
Sword & Scale: Legacy of LeoBoirn

In the enigmatic world of Cythinia, where humans struggle, elves thrive, orcs brawl, and dwarves drink, a dark secret binds them all together. In a small elf village, young Leo, a half-elf with striking silver hair, lives a peaceful life with his adoptive elf father and lifelong friend, Aurora. However, their tranquility shatters when a devastating crisis strikes the elf village, leaving destruction in its wake. Amidst the chaos, Leo stumbles upon a mysterious ancient artifact that causes a change of events that leads him to discover an innate ability to wield any weapon with uncanny skill, a gift that could prove to be the key to Cythinia's fate. Driven by a thirst for knowledge and a desire for revenge, Leo embarks on a perilous journey to uncover his true origin and the source of his newfound powers. Along the way, he encounters an array of allies and adversaries, forming unlikely bonds with humans, elves, orcs, and dwarves alike. Together, they must unite to face a common enemy threatening the entire world.

UnMortalSuki · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
34 Chs

Episode 3: No Longer A Hinderance

As Leo and Asher sat at the table, awaiting Mary's arrival with dinner, the tantalizing scent of freshly cooked boar meat filled the room, teasing their appetites. The flickering candlelight cast dancing shadows on the walls, their gentle sway caused by the cool breeze slipping in through the crack under the door. Despite the warm ambiance, Leo's demeanor betrayed his frustration and internal turmoil, a storm of emotions brewing beneath the surface.

His mind replayed the events of the day, particularly the encounter with Aurora, and he felt a pang of weakness at the memory of his father's words. Though he kept his feelings bottled up, determination was etched on his face. Leo had always been tough on himself, having been taken in and raised by Asher since he was a child. Uncertain about his biological parents, he cherished the family he now had.

Breaking the silence, Asher brought up a suggestion, "So Leo, I was thinking; we could take a break from your training and focus more on these visions and voices."

Leo's frustration momentarily gave way to conviction as he responded, "Father, we can't! I need to get better. Not just for me but you and Aurora." He appeared ready to persist until Asher relented.

Mary entered the room, carrying a massive plate adorned with a steaming boar and a luscious apple in its mouth, a testament to her culinary prowess. With excitement, she tried to add her input, but Asher's interruption was a common occurrence, leaving Mary visibly flustered yet unyielding in her duty.

Leo's patience wore thin, and he abruptly pushed his chair back, causing it to topple. "Y'know what, Asher, don't worry about me. I got myself, just like I always do. If you aren't wanting to help me become efficient in how to fight, I'll do it on my own," he declared resolutely, seizing the apple from the boar's mouth with a determined snatch, the boar's jaws meeting with a loud smack.

"Leo, don't disrespect your father; come back and..." Mary attempted to intervene but was halted by Asher's intervention, signaling that she should let Leo go.

Leo stormed into his room, the force of the door slamming extinguishing the candles within. In the dim moonlit glow, he sat on his bed, his feet swaying back and forth, almost grazing the floor. Moonlight filtered through the smoke of the candles, casting an ethereal luminescence upon his face. In that moment of solitude, he sought not only to calm down but also to devise a plan to prove himself to Asher and secure the training he craved.

His brief respite was interrupted by a tap on the window, rousing him from his thoughts. Wary but defiant, Leo grasped a burnt-out candlestick, ready to face any potential threat. Peering out the window, he beheld a vision that left him momentarily awestruck - it was Aurora, radiant in the moonlight, her eyes glistening with a spark that rivaled the moons above.

"A-Aurora, it's just you, I-I'll be right out," Leo stammered, trying to collect himself while carefully setting the candlestick aside to avoid alarming Aurora. He attempted to climb out the window but found his foot entangled in the chipped wooden windowsill, causing him to stumble out clumsily. In a flurry, he brushed himself off as though nothing had happened. "So.., what is it?"

Amused, Aurora chuckled, her laughter ringing like the soft melody of the night. "So we are just to ignore you're a clumsy ditz?"

Leo blushed, slightly embarrassed by his clumsiness, and averted his gaze toward the moons hovering above the treetops. "Y-you saw that?"

Her laughter continued, though now more subdued, like a hidden giggle. "Of course, I did. It wasn't exactly quiet."

Unfazed by his previous mishap, Aurora revealed her intention. "Anyway, I was thinking we could go out for a walk in the woods tonight with how beautiful the night sky is. Thought it would be nice if we could talk, and y'know, I don't know... just talk."

"I'm down, tired of Asher anyway," Leo replied, and before he finished speaking, Aurora was already sprinting towards the woods.

"Well, c'mon, Leo, you don't need me to come to drag you like last time, do you?" Aurora teased, her voice fading away as she distanced herself from Leo.

But the voice from his past, warning of impending danger, echoed in his mind, and he quickly called out, "Wait, Aurora! It might not be safe; wait for me!" Without a second thought, Leo dashed after her, fear for her safety propelling him forward.

As he ran through the woods, panic set in, and he called out her name repeatedly. The sounds of insects and frogs ceased their melodious symphony, as though the forest held its breath in suspense. Leo's heart pounded in his chest, fear gnawing at him as he struggled to locate Aurora.

"Help!" Her voice reached him like a lifeline, and he charged towards the source, his resolve strengthening with every step. "I'm coming, Aurora; I will protect you," he proclaimed, his fear mingling with determination.

