
Chapter 18

We woke in the morning and continued our trip. The boy still hasn't woken up but we're hoping that it'll be soon. We-

"Everyone stop what you're doing!" Cielo yelled

Hey! I'm monologuing here!

"I hear something"

We stopped and listened for whatever noise was out there.

There was obviously noth-

"See?! You heard it too!" Cielo said

"What? I can't hear anything!" Luna said

"There's people talking. It's quite but it's there" I said

"We're so close!"

We walked down the road and found a small town and people bustling around.

"We've made it!" Luna yelled

"We just need to find someone to tell us where we are" I said

"No. First we need to find a doctor for the boy" Luna said

I agreed and walked up to a woman who was carrying a child and some bags.

"Sorry to bother you but we were-"

"Gah! Colored hair!" She yelled

Everyone turned towards us and started whispering.

Why am I always getting interrupted?

"What's wrong with our hair?" Cielo asked with an offended tone

"It's cursed! Just like the Green Reaper" the woman said as she backed away from us

"That sounds like a fart." Luna said

"Who's the Green Reaper?" I asked

She shook her head and ran off.

The people around us backed off as well and moved away.

"Geez. It's not like we're a virus" Cielo said and continued down the town

Everywhere we went, people moved away or ran off as soon as they saw our hair color.

"How are we going to find a doctor for this kid if they keep running away?" Luna asked

"I don't know" I said

"Easy. Just kidnap a doctor and tell him to fix him" Cielo said

"Maybe they're right about running from you" I muttered

"Hey! You!" Someone yelled

We turned back and saw soldiers blocking the exit with swords aimed at us.

"Eh...yeah?" I asked

"On the ground! Now!" The man yelled

We held our hand in the air and ran off in the opposite direction.


"They're pretty stupid for not blocking every exit." Luna said

"Don't start telling the people with swords aimed at us how to do their job right." I said

We ran in and out of alleyways until I was pulled into a house. I struggled against them. They held their hand over my mouth, muffling any noise I made.

"Quiet. I'm not going to hurt you. I just want to help. I'm the same as you" a male voice said

I saw a flash of green at the corner of my eye. I stopped struggling.

"Mh hmm hm hmmhm"

He pulled his hand away and said, "What'd you say?"

"What about the others?" I asked

"They're fine. They'll find my friends" he said "I'll explain everything soon."

"What did you mean you're the same as me?" I asked

He let go of me after seeing that I wouldn't leave.

"I have the scythe weapon in my arm" He said

"Sythe?" I asked "What's that?"

"It's like the swords the knights had but the top is curved and is generally represented as the devil's weapon" he explained "But for some reason, it won't appear no matter what I do, though"

"It's the same for us! We-"

He slapped a hand over my mouth. "Quite"

Again?! Really?!

I heard footsteps running past the door.

"We should talk later" He whispered


We went inside the house when I heard a yelp from another room.

"What was that?" I asked

A man came running from the room next to us, holding his hand to his chest. He had light brown hair that was cut real close to his head with dark brown eyes. He was tall and muscular. He took up most of the doorway.

"What happened?" Green vomit asked

"The one I got bit me" Brownie cried

I'm going to guess it was Luna.

Cielo came running out, yelling "And I'll do it again!"

Oh. I was wrong.

"Where's Luna?" I asked

He looked back at me and shrugged "Dunno. She was still running after I got caught"

We heard a scream that came from the same room but further away. Another man who looked like brownie came stumbling out while clutching his lower half. I'm going to guess they're brothers.

"Did yours bite you too?" Vomit asked

He shook his head "I wish that all she did. She kicked me in my-"

Luna came running after the man and jumped on his back. "Where are my friends?! Don't make me kick you again! I swear! No children! No children!"

"Luna!" I yelled

She looked up. She smiled and jumped off the poor guy. She came barreling towards me.

"I was so worried after I saw you weren't behind us!" She yelled as she wrapped her arms around me tightly.

"I'm here too" Cielo said

"Yeah. Sure" she said

Cielo huffed and asked "So, who are these people?"

"That's the green ripper- I mean reaper and I'm guessing his friends" I replied

"What do they want from us" Luna asked as she glared at the second man. He hid behind his brother.

"As I said before, I'm just like you guys. I have a weapon inside me" Fart- Reaper said

"We just wanted to get you guys out of harm's way so we can talk peacefully" the second guy said. He forcefully said the word "peacefully" while looking at Luna. She didn't pay him any mind.

"Quick question. Do you guys have a doctor or something? Cause I don't think this kid is going to make it soon" Cielo said as he looked at the kid in my hands

I looked down at him, he had turned red. Probably from a fever. Shit. I don't think he will make it either.

"I'm a doctor" the second guy said as he walked towards the kid

I held the kid close to me not knowing whether to trust these people or not.

"Don't worry. I only heal people" he said

I didn't have much of a choice if I wanted to help this kid. The man came close to check on the kid.

"It looks like a fever. A bath, some water, and rest should reduce the stress of it" he said

"Okay" I replied and let the man take the boy.

"Start talking. Who are you guys?" Cielo asked

"Like I said before, I have a scythe weapon inside me but for some reason, it won't come out when I want it to. Right after that happened, you guy showed up. I wanted to know if you guys had anything to do with this" he said

"And if we do?" I asked "Are you going to take us to your leader?"

"What are you? Aliens? No. I just want answers. This whole curse has made my life here miserable and now it's just gone"

"Miserable?" I asked

"Terre here has been hunted down before he was even born just because of his ability" Brownie said "We've known him for our entire lives. He's like a brother to us."

"I actually noticed a white light just before our weapons disappeared" Luna said

"Yes! I saw it too. Do you think that might be related?" He asked


We told him about our situation and eventually told him about the dream I had.

"Do you feel like you had any visions? From the past or present?" I asked

"I don't think so. At least none that stood out" Terre said

"Well. I think that after all that, you guys must be exhausted. Why don't you eat and rest" Brownie said

"Thank goodness!" Cielo said

They prepared some food for us and handed it out. As we ate, Terre asked "This map. Can I see it?"

I took it out and handed it to him. He looked over the names and said "I recognize a few towns close to here but I'm not sure about the ones further away"

"Really? Sorry to ask this but do you mind guiding us there?" I asked

"I was actually going to ask to join you guys" he said

"I'm not sharing food with any more people!" Cielo yelled

Luna nodded in agreement.

"You guys can take as much as you want. We'll need it to get there"

"Is it far?" Cielo asked

Terre nodded.

Cielo grumbled.