
Swords and Magic The Myth

For the last few weeks there have been lots of unnatural weather forecast that cannot be explained throughout the world one of these storms hit over Yue Fei’s school when he woke up he finds himself and the school in an unfamiliar ground this situation is just like in many stories that he has read is this a dream? Come true or is it the road to Hell itself? Disclaimer all artworks you see here such as the cover are not mine but in time, soon I will hopefully get my own artworks up but what ever artworks i will put up for my works are all forms of inspiration art works for my stories if you want to support the original artists check out their works at artstation.com

SilverMoonlight96 · Seni bela diri
Peringkat tidak cukup
19 Chs

Chapter 6:

Chapter 6:

Days before the exploration team set off on their journey from the safely borders of their school building, unknown to them several events were transpiring throughout the lands beyond the safely of their school.

At the lands far away from the lands where the school is, a stream of chain events happened all at once one right after the other beyond their knowledge once it set off it was stoppable spreading widely like wild fire.

Far off into the distant lands a surge of energy swept over the land like an unstoppable tidal tsunami wave as a massive golden pillar of light shone brightly into the night sky connecting the heavens and the earth for short time before it seemly vanished as if it never existed.

"What was that?! What was that surge of energy just now?"

"It seemed to be coming from the out lands!"

At a balcony like structure made out a hollowed part of a massive tree structure that seemed to resemble a castle amidst a sea of tree like city structures that seemed to have been grow into the trees themselves several shadows were atop this balcony, their figures hidden due to the lack of proper lighting around them with the darkness shrouding them from sight.

Numerous voices not just their own can be heard everywhere bellow them panic voices and voices demanding answers and swearing could be heard, but not in a language that any of the students or staff of the Sun Tech University could have understood or recognized.

"At ease my people there is nothing to be afraid of."

"My queen~!" Suddenly a cold but stern feminine voice came from behind the group from the inner shadows of the balcony stepping briefly into the illuminating light of some crystal object hovering close to what would appear to be some doorway. The figure briefly shown in the light showed of a woman if not for the darkness surrounding her, then her features would be more visible but a notably feature on her face the before the light faded from her face was the pointed tip protruding from the sides of her head sticking outwards from underneath her long overflowing hair.

Her eyes glowing in the darkness never so much as even glanced towards the shadowy figures before the her as the woman's gaze was fixated on the pillar of light before it vanished returning the night sky around them.

"My queen should we send some people to investigate this phenomenon?"

"No need." The woman addressed by the group as Queen said shaking her head slightly from side to side before continuing in a slightly colder tone that sent shivers through the group visibly from the slight shake.

"What is the statues on that thing and….him I presume there has been so development in that issue?"

"Yes my queen we have already dealt with HIM as confirmed by the Crimson Lotus but as for that thing we've…."

One figure stood forward to answer but started to hesitant towards the end of the sentence as if too afraid to speak or didn't know the right words to say at the moment.

"Well~" though she spoke in a quite relax tone of voice to the group it was easy for them to tell that she was getting irradiated.

"We've lost track of that THING my queen we believe the HE must have left it in the care of some humes before the Lotus got to him."

"Is that so…..then forget about it...what happen to HIM afterwards I assume he was properly taken care of?"

The one speaking fought back the urge to sigh a breath of relief knowing possibly that the queen spared them before continuing.

"Yes that matter was properly taken care of there would be anyway for anyone or thing to find HIM in fact I think even if we were to come upon HIM even we wouldn't known it HIM anymore."

"Good…..good…..have more patrols stationed near the borders of the Out Lands though I said it fine to ignore it, it doesn't mean we shouldn't be ready for anything." After saying her piece she turned around walked back into the darkness of the doorway.

At the same time in another part of land in area in a dark room with only the dimlight of several candle lamps near a large bed in a massive room deep in a palace though it was dark one could easily make out the gold engravings that made of the room.

This was a huge room. It was littered with what one would expected a room to be like for those out of a fairy tale royalty there were exquisite designs that litter the surface of the walls. A fireplace burned slowly on the other side of the room. At the center there was a large bed with a thick mattress and soft velvet blanket. An elegant silk curtain hung around the surface edge of the bed. However it failed to hide the dazzling figure of the one behind it. The person in the red velvet blanket was calmly sitting upright as while the pillar of light shot up out into the night sky. The blanket didn't cover her naked body and slid off her body as though her body was covered with lube. Her black hair swayed freely in the air. Her eyes were a beautiful black like obsidian.

"Your majesty there's an emergency!" suddenly the massive door that leads into the room swung open and several armed individuals rushed in, they were all female warriors dressed fine military uniforms and at their head a lady with her black hair in ponytail and dressed in beautiful military gear.

"At ease girls there's no need to panic your becoming unsightly of yourself is this how you act in such situations?"

The calm and light feminine tone echoed in the room like a silver bell though it was spoken lightly it was heard loud and clear by those who rushed in.

"Pl-please forgive us for this unsightly behavior your majesty!"

"Now-now I know why you came but there's no need to worry see its fading away." The figure still on the bed extended long snow-white like bare arm out from behind the curtain toward the window where one can see the pillar of light shining brightly before it simply vanished into nothing.

"See nothing to worry about but just in case have the guard on stand by in case anything were to happen."

"Yes your majesty!" several of the girls respond before darting out of the room while closing the door behind them all expect the one with the pony tail who stayed behind.

