
Chapter 52: Infiltration at Fake Heaven

The plan of that guy was to hide behind a red metallic and kill the whole team. He was not an idiot of course he saw the detective and of course he came because of the sound as nobody should be stationed there at all. But he would most likely have died as they would have over numbered him, so he wanted to surprise them and kill them all.

However, when he shot the guy and came out of his hiding spot there was nobody there. He cursed but he adapted quickly," come out, come out you nuisances," he said it aggressively, desperate to find them.

A jumped from the high ledge and looked around. The situation was like a horror situation except for the fact that out of the four alive people only two people are scared, and the two not scared are next to each other. The detective looked over to the other guy on the other side to make sure he is fine, but he is not there. He was not worried as the objective right now is clear, kill the guy. The detective and the Egyptian sword user split up, one going down the room, with the little space available, and the detective stayed where he was.

He tried to sneak a peek, but knew it was too risky as he could see him too. All he could do was wait. The stone hard killer walked down checking the trucks and layed on the floor to check for feet. He sadly however was not able to see any, which confused him. He kept on moving around, with the gun in both of his hands. He turned in a sixty degree angle every two steps he took, just to play it safe as he had the disadvantage.

Khopesh guy with every squidge made it successfully out after five minutes, there was a large gap between the two containers, and it put him in a position of not knowing where to go, so he just stayed next to the blue one. The guy, whose partner died, crawled underneath the truck to get in a better position. He did not care that the guy died as he did not like him that much, he was the type of guy that preferred the easy way rather than hard and had more talk than skill. Nobody from the regiment he is from really liked him, but he was mad that they lost a man, now o

nly three of them left. The three guys were not from the police force but the FBI and they got called to help them with anything related to the kidnapping incident. He didn't mind though as he was working with a guy that had experience and a strong sword.

He thought and noticed that he was a sitting duck. He tried climbing the truck door, which made him safe and avoided the sight of the guy. He somehow did it by not making any sound, but when grabbing the top he had to punch, which made a handle twist down.


The noise echoed through the whole room and he used that to his advantage and jumped on top of the truck.

The guy looking for the intruders almost peed his pants when he heard the sound, so he turned around super quickly, and tripped from his own leg. The guy then notices that there is something sticking out somewhere, and that he will go there next.

Khopesh guy jumped, literally, from the floor and stuck his head out, which the stalker saw, he pushed backwards making sure he was hidden. The detective just peeked his head out when he heard the bang and saw the guy moving on the floor, he used all his might not to laugh at the funny occasion.

The guy saw the situation where the guy next to the blue container put himself, but he could do nothing. He truly wanted to save him as he was an important asset. This made him wish they brought walkie talkies, but he saw the detective, looking like he's about to burst open. The guy used his brain to come up with an amazing strategy, but it depended on the detective's analysis skills.

The guy on top of the truck summoned his sword, it had a pale orange colour, with dim swirls of liquid moving around his sword. He then launched his sword in the direction of the detective and a shampoo substance came out. It splattered around where the detective could see, and he noticed it. He looked up and saw him pointing the sword around a specific area. He reluctantly moved out, avoiding the substance and saw the guy move to where khopesh guy was.

He understood the situation. When the targeted guy turned, he saw him, standing right there next to the red container, he started talking to buy time," hi, what's in the container?"

This made the guy laugh but not loudly," well, why do you need to know?" He started pointing the gun at him, it was a normal handgun with a .45 bullet size.

He recognised it," because I am gonna die, so you should just tell me," He said it made me more nervous as he was not put in this type of situation.

He was not put too much on the battlefield, in addition he got the lowest possible score in the test, just making by. So his only option was bluffing and hoping, the oppressor replied,'' true, fine, I will tell you, he turned his head a bit, but not his body. "It has drugs," this made the guy just look disappointed. Not guns, not swords, not corpses (which, in his opinion, would have been cool), but damn drugs.

What's the point of them, I mean sure they can sell them and all, but still, really disappointing.

And he showed his disappointment with his face," what else do you expect, this is how I earn money, ok, so deal with it," he said, and put the gun in an eye shot, but got stopped by the detective. The man saw it coming so he turned and summoned his own sword, a dha (translated in burmese as sword). The curvy sixture looked nice and outlandish, and had a wooden finish to it. The detective used his leg to kick away the gun- which, miraculously, made it on top of the blue container. This gave the guy to put full force on an unbalanced detective pushing him down. The khopesh dude summoned his khopesh.

The guy on top was commenting on the whole experience like an idiot," he jumps in with his egyptian stick and flurries him with attacks, but he gets slashed by the dha, which comes from thirteen cent-" I will save the pain, and explain it better.

He smacks the guy with the back side of the sword, but still leaves a mark. Then when going in for the kill, he gets surprised from behind, forgetting that the detective was behind him. This made him get a knees shoved up, in between the gluteus maximus, which are butt cheeks.

His lips make circular shapes, showing the pain, and he desperately retaliates, making the detective move back, with three steps, and blocking the sixth slash he made. He kept his block for a few seconds, making a perfect X. He pushed forward and his sword was facing more right, but pointing left, so when pushing it made the move left.

As quick as a bullet, he pushes it onto the floor and screams," one of you, smack him you geyser," it echoed once, but not loud enough to be heard outside the room. The khopesh guy takes this as his chance and runs out to him, smacking him on the back.

Despite this, he got elbowed in rage, and that made him pull the sword out of the strings of the detective and pushed him back. The guy turns a full one-eighty and stares directly and madly at the Egyptian-sword user, but non-Egyptian.

The guy was not looking as he stopped the terrible commentary and was on the phone, making an important call.

The man spoke loudly, which the people on the other end of the truck man's phone call," you deserve to have the worst death, this is perfect for beating you as it is a bit less sharp so you don't die from it!"

The guy smacked down but he forgot that he still had his sword, so he instinctively blocked. It was hard for him to move as he was pinned on to a durable wall. The guy bends a bit and strikes sideways and it is again blocked but he goes in for a nut crusher as his legs were open, and bent, making sure he is not sliding down, being in an even worse situation.

The pain was real, but he did not scream. He smiled, happy he gave him the same pain but he forgot about the detective and this was his mistake as he was behind him, moving forward.