but with small groups, it was more difficult. So I just followed the trail of the mutant group. I managed to catch something unusual, but I hadn't figured out exactly what yet.

The work was undoubtedly challenging. Getting a genome from a small fragment was much trickier than doing it through touch or blood (which was ideal). It seemed the Symbiote wasn't initially designed for such delicate manipulation, but I was adapting slowly.

We returned home around six o'clock, had a snack, and then went our separate ways again. But a couple of hours later, Laura came to me with an Aizen poster... and asked for an autograph.

"Aiz... um, I mean, dad, can you sign this poster?" she asked with a gaze that resembled the cat from Shrek. Seriously, for the umpteenth time, this girl was throwing me off balance.

"Laura, what are you doing?"

"Well, you know, you're him, the one who left the soul society. Or was it even earlier? His recent actions weren't logical, more like a glitched simulation," I still didn't understand anything.

"But how did you conclude that I am Aizen?"

"By the signs!" she confidently declared – Sherlock Holmes, seriously – "Messing with people's heads? Check! Creating your organization? Check! Making bloodthirsty monsters who kill innocent people and each other more human-like while giving them new abilities? And that's you too! So, it turns out that you are Aizen himself!"

What a twist, as one action hero used to say. I tried to find inconsistencies in her version, but except for a couple of minor nuances, everything fit together quite well. How to explain to a child that I'm not her favorite cartoon hero? Quite a conundrum. Well, on the bright side, initially I had thought about passing myself off as Hellsing... I wonder if she's serious or just messing around again?

But the fact remains – although I hadn't concealed from my adopted daughter what I was doing, I hadn't really broadcast it either. Now I urgently needed to find a way to shield her mind. Otherwise, if trouble arose, it could seriously backfire. Oh well, it wasn't a big deal, but having so many secrets, mysteries, and unspoken things was starting to weigh on me, and it was nearly impossible to keep track of everything.

But in another half a year or so, I hoped I wouldn't need to maintain such secrecy. Hopefully, those who could potentially oppose me would either be on my side or in their graves. And I did end up signing the poster.

The next morning, I headed to the university, where another surprise awaited me. Actually, several surprises. I'll start with the least harmless one. Parker once again got too caught up in fighting crime and, as a result, missed his date with Miss Watson.

She was fed up with it and decided to give him the boot. How did I find out? Well, that was easy. Mary Jane's new boyfriend turned out to be none other than Harry Osborn. Interesting move on his part, quite interesting. But Peter wasn't dismayed and was already showing interest in a certain Alice – during my recent absences, Curt had found a new (victim) assistant.

Hmm, maybe it was just an excuse to get Parker to visit the lab more often? Not important. The second surprise was waiting for me in Doc's sanctuary.

"Oh man, this is the last thing I needed," I roll my eyes in exasperation. Dealing with this darned monolith could bring a load of trouble.

In the work chamber of the emitter, surrounded by a pile of sensors, stood the Tablet of Time. Next to it was its sarcophagus - a lead-coated casing reinforced with steel plates. Why did I assume it was the Tablet of Time? Well, I just don't know what else this thing could be - covered in some inscriptions, ancient-looking, and emitting something... unpleasant through the isolation of the work chamber. Or is that just paranoia?

"Hey, Walter, glad to see you, you're just in time!" Dr. Connors practically bounced with excitement, his eyes glinting with that familiar mad-scientist gleam.

"Hi, Doc, I see you can't contain your excitement about the new toy? Is this by any chance the very Tablet of Time they were talking about everywhere a couple of days ago?" Curt nodded with satisfaction.

"It's the one!"

"Hmm, maybe you'll enlighten me about why it's here and not in a museum?"

"You won't believe it, my friend, but the Tablet of Time is actually a kind of device that works on a principle similar to our emitter. It's amazing, especially considering its age - a few thousand years, more precisely couldn't be determined. It absorbs up to 90% of the radiation directed at it, so we can't perform a spectral analysis!

The Doc was already on a roll, informing me that "we need more (gold) tests" and shoved it into another analyzer or whatever he had there. Honestly, it's better not to recall it - this guy got completely carried away. "The ancient civilizations knew more about genetics than we do, the Incas, Mayans, Aztecs, and others.

Their legacy could revolutionize modern science," he muttered, a bit carried away. Urgently, bring the scientist back from the clouds to the earth, otherwise he might go on like this until evening.

"Yeah-yeah, I'm really thrilled about science, but maybe let's get back to the Tablet?"

"Huh? Yes, of course. So, the Tablet. According to legends, it can restore youth and strength, but only on a specific day of the year and at a specific time. We couldn't extract anything more concrete from this source. As for our immediate research...

At the moment, there are a few facts - it drains energy, any kind, but it's unclear how and where it goes - the radiation level near the Tablet is elevated, but nothing particularly dangerous. There must be something else; otherwise, we'll have to admit that it violates the law of energy conservation."

"That's... unlikely, so let's get to work..."

