
Sword & Scale: Legacy of LeoBoirn

In the enigmatic world of Cythinia, where humans struggle, elves thrive, orcs brawl, and dwarves drink, a dark secret binds them all together. In a small elf village, young Leo, a half-elf with striking silver hair, lives a peaceful life with his adoptive elf father and lifelong friend, Aurora. However, their tranquility shatters when a devastating crisis strikes the elf village, leaving destruction in its wake. Amidst the chaos, Leo stumbles upon a mysterious ancient artifact that causes a change of events that leads him to discover an innate ability to wield any weapon with uncanny skill, a gift that could prove to be the key to Cythinia's fate. Driven by a thirst for knowledge and a desire for revenge, Leo embarks on a perilous journey to uncover his true origin and the source of his newfound powers. Along the way, he encounters an array of allies and adversaries, forming unlikely bonds with humans, elves, orcs, and dwarves alike. Together, they must unite to face a common enemy threatening the entire world.

UnMortalSuki · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
34 Chs

Episode 6: Changing The Course Of Destiny

The resounding roar swept through the air, unleashing powerful tremors that rippled across the vast expanse of the Kingdoms. In Leo's room, the violent shaking jolted him awake, and he swiftly brought his hands to his ears, desperately attempting to muffle the excruciating noise. As the room quaked, objects clattered and threatened to cascade from the walls and dressers. In a bid to protect himself from potential projectiles, he instinctively tucked his legs close to his body, seeking shelter within the confines of his bed.

Through narrowed eyes, he glanced around the dimly lit room, trying to pinpoint the source of the chaotic commotion. His gaze was drawn to the closet, where a faint, eerie light seeped from beneath the closed door. Accompanying the eerie glow were ominous sounds of cracking, like the protest of an ancient barrier nearing its breaking point. Undeterred, Leo mustered the strength to drag himself out of bed, but the floor beneath him felt treacherously unsteady. Each step toward the closet was a battle against the mounting tremors, and he struggled to maintain his balance.

With gritted teeth, Leo flung open the closet door, momentarily blinded by the intense light that spilled out. Nevertheless, he steeled himself and pressed onward, determined to uncover the source of the disturbance. Hands still clamped tightly to his ears, he managed to focus on the object of interest—a peculiar egg nestled within the closet's depths. Yet, the egg was no longer as pristine as he remembered it. Instead, a colossal crack marred its surface, running down its length. Surprisingly, the deafening roar that had reverberated through the Kingdoms had now fallen silent.

Perplexed by the sight before him, Leo's eyebrows furrowed in bewilderment. "What the- What is going on?" he muttered, his eyes never leaving the egg as if searching for answers within its enigmatic shell.

However, his contemplations were abruptly interrupted when Asher, his father, rushed into the room. The force of the entrance knocked over a lit candle, and within moments, Leo's room was ablaze. Without hesitation, Asher turned on his heels and bolted out of the room, racing to fetch a bucket of water to quell the spreading fire.

Though the inferno danced around him, Leo remained strangely calm, his attention still fixated on the egg. With an almost trance-like focus, he withdrew his hands from his ears and instinctively threw one hand back, as if attempting to push back the raging flames with sheer force of will. To his astonishment, a sudden gust of wind surged forth from his palm, extinguishing the fire in an instant. Leo's eyes widened, his mind grappling with the inexplicable feat he had just accomplished. "Wh-What did I just do? Better question. HOW?"

As Asher rushed back into the room, bucket in hand, ready to douse the flames, he was greeted with an astonishing sight—the fire was nowhere to be seen. Confused, he questioned his son, "Put out the fire.. Leo, where did the fire go?"

Leo's mind raced, but before he could respond, the inexplicable and soothing voice interjected once again, "You have a lot to learn, special one. He shouldn't know right now."

An air of mystique surrounded the voice, leaving Leo both unsettled and intrigued. "Turns out I do not know," he replied, eager to understand the enigmatic voice's guidance.

