
Sword Saint Slashing Apart Magic

A sword is more than just a weapon! It's a passion that gives you life! These words were imprinted, fused deep into Gladius's soul. When Gladius finally gains his profound connection to the world and sword, he soon finds himself in a world of Magic & Mages. In this world, he has no powerful noble background, no special Magical power, absolutely nothing. But Gladius didn't give a single damn. His sword will slash through any force of Magic, any noble genius wanting to prove their dominance, any hero looking to take him down, any old monstrous expert that seeks to suppress him. His sword will reach the apex. His life will reach the apex. All mysteries of the universe as a whole, all enjoyment and pleasure, nothing can escape Gladius's sharp grasp.

CosmicPrime · Fantasi
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199 Chs

Entering The City

"Ah, I see," Gladius murmured. "And this Starforge individual... given his evident status, would he not make attempts against you while out in the open city? Or are there rules preventing such actions?"

A slight smile tugged at Arianna's lips as she explained, "Indeed, there are. No matter their arrogance or pride, even genius Mages and Senior Mages cannot openly defy the laws of Emberstar City. At the very least, public displays of high-end Magic or outright combat on the streets are strictly prohibited. Talented Mages enjoy certain privileges, but maintaining order is paramount."

Her shoulders lifted in a casual shrug. "The only impetus for me to venture beyond the city walls is to seek opportunities to advance my Innate Spirit and delve deeper into the nuances of my Magical Arts. There's only so much growth possible while confined within the city."

Understanding dawned in Gladius's eyes. "I see..." He regarded her with a hint of admiration. "You're quite daring, knowingly placing yourself in a precarious position, all to further your mastery of Magic."

A serene smile graced Arianna's features. "Risks and rewards are inherent to a Mage's life," she replied, her voice carrying a sage-like quality. "It's an essential flavor one must experience to truly live a fulfilling existence in this world."

"Exactly my thinking," Gladius concurred, his tone resonating with kindred understanding. "I've yet to experience many of life's avenues, and therein lies my limitation. The prospect of exploring Magic's wonders alongside you fills me with immense joy."

"It'll be extraordinary! Trust me, Gladius, an infinite number of wondrous paths await our discovery..." Arianna's radiant words caressed the air like a soothing melody, stirring Gladius's soul with their promise of adventure.

And so, the duo made their way towards Emberstar City, their newly forged bond allowing conversation to flow as naturally as breathing. Though they had only just met, an instant connection sparked between them, an inexplicable chemistry that transcended mere circumstance. 

Undoubtedly, Gladius's timely intervention, saving Arianna's life, had forged an unbreakable bond of gratitude. Yet, there existed an undeniable resonance beyond that, a shared yearning to shatter boundaries and drink deeply from the chalice of life's experiences, unfettered by society's restrictive norms.

The colossal gates of Emberstar City loomed before Arianna and Gladius, towering sentinels that seemed to herald their arrival into a realm of true magic. 

The sprawling metropolis stretched out beyond the gates, a dazzling display of glittering spires and crystalline edifices that sparkled with myriad twinkling lights. The streets themselves appeared to be crafted from gemstones of the finest quality, their lustrous surfaces refracting the city's radiance into a kaleidoscope of colors that danced before the eye.

Mages strode confidently across these brilliant thoroughfares, their flowing robes billowing behind them like capes of royalty. An aura of refined power and arcane mastery seemed to emanate from their very beings, a tangible reminder of the mystic might they commanded.

Arianna's eyes gleamed with an appreciative light as she took in the breathtaking sight before them. 

Despite her own unorthodox path and the societal stigma she faced, she couldn't deny the sheer magnitude of arcane prowess these esteemed mages possessed. The most exceptional among them were existences that lived on a higher plane, far beyond what most could even comprehend.

Beside her, Gladius sucked in a quiet breath, utterly awed by the fantastical majesty of Emberstar City up close. Its grandeur was unlike anything he had ever witnessed, a spectacle that defied the boundaries of his imagination. 

As they approached the imposing city gates, he noticed various other mages streaming in alongside them, their robes and demeanors exuding an air of refined elegance.

The only common mortals Gladius spotted were servants garbed in stylish magical robes of far superior quality to his own shabby uniform. A cursory glance at their blank, vacant expressions told him all he needed to know about the harsh realities of their lives, bound in servitude to their mage masters.

