
Sword Saint Slashing Apart Magic

A sword is more than just a weapon! It's a passion that gives you life! These words were imprinted, fused deep into Gladius's soul. When Gladius finally gains his profound connection to the world and sword, he soon finds himself in a world of Magic & Mages. In this world, he has no powerful noble background, no special Magical power, absolutely nothing. But Gladius didn't give a single damn. His sword will slash through any force of Magic, any noble genius wanting to prove their dominance, any hero looking to take him down, any old monstrous expert that seeks to suppress him. His sword will reach the apex. His life will reach the apex. All mysteries of the universe as a whole, all enjoyment and pleasure, nothing can escape Gladius's sharp grasp.

CosmicPrime · Fantasi
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199 Chs

EmberForge Mages

Keeping his expression open and appreciative, Gladius replied, "That sounds perfect. I would appreciate it."

"Very well, let us be on our way then." The leader's curt words brooked no disagreement as he turned on his heel, leading the procession along a winding forest path. "Stay close and mind your steps – the beasts of the Ashen Woodlands are more numerous than even our esteemed colleagues would care to admit."

As the quartet of mages strode forth with an easy, practiced confidence, Gladius fell into step just behind them, his senses eternally attuned to even the faintest whisper of danger amidst the primordial boughs enclosing them on all sides. 

He was sorely tempted to seize this chance encounter and begin prying for any morsels of insight these mystic adepts might offer into the nature of their powers and this wondrous new realm.

Yet before he could even voice his first query, the maiden mage had drifted closer, matching his unhurried stride with a coy smile that likely would have set many a young man's heart aflutter. 

"So, a small rural town was your home, was it?" Her melodious voice carried a subtle undercurrent of mirth, as if she found his very presence a source of unending amusement. "You are quite the daring soul, to venture so deeply into the perilous Ashen Woodlands entirely alone. These forests are rife with Nascent Beasts that would make short work of even veteran mages, lurking around every gnarled bramble."

Gladius offered a slight nod of acknowledgment, refusing to be cowed by the maiden's faintly patronizing tone. 

"I am indeed a novice when it comes to the wider world beyond my hometown's borders," he conceded in an even, resolute cadence. "Which is precisely why I am so curious to learn. Just who are all of you? And can you demonstrate something about Mana?"

An amused smile played on her lips. "Who are we? It's been some time since we encountered somebody who doesn't know about us."

The lanky Mage smirked while the shorter one scoffed, "But it does feel good to introduce people to the way of Magic. Common mortals should be especially grateful for it."

Gladius didn't really have any reaction, just waiting for the woman to continue talking.

The maiden Mage shrugged, unperturbed. Her smile blossomed into one of radiant, genuine pride, clearly relishing the prospect of showcasing her arcane prowess. "We are from the EmberForge Organization in the Emberstar City. We may not be at the very top of powers, but we're certainly far better than any common Mage Academy or minor Mage family. And you want to see Mana in action?"

With a subtle flourish, she brought her ornately carved staff to bear, the intricate runes etched along its length taking on a pulsing, orange luminance.

As Gladius watched with rapt attention, he could sense the ebb and flow of that otherworldly force they called mana, tracing its winding currents from the boundless ether into the maiden's own being. 

There, it swirled and coalesced around her staff in an intricate, mesmerizing spiral of mystic potential, until--

With a subtle exhalation of effort, the maiden projected her will upon that gathered mana, giving it purpose and form through meticulous mental calculations and archaic formulae as intuitive to her as breathing itself. 

Gladius's senses blazed with newfound comprehension as he studied the sinuous line of golden flame that sprang forth from the staff's tip, burning with a radiant intensity that seemed to transcended the mundane physical properties of mere fire.

This was the essence of magic given visual manifestation, an elemental force of existence sculpted into a new form through the sheer indomitable will of a trained practitioner. 

And in that moment, Gladius could feel his own understanding of the sword's sublime intricacies expanding in profound synchronicity. 

For was not the weapon itself an extension of will brought into corporeal existence? 

Two sides of the same divine truth, given shape by the inextinguishable furnace burning at the core of the world?

The dazzling flames cast kaleidoscopic patterns across the verdant environs, bathing the procession in an ethereal crimson glow as the maiden continued to revel in her demonstration with an almost childlike sense of wonder. It was clear that while they prided themselves on their mystical superiority, the sheer thrill of wielding such incredible forces had never truly lost its intoxicating luster.