Perplexed, Asher glanced once more at the spot where the flames had raged, finding no evidence of their previous fury. Someone or something had intervened with astounding swiftness, a surreal event that defied all logic. Puzzled, he left the room, bucket in hand, his mind reeling from the inexplicable turn of events, as Leo continued to contemplate the mysteries that unfolded before him.

The room erupted into a whirlwind of motion as Leo acted with haste. He turned and lunged towards the egg, now adorned with dull red scales glimmering with a hint of gold. As his hands closed around the mystifying egg, he immediately sensed its increased weight, prompting him to set it back down momentarily, bewildered by the unforeseen transformation.

Without skipping a beat, Leo darted across the room, his heart pounding with a mix of excitement and trepidation. He snatched up the bag he had used before, the fabric cool against his skin. Rushing back to the egg, he skillfully slid half of the bag under it, the material providing a makeshift cradle. With a determined lift, the heavy egg gracefully slid down into its secure cocoon, causing Leo's face to light up with a cocky smile.

"Boom, I swear I'm the smartest creation alive!" Leo couldn't help but boast, his pride swelling in the midst of the unfolding mystery.

As he slung the bag over his shoulder, preparing to carry the egg back to the cave, a whisper insinuated its way into the room. Unlike the soothing voice he had heard before, this one exuded a menacing tone that sent shivers down his spine. The mark on Leo's hand burned with an intensity that left him dropping to his knees, his fingers clutching the bag in agony.

"Smartest creation alive in a world full of deaf ogres, you foolish Leoboirn. You shouldn't think that highly of yourself," the voice taunted, a sinister laugh following suit, leaving Leo in no doubt of its malevolence.

Defiant, Leo's teeth clenched together as he vowed to unmask the elusive being behind the dark voice. "Wait till I find out who you are, and on this day, you will repent to your god for forever messing with me!" he growled, the pain fueling his determination.

As the burning sensation subsided, Leo raised his head, only to find the indistinct being standing right before him. The figure leaned down, their hand gently cupping Leo's chin, almost as if they sought to peer into his very soul. In an instant, a torrent of vivid images assailed his mind—a haunting tableau of his village consumed by flames.

He witnessed grotesque creatures, incomprehensible in their malevolence, tearing through his fellow villagers with merciless abandon. The huts and grounds were splattered with blood, creating an eerie and crimson mist in the air. Amidst the chaos, his father Asher valiantly fought back, displaying courage in the face of overwhelming odds. Behind him, Aurora tended to the wounded, her grace and strength providing a ray of hope amidst the darkness.

Leo's helplessness in the face of the brutality was paralyzing, rendering him speechless and powerless to intervene. His voice failed him, leaving him voiceless against the onslaught unfolding before his eyes.

Unexpectedly, the creature attacking Asher turned its attention to Aurora, its menacing arms poised to crush her into the earth. Desperation engulfed Leo, but just as he thought all hope was lost, a brilliant, luminous light erupted from the depths of his soul. The radiant glow expanded, banishing the nightmarish visions from his mind, leaving him gasping for breath.

As the last remnants of the dark being disappeared, Leo's eyes refocused on the egg, now glowing again with its enigmatic radiance. A sense of gratitude and wonder washed over him, and he offered a gentle caress to the egg.

"I don't know if I have you to thank, but I appreciate you, little guy," Leo murmured, a subtle smile tugging at the corners of his lips. In the midst of turmoil and discovery, a newfound connection seemed to form between Leo and the mysterious egg, binding them in an unspoken understanding.

Leo resumed his efforts to shake off the haunting visions that had engulfed his mind moments ago. With determination, he slightly turned the doorknob, intending to make his way out of the room. However, a sudden realization struck him like lightning – Mary and Asher were still awake, probably worried about the commotion caused by the roaring and the flames. Fearful of encountering anyone in his current state, he swiftly pushed his desk in front of the door to block any entry. Taking a deep breath, he then decided to make his escape through the window.

"I better not see no fake Aurora or Asher this time," Leo muttered to himself while cautiously peering out of the window, scanning the surroundings to ensure there were no illusions lurking in the shadows.