Leo halted where he thought he heard Aurora's cry, but found nothing but the surrounding woods. He was disoriented, lost in the darkness. "I'm right here, silly," her voice seemingly came from behind him.

Turning abruptly, he saw her again and rushed to embrace her, but she vanished like a fleeting dream. Confusion and worry washed over him. "W-What, you were just here. Right here, w-what is happening?!" he asked, his voice betraying his concern.

"Leo, I'm over here." Her voice came from another direction, and he took off running once more. He reached out for her, and just as before, she faded away, causing him to trip over a root, cutting his eye in the fall. Tears welled up in his eyes as he fought to maintain composure. "I can't lose you too, not right now."

Once more, Aurora's figure materialized before him. "A-Aurora, I-I'm so sorry, I didn't know. I..." But the figure crumbled into ashes, carried away by the night breeze and absorbed by the moon's light.

Puzzled by the surreal events unfolding, Leo felt a burning pain from the mark on his back - a lingering reminder of the lightning bolt that struck him days ago. As he reached back to touch the sore spot, the pain ceased. His surroundings seemed to shift, and the voices of goblins, guttural and menacing, reached his ears. "Get the little elf boy!"

Leo turned to confront the approaching horde of goblins, but his attention was torn between the incoming threat and the sight of Aurora's lifeless form hanging from a tree branch. Even in this dire moment, he couldn't help but admire her ethereal beauty.

"NOOOOOOOO, y-you stupid goblins will pay for this! Mark my words!" Leo shouted with determination, his voice carrying an air of defiance.

Armed with a branch from the ground, he swung at the first goblin, sending it hurtling aside. But another quickly struck him from behind, causing him to stagger. Leo's anger overpowered any pain he felt, and he shrugged off the blow with steely resolve. "And I was the weak one? We shall see about that," he taunted, a menacing grin spreading across his face.

With each swing of his makeshift weapon, Leo fought with unyielding ferocity. He caught a glimpse of the moonlight reflecting off the goblin's weapon, and an unfamiliar feeling surged within him. Suppressing it for now, he hurled the goblin, still clinging to the club, away. "Doesn't feel so good, does it? Yeah, let Asher know; he could use the feedback."

Yet the goblin onslaught showed no signs of abating. For every goblin he felled, two more emerged from the shadows. It seemed an insurmountable challenge, but Leo refused to give in. As his body and mind pushed past their limits, he caught sight of the figure from his nightmares, standing defiantly in the moonlight.

"The goblins are mere distractions," the voice taunted him once more. "You won't reach your full potential around these people you so-call care for. Emotions will be your downfall."

Defiant, Leo roared in response, refusing to let fear control him any longer. He fought on, knowing that his emotions were his strength, not his weakness. As the goblins overwhelmed him, he tapped into the newfound power within him, fueled by his love for Aurora and his determination to prove himself to Asher.

He kicked the club up, catching it with resolve, and sent it flying towards another goblin, who was sent sprawling by the force of the impact. With each strike, he felt the mysterious energy surging through him, lending him a strength he had never known before.

Yet, even with his newfound power, the odds seemed insurmountable. The goblins pressed on relentlessly, and exhaustion began to take its toll on Leo. He felt the sting of a blade slicing into his heel, but he gritted his teeth and carried on.

Breaking free from the clutches of a goblin's grip, he turned the tables, snapping the goblin's arm and using its own sword against it. Leo's movements were fueled by pure determination, and with each strike, he felt the mysterious power growing stronger within him.

As the goblins closed in once more, Leo knew that he was facing an impossible battle. He could feel his strength waning, and his vision blurred. The moonlight cast long shadows around him, a haunting backdrop to his struggle.

With a final surge of energy, he fought back against the goblins, landing blows and defending himself, but the onslaught was too much. Exhausted and battered, Leo fell to the ground, the world around him fading to darkness.

But just as it seemed that all was lost, a sudden burst of bright light emanated from Leo's body, radiating a power that he had never felt before. A wave of energy surged through him, reinvigorating his tired limbs. In that moment, Leo tapped into an inner well of strength and resilience, fueled by the love and determination to protect those he cared about.

His eyes ablaze with newfound courage, Leo stood up, facing the remaining goblins with an unwavering determination. As they charged towards him, he moved with an unparalleled swiftness and agility, evading their strikes and launching counter-attacks with precision. His movements were a dance of blades and strikes, each move calculated and focused.

For every goblin he killed, the horde seemed more and more endless, but Leo remained relentless. He was no longer fighting out of fear or desperation; he fought for something greater - the safety of his loved ones and the assurance that they would be protected from any harm.

As he battled through the horde of goblins, Leo's mind remained clear, focusing solely on the task at hand. He recognized the power within him, but he also understood that it was fueled by his emotions - both his love for Aurora and his determination to prove himself to Asher. These emotions were no longer a hindrance; they were his strength.

Time seemed to blur as Leo continued to fight, pushing himself to his limits and beyond. The moonlight cast an ethereal glow around him as he became a whirlwind of fury and resolve. He had transformed into a force of nature, embodying the essence of a true warrior.

Eventually, the goblin horde began to waver, their morale shaken by Leo's unwavering resolve. With a final burst of energy, he launched a devastating attack that sent the remaining goblins scattering into the darkness of the woods.

As the last echoes of battle faded, Leo stood there, panting heavily, his body aching and covered in cuts and bruises. Then as if out of nowhere his vision finally gave as he collapsed to the ground. Only having enough strength to mutter. "Aurora....."