Nevertheless, Arianna and Gladius passed through the city gates unhindered, their presence seemingly unremarkable amidst the flow of foot traffic. 

Gladius did notice a few of the guards and some surrounding mages flickering disdainful gazes towards Arianna, but given the strict laws and rules that governed Emberstar, there was little they could do to openly obstruct her passage.

As they ventured deeper into the heart of the city, Gladius found himself utterly entranced by the wondrous sights that unfolded around them. 

The buildings seemed to blossom with a glistening, almost sentient shine, each one exuding a magnetic aura that drew the eye inexorably toward its magnificence. The very air itself felt more vibrant and potent, saturated with a dense source of magical energy far more concentrated and potent than anything he had encountered in the Ashen Woodlands.

It was as if the essence of magic permeated every fiber of this sacred realm, a place where the impossible became possible through sheer force of mystical will and unwavering dedication to the arcane arts.

As they strolled along, Gladius's gaze was drawn to a large, open area where some sort of construction effort seemed to be underway. 

Mostly common mortals toiled away at the site, their forms bent with exertion as they followed the intricate blueprints laid out before them. However, he also spotted a few mages overseeing the operations, their mere presence imbuing the area with an aura of arcane significance.

The structures being erected reminded Gladius of the fairground stalls from his homeworld, albeit elevated to a level of luxury and intricate detail that would put even the most extravagant carnival to shame. Ornate carvings and glyphs adorned every surface, hinting at the wondrous enchantments that would undoubtedly be woven into their very foundations.

"Some sort of event is happening?" Gladius asked, his curiosity piqued by the flurry of activity.

Arianna's gaze followed his, and an appreciative light danced within her eyes as she nodded. "Ah, that's in preparation for the upcoming annual fair the city hosts. It's a grand spectacle, where mage constructors from all corners of the realm converge to showcase the wondrous creations they've been toiling over for months, some even years."

A faint smile played across her lips as she continued, "During this event, their ingenuity and mastery of the arcane arts are put on display for all to witness. Who knows? There may be something extraordinary in store for us, something that could aid us on our path."

A contemplative look crossed Gladius's features as he pondered her words, his mind turning to the potential ramifications of Arianna's reputation and status as an outcast. 

"Would we need to be concerned about your... situation?" he asked cautiously, wondering if her notoriety might pose challenges in such a public setting.

Arianna let out a light, tinkling laugh that seemed to dance through the air like musical chimes, utterly unbothered by his concerns. 

"They wish they could do anything about me," she replied with a wry smile, her voice carrying a hint of sardonic amusement. "Fortunately for us, the rules and laws regarding mages, while still flawed, at least strive to be fairer than those governing common mortals. The fair will make an effort, albeit perhaps a token one, to treat all attendees as equals."

Her expression turned slightly sardonic as she added, "Although, I won't be surprised if some noble geniuses show up expecting to be fawned over. There are no laws or rules preventing the truly exceptional from being treated as something... special."

Gladius nodded, understanding dawning. Even within the hallowed ranks of mages, there existed separate echelons and hierarchies, each with their own privileges and status. It seemed that the concept of inequality was an inescapable constant, no matter the realm or society.

As they continued on their way, Gladius couldn't help but notice the reverent expressions adorning the faces of those around them. It was as if the very air itself crackled with an electric sense of anticipation, charged with the promise of witnessing something truly extraordinary.

It was at that moment that the duo found themselves standing before a rather large and imposing structure that exuded an air of grandiose splendor. 

The building seemed far older than its surroundings, as if it had stood for centuries, a testament to the enduring legacy of magic that permeated this great city.

It didn't derive its mystique from intricate designs or ornate embellishments, but rather from the sheer flow of mana that radiated from its very foundations, imbuing it with a sense of timeless mysticism. The air around it seemed to hum with arcane energy, as if the building itself were a living, breathing embodiment of the mystic arts.

Arianna smiled faintly as she gestured toward the ancient edifice, her eyes sparkling with an almost childlike wonder. "This is it. Ember's Library, the beating heart of arcane knowledge within our city. The best place there is when you want to uncover anything about the intricate theory of magic or delve into other realms of esoteric wisdom. Let's head inside and begin our exploration."

As they made their way toward the entrance, Gladius sensed a couple of mages focusing their attention squarely on them. 

Flickering a glance in their direction, he noticed that these two individuals wore the same magical uniform robes as Arianna, indicating their affiliation with the prestigious Arcane Nexus.