As he hopped out of the window and landed softly on the ground, he looked up at the two moons illuminating the night sky. However, something felt different this night – it was considerably darker, with fewer fireflies dancing in the air. The usual symphony of night critters' melodies was conspicuously absent, adding to the eerie ambiance. Strangely, Leo observed that none of the village watchers were on patrol, as if they had vanished into thin air.

He glanced towards the woods, where he knew the path to the cave awaited him. In contrast to the rest of the surroundings, the entrance to the woods was bathed in an ethereal glow, as if the moons themselves were guiding him towards his destination. The surreal sight gave him both comfort and an unnerving sense of destiny.

Before he could take a step towards the beckoning woods, a familiar voice interrupted his thoughts. "Wait for me, silly. Where do you think you're going to go without me?"

Leo turned around slowly, as though he had been caught in the act. Recognizing the voice of Aurora, he found himself unable to meet her gaze, instead focusing on the ground beneath his feet. "Oh, great. What do you want now?" he mumbled, his guard still up from the recent encounter with the mysterious dark being.

"I-I just wanted to go out with you, Leo. You've been avoiding and ignoring me ever since you recovered," Aurora's voice was filled with vulnerability, and she seemed to shrink into herself, wrapping her arm around her as if seeking comfort.

"No, I haven't? I-I just.. I have just been taking time to myself, y'know?" Leo replied, still avoiding eye contact and fidgeting with his right hand, a sign of his discomfort.

Aurora's frustration and sadness boiled over, and tears welled up in her eyes. She couldn't bear the thought of Leo pushing her away. Without giving him a chance to respond, she turned and ran towards her home, her face concealed as she held back her emotions.

Leo could hear her sobs in the distance, and a part of him longed to call out to her, to reassure her that he cared. But the weight of his mission, the danger he faced, and the mysteries surrounding the egg left him torn. Clutching the bag tightly, he made a difficult choice and pressed on towards the woods, hoping that one day he could explain everything to Aurora and mend their relationship.

As he stepped into the woods, the shadows embraced him, and the soothing glow of the moons guided his path. The journey ahead was fraught with uncertainty, but Leo was determined to unravel the secrets that lay ahead and face the destiny that seemed to call out to him from the depths of the cave.

Leo stood at the entrance of the path, and as he gazed towards the cave, his heart raced with both anticipation and nervousness. Suddenly, the ground beneath him shook violently, causing the bag containing the mysterious egg to tremble uncontrollably. Struggling to maintain his footing, Leo dropped to his knees, desperately reaching out to steady the bag. The roar erupted once more, assaulting his ears and reverberating through the woods.

"Why must you be so crabby!" Leo shouted in frustration, as if trying to reason with the unseen beast behind the deafening noise.

Amidst the chaos, the egg emitted another blinding burst of bright light. Leo managed to grasp the bag tightly, but he couldn't help but notice that the cracks on the egg's surface were now even more pronounced. "What are you? Is it you that is doing this nonsense?" Leo questioned the egg, his voice tinged with bewilderment, as he braced himself against the shaking ground.

Finally, the roar subsided, and the blinding light gradually faded away, leaving the egg cracked and more enigmatic than ever. Without wasting a moment, Leo swiftly scooped up the bag and sprinted towards the cave, eager to find the answers he sought.

Upon entering the cave, Leo was greeted by a sight that left him utterly astonished. A colossal red dragon lay before him, far larger and grander than any creature he had ever seen or heard of. The creature's scales were a captivating mix of vibrant red hues, and its imposing form exuded an air of ancient wisdom. Two majestic horns adorned its head, curving back towards its expansive wings, while menacing spikes ran down its body, extending all the way to its powerful tail. A striking scar marred its neck, reaching beneath one of its majestic wings to its hind leg. Instead of the usual air, the dragon exhaled swirls of smoke from its nostrils, creating an otherworldly atmosphere within the cave. The mighty beast appeared to be in a deep slumber.