"Alice what is the news?" the figure in the blankets shifted her body position in the blankets and pulled the blanket over to cover her body asked as she tried to get comfortable.

"Reporting your majesty in regards to that…..thing…..we've have word that the Crimson Lotus was sighted and they tried to eliminate that pest but seemed to have failed."

"Oh is that so."

She pursed her red as blood lips and smiled though it would be memorized the hearts of many who would be fortunate enough to gaze upon it; this however was no simile of joy.

Several seconds has passed and there was no response from the person on the bed. The person in the blankets shifted her body position in the blankets. This time however was to face the girl called Alice the eyes show through the curtain slit.

"I see that bitch sure is getting pretty cocky, daring to send her goons into my lands she really thinks there wouldn't be any consequence there does she?"

The domineering aura radiating from the empress's nude body was getting stronger; the feeling was hitting Alice hard like a hammer that her two legs were quivering uncontrollably. However it was not fear that was overwhelming her senses but something else she quenched her legs together trying hard not to let out whatever it was dripping down her thighs slowly.

"Where is IT now?"

"We believe from the latest information that IT must be under the protection of the old man should we go and eliminate it your majesty."

"No." a simple answer before the queen yawned turning her back towards Alice.

"Leave it, it will die sooner or later it's not worth our time let it struggle for as long as it can."

"Your majesty but that Thing…. That disgrace should not have even been born....it….. Cannot let be allowed to live."

Alice started frantically saying as if trying to convince her queen, the very mention of that THING disgusted her as if saying the word would defile her tongue as her mouth started to get foul if she could she would rush out right now to find it and thrust her sword through the basted things heart.

"Enough Alice you worry too much besides with the old man watching over it even you wouldn't be able get close to it."

"Guh." At the mention of the old man Alice couldn't help but snort because it was true.

"Ok enough of this talk it's getting late the cold is making me uncomfortable leave me."

"Yes your majesty." Alice bowed as she turned on her heels and head towards the door.

The same phenomenon of the Golden Pillar of Golden Light shone upwards into the sky, breaking the darkness of the night like a beacon. Allowing one to clearly see it even if it was nearing hundreds of kilometers no more than half a world away such was the intensity of the glow.

Within a tent that seemed to have been made with multiple different hides of some sort of creature stitched together within the tent were several large figures sitting in several rooms.

"Chief that was the area that we've sent the new bloods for their trail should we sent someone to check on them?"

"No this is something they must overcome themselves besides they were Level 3 Spirit Kings with a hundred year Heavenly Sprit Rings and the strongest among them had a thousand year sprit ring."

"Though they are young they are that that weak to not be able to fend for themselves if not then they were weak...it is the way."

"It is the way." The phrase was echoed within the tent.

Within a dark forest deep with a couple of figures were running through the gaps and bushes around them, breaking out of the trees and into the moonlight the figures were revealed to be two toddler boys no older than eight years of age being pulled by a older man no later than his pre-teens of early twenties or so.

"Big Brother where is daddy is he not coming as well?" one of the toddler boys a boy with black hair and black obsidian eyes asked the older man holding onto his hand while panting.

The group looked worn and ragged their clothing were ripped and torn and the older boy no older than in his early teens have wet dark spots on his clothes as well panting and gasping for air.

The older boy looked into the young boys face looking into the boy's black obsidian eyes as sadness beings to trench its way into his heart when he look to the sides of the boys head seeing something pointing out underneath his short dark hair. So pure the teen thought to himself so young and pure yet destined for a life's worth of suffering just because of his unnatural birth.

"It's ok Ravus your father will be fine he will be back, you will see now come we must make haste we're not that far from home now."

"Mmh, ok Sam are you okay?" the boy called Ravus turned to the other boy who looked no better than himself, the boys hair was filthy from mud and dirt but it couldn't hide the golden shine of the boys hair underneath. The boy whom Ravus called Sam had his head lowered he seemed to be gasping for air but no noise seemed to being emitting from his vocals.

When called Sam looked out at Ravus meeting eyes with him Ravus then found himself looking in the most beautiful golden gem like eyes that radiant a glow in the dark, a pair of eyes that he would continually find himself memorized later on in life. The boy called Sam gave no response but a firm simile and a slight nodded of his head.

Ravus himself gave a nod in response but also grabbed and pulled the other boy to him Sam gave a wordless cry as he found himself on Ravus's back.

"You're tired Sam just relax and get some rest I'll carry you the rest it's okay just sleep okay."

Sam once again tried to voice his objection but no sound came from his mouth so he simply nodded and relax on Ravus's piggyback ride that he was given.

"Okay Big Brother Julius we are good to go." Ravus said as he walked past the older boy called Julius look on as he walked on carrying Sam on his back, Julius looked at the with a bright simile of pride on his tired face.

"Of course your highness." He said as he gave a deep bow before turning his head looking in the opposite direction grief and sadness filled his eyes looking in that direction.

"Your son will grow up into a great man Uncle do not worry we of the Arc family will honor our pledge to your request and keep him safe...…rest now you've earned it...goodbye."

Then Julius went after Ravus after he called out to him when Julius was facing the rear.

Far off into the distant near a lake not too far away from where Ravus and them were at near the edge of the lake reflexing off of the moonlight there near the water's edge, next to a great boulder a small sprout of an unnatural color swayed in the direction from the group as if waving in the calm breeze after their backs as they continued on their path.