
Sword of Holy Maiden

Reading her favorite Novel Nia Roy Flitzabeth fell asleep, after she woke up she found herself inside the Novel and she unknowingly frees the Villain Lin Xia

itz_Noor · Fantasi
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9 Chs

Chapter 05

Both finally reached the Castle of Kingdom of kniles. Guards seeing general of kniles army recognized her but they were stunned to find a beautiful woman with white hair and gold eyes dressed beautifully with him and the general was carrying a sleeping child. They misunderstood the woman as general's woman and child to be general's and woman's Child Hisame and Nia reached the throne room and General reached the King Alfred and he bowed respectfully.

"General Hisame! What brings you here?", ask the King Alfred looking a bit shocked and he looked at the woman as Hisame step aside.

"Goodness! She's the Goddess Venus!", said King in shocked.

Murmurs could be heard among the high ranking nobles present there.

"She is not Venus but her heir her name is Lady Nia. She haven't gain her full power yet so she needs time to reach her full power. Until then she needs stay at Castle"said Hisame with a serious tone.

Whispering could be heard among the high rank nobles.

Until a man who is actually Cheif minister of kniles Ethan miles, he is also very good looking with his blonde hair and blue eyes spoke in a calm but serious tone.

"How can you say such thing? Do you really have proof of that she is not a fake and trying to decive us?", said Ethan miles composed as ever.

This statement made Hisame look at Nia.Nia however remain composed and nodded at him and step forward.

She spread her beautiful and huge white wings. Everyone was stunned including Ethan miles. Whispering could be heard among the high rank nobles.

"I may have not gotten my full power but I believe it is enough to determine that I or General Hisame are not lying", said Nia with a gentle smile and looked directly at Ethan.

King Alfred stood up and and bowed and other bowed one by one and in the end Ethan bowed as well. This felt a little weird for others bowed to her like this but she can't help it but remain composed.

"We welcome her holiness to our castle and l order rest of the other to treat her way she deserves and she's welcome to stay as long as she likes", said King Alfred respectfully.

"May I make a request if you don't mind your majesty?", said Nia with a kind and gentle voice.

"Anything for you! your holliness!", said King Alfred looking up.

"I want General Hisame to train me and to help with other things when I need help", said Nia with a kind smile.

"Of course you can call them anytime and you can call others nobles and knights if you need they'll be glad to help"said King Alfred with kind smile.

All nobles present there seems to agree with that.

"Well then I want General Hisame for now", said Nia with a little blush.

"You can call me too and sorry for being rude earlier", said Cheif minister Ethan who was quiet until now.

"No offense was taken, I understand you were only doing your duty as a Cheif minister and I will surely call for you if needed", said Nia with a kind smile.

Then Nia transformed back to her human form shocking others and as soon as Princess Lucy who was there but quietly stood by her father's side finally recognized her.

"It's you ! You saved my life that day! ", said Lucy happily beaming.

"Oh hello Princess Lucy!"said Nia with a bright smile.

"The goddess and princess know each other", said one of the nobles in surprise.

"She is the lady who saved me from falling from a Cliff father!", said Princess Lucy happily beaming.

"Of course I was the one who saved you and I am sorry I couldn't tell you my name earlier.

"It's alright I'm glad I met you again", said Lucy with a kind smile.

"I'm glad I could meet a kind girl like you again"said Nia with a bright smile leaving Lucy blush shyly.

"I'm very glad you saved my daughter", said King Alfred happily

"I did what was right thing to do"said Nia gently smiling.

Soon Nia was given a lavish room to stay she was provided with two maids to look after her and the kid.

At evening, Nia went to Castle to calm herself. A tea table was set with various goodies. Tim was with her and he was happy enjoying eating a strawberry cake. She was relaxing when she heard footsteps approaching only to find Princess Lucy and C.M. Ethan.

"Mind if we join you?", said Princess Lucy nervously.

"Of course why not, I was about to call you", said Nia smiling.

"I see you got company", said Princess Lucy looking at little Tim.

"Oh his name is Tim and I adopted him ", said Nia looking at maids and one of them named Carlie took Tim with her.

Isn't he a demon?, said C.M. Ethan confused.

"I know I found him in a burning house scared and crying and his parents were already burned to death, so I took him with me, he's so innocent and he began to call me mother ", said Nia calmly sipping her tea.

"That's so kind of you but aren't you scared he might betray you ", said C.M. Ethan with a worried face.

"I can understand your concerns C.M. Ethan but I couldn't let an innocent child suffer whether it's a human or demon", said Nia still calm while sipping her tea