Attempting to avoid disturbing the dragon, Leo moved cautiously, trying to tiptoe backward and exit the cave unnoticed. But fate had other plans, an unfortunate misstep caused him to step on a dry branch, producing a loud crunching sound. The dragon's eyes snapped open, and it became apparent that it was infuriated by being awakened from its rest.

"Who dares wakes thy mighty Heresa from her slumber?" the dragon's voice thundered through the cave, its throat glowing with an intense fiery light, heating up the cavern.

"I-I was just walking by. I'm not as tasty as you may think!" Leo stammered, raising his hands in a gesture of surrender, trying to defuse the situation.

The dragon's response was filled with both amusement and arrogance, "Oh, you puny little Elven boy. You don't taste nearly as good as thee dwarfs, their short chubby selves. Now, what is it you have there?" The fiery aura dissipated as the dragon seemed intrigued by the bag Leo was clutching.

As the dragon leaned down, seemingly ready to snatch the bag from him, Leo's arm shot up instinctively, and he slapped the dragon on the nose. The dragon recoiled, snorting fire in annoyance, and grew even more enraged.

"You brave one must have a death wish!" The dragon opened its immense mouth, preparing to devour Leo whole. However, a strange sensation overcame the dragon, causing it to spit him out with an involuntary jerk, sending him flying across the cave and the bag tumbling away.

"Y-You are the.. No, it can't be. You're a half-elf!" The dragon seemed bewildered by this revelation. "But no matter, why do you have my daughter?"

"I-I can explain," Leo managed to regain his composure, picking himself up and wiping the dragon drool off his body. "Did anyone ever tell you that you could use a breath mint because Gawd damn, your breath is kicking mighty Heresa?"

The dragon puffed out smoke, as if attempting to sniff her own breath, mimicking Leo's jest, but she couldn't hide a hint of offense in her expression.

"Now that I have your attention. How was I to know that was your future wyrmling? You left it here all alone, some great parenting if I'm allowed to say." Leo chuckled, holding his stomach.

Unfazed by Leo's comment, the dragon retorted, "I was taking my other wyrmling's back to my lair. A couple of moons ago, I had to stop here because I couldn't make it back in time. Also, no, you aren't allowed to input your opinion!" With a playful nudge, the dragon pushed Leo over with her snout. "But I was wondering why this one was taking so long to hatch. It seems she's different from the others. She's gonna be mixed between myself and her father," the dragon spoke with a puzzled tone, contemplating the rarity of such an offspring.

"Her father? Wait, so he isn't a red dragon? But, the stories..." Leo's voice trailed off, his mind struggling to reconcile the information he had just learned with the tales he had heard as a child.

"The stories aren't always true, young one," the dragon responded, her voice carrying a mix of wisdom and amusement. "They say us red dragons are evil and extremely territorial. But some of us have vowed to serve... never mind, you must find that out yourself," she continued, her tone hinting at a hidden complexity beneath the common perception of her kind. Before Leo could inquire further, she cut him off, redirecting the conversation. "But, besides that, we must talk about something, darling."

During the encounter with the dragon, a strange familiarity washed over Leo. Despite the imminent danger he had faced, there was an undeniable aura of comfort in the dragon's voice. It brought him an unexpected sense of ease, allowing him to feel somewhat safe in the presence of a creature that had almost devoured him moments ago. The juxtaposition of such conflicting emotions left Leo feeling awkward, unsure of how to process this strange mix of fear and comfort.

The dragon's eyes softened, sensing Leo's perplexity. It was as if she understood his inner turmoil and the unspoken questions he held within. However, rather than addressing it directly, she maintained her enigmatic smile, leaving Leo to wonder about the secrets that lay hidden behind her powerful gaze.

In that moment, the cavern seemed to hold its breath, the air thick with anticipation and unspoken revelations. Leo's heart pounded in his chest, torn between curiosity and caution, as he awaited the dragon's next words, knowing that whatever she had to share could change the course of his journey and perhaps even his destiny.