And we started working. At first, I was worried about an ambush by Kingpin or a call from Rogue, but neither happened. Everything was calm; I would even say too calm. Maybe I've already altered events enough that the ambush won't take place at all? Alright, I'll sort that out later. For now, let's return to this mysterious block of unknown material.

The tablet of time turned out to be a genuinely intriguing artifact. However, unveiling its secrets proved to be quite challenging - this damned thing attempted to drain energy from anything within a 5-meter radius. Even batteries died around it, though not immediately.

Laboratory mice (your sacrifice won't be forgotten, friends) turned into dried mummies in just a couple of hours. And if the Tablet was "activated" using the emitter and any living thing was placed within the focus of its own emitters, designed in the shape of human skull eye sockets, that thing turned to dust in a matter of seconds.

The room even got cooler somehow. This somewhat reminded me of Rogue's abilities. I wonder, could she theoretically transfer energy to others, rejuvenating them? Then, there would be a line of ladies in their forties and beyond waiting for her, and not just them. Perhaps, once I figure out the Tablet, I'll be able to find the key to unlocking its genome as well.

But for now, everything was at a standstill. Maybe the inscriptions on the Tablet could help, but decrypting them was quite a task. Thanks to the Anglo-Saxons and the Protestant Church, the language carriers either ceased to exist or were beyond the pale and were probably already having a hard time remembering even the late versions of their native script.

But it's still worth looking. Once again, I confirmed the peculiarity of American thinking - Curt suggested photographing the inscriptions and sending them to renowned linguists. But when he found out that the photos weren't turning out - getting overexposed on film cameras or even frying the sensor on digital ones - he started cursing and wanted to place an order for some super-advanced filters, almost for space photography. It's just that they would take a month or even longer to be delivered.

I had to take matters into my own hands and perform an Indiana Jones-style maneuver - rice paper, graphite stick, and a minute and a half of time, and voilà - I had a copy in my hands. From there, Curt could figure out who to send it to. (Don't forget to absorb language knowledge - they learn through absorption much faster than anything else, and my pocket isn't bottomless, as we know.)

But how can the Tablet restore youth? After all, a human isn't a rechargeable battery that you can just charge again and continue using. This process is bound to be more complex. Although, who would know about the creators of the Plate? It might turn out that it has a little switch somewhere that changes its aging/rejuvenating mode?

We worked passionately; Curt would even forget to eat sometimes, so Alice would occasionally feed him to prevent our dear curator from keeling over prematurely. Speaking of Alice - she was quite a pretty girl with a bunch of black hair, and everything else, as they say.

But her assessing and authoritative gaze didn't sit well with me. Sometimes it felt like she was scrutinizing me through a scope. When I managed to collect her DNA sample (simply kissed her hand upon introduction), I mentally cursed. It was just what Silver-Haired's daughter needed. I wondered if her getting together with Parker was just a coincidence.

We were given three more peaceful days, and then everything got chaotic - the canon gave its fiery greeting. So, it's Friday, already evening (Rogue never called, did something happen, or is she struggling to gather the courage?) Spider dropped by with Doc for a "cup of tea" - after his recovery, he became a frequent guest at our place.

Curt didn't object, and I didn't mind exchanging a few words with Peter. So, there we were, sipping coffee, someone with brandy (did I mention the phenomenal tendency of scientists towards it? I did? Oh well... then I'll add that now my corrupting influence began to show. Once again, the cunning Russo-German is getting American science's luminaries tipsy).

Connors was pouring ideas into Parker's brain about the grandeur of the ancients, their knowledge, and how lucky we were to have their artifact (judging by Spider's emotions, he himself regretted coming to us). And then, the external wall collapsed into a pile of rubble, and through the opening rushed the MECH.

However, in that moment, Parker's emotions were a mix of relief and the desire to smooch that Mech. And then, I had to watch the show from the front row - taking the form of a Nazgul would be reckless. God knows what they could have packed into this can, but they certainly didn't skimp on surveillance equipment.

Oh, another problem - Doc was getting nervous. And a nervous Connors is bad news, as it's liable to awaken a certain scaly individual with an unpleasant disposition. His hands were already beginning to change.

Oh, the prickly hedgehog, why now! I had to inject a massive dose of sedative into his bloodstream, fortunately, it was always available in the lab. My little cells helped immobilize the scientist, so to speak.

So, I dragged the unconscious Curt to a relatively safe spot, Spider entertained himself with the robot, while simultaneously rearranging the lab, and the robot had clearly come for the Tablet and was attempting to appropriate it. Mm-hmm, not a lab, but an annex to a madhouse. And the most crucial part, where is this blasted security?

But then everything got resolved - I pulled Doc to cover, Peter managed to lure the can away from the civilians (I mean Curt and me - the most peaceful civilians), though he used the Tablet from the sarcophagus for that.

If anyone saw him now, they'd start shouting something along the lines of "Spider-Man stealing an ancient artifact" again... mm-hmm. Anyway, once this pair distanced themselves for a private discussion, I focused on Doc - I needed to bring him to his senses and explain the situation. Well, Fisk, you scoundrel. Oh, I sense a visit from an angry Nazgul is in store for someone today.


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