The crimson-haired mage arched one finely sculpted eyebrow as she studied Gladius, expecting the small-town folk to be utterly spellbound by her mastery of the arcane arts. 

Yet as vibrant flames danced along her staff, bathing her features in a warm, fiery radiance, Gladius fixed her with an intense, studious gaze that made her full lips pursed in displeasure.

It was almost as if the ruffian could somehow discern the intricate weaves of mana that allowed her to conjure such blazing sorcery. 

A muscle twitched beneath the mage's high cheekbone as Gladius remained unfazed, his eyes analytical rather than awed by her display of power. 

What truly vexed her, however, was his apparent indifference to her exquisite beauty – the delicate sweep of her jawline, the lithe, entrancing figure hidden beneath ornate sapphire robes, and the fiery tresses that cascaded over one creamy shoulder like rivulets of molten copper.

Snorting inwardly, the mage smoothed her features into an imperious mask, determined not to let such rudeness rattle her poise.

With a subtle toss of her head that sent scarlet locks swaying, she addressed Gladius with a casual tone.

"Typically, any individual, even those..." Her lip curled slightly as she could barely reel in her disdain. "Demi-Humans freaks, possess sparks of mana flowing within them. Naturally, the mindless beasts around us have mana infused into their very beings, which is why it is considered quite impressive that you can slay mere Nascent Beasts."

As the conjured flames winked out, Gladius seized the rare opportunity to sate his curiosity. "One of you mentioned something called an Innate Spirit? I assume it is the key to unlocking one's magical potential?"

The lanky mage snorted out loud, idly twirling a lock of black hair around one slender finger. "My, aren't we the quick study? Indeed, once an apprentice has attained a sufficient grasp of manipulating the mana currents, we undergo a sacred ritual to awaken our Innate Spirit - the innermost font of our magical power. This spirit is what connects us to Magic, what we us a conduit to use Mana and grow our Magical power. Not that someone like you could participate. Simply knowing how to manipulate your soul essence won't be nearly enough."

"I see..." Gladius murmured, his mind spinning as the pieces started falling into place.

Perhaps he did not possess this vaunted "mana" that flowed through the veins of these magic-wielders. But if he understood correctly, these Innate Spirits they spoke of seemed to be an innate force drawn from their own bodies – much like how he could summon his ethereal silver sword directly from the core of his own being. 

By fueling the blade with his own potent inner energies, his "sword force" as it were, he could enhance its deadly potential to staggering heights. Even now, he could sense that same rhythmic power pulsing through the world around them, almost as if the ambient energies were being channeled directly into his spiritual blade whenever he manifested it.

Could it be that his affinity for the sword was akin to these Mages and their Innate Spirits, simply resonating with a different, more primal force of nature? 

Before Gladius could voice his musings, however, the wizened leader of their convoy suddenly came to an abrupt halt, his gnarled staff slamming down against the loamy earth as a scowl etched its way across his leathery features.

"You sense that?" he barked at his fellow mages, contempt, and impatience dripping from every syllable. "Some annoying beasts are foolish enough to obstruct our path. Prepare yourselves!"

In an instant, the other magic-wielders snapped to readiness, their ornate staves bursting into radiant life as shimmering mana coalesced around the intricately carved foci. 

Gladius felt the unmistakable surge of power prickling across his battle-honed senses, like the first warning tingles of an oncoming storm. 

Scanning their surroundings with narrowed eyes, he spotted disturbing movement amidst the gnarled, skeletal branches of the surrounding trees – shapes that rapidly resolved themselves into growling forms of Nascent Monkey beasts emerging from their arboreal lairs.

No words were needed. Gladius could feel the menacing thrum of danger pulsing through his very core, a call to arms as primal as the driving beat of his own heart. 

An ethereal glow blossomed around the grip on his sword as his consciousness turned inward, focusing his potent life energies until the air itself seemed to crescendo with rising power. 

In a blinding flare of silver radiance, the luminous form of his sword radiated a shower of spectral motes, the razor-sharp edge humming with barely contained might.

The shine of the sword caused the other Mages to flicker their eyes over, surprise entering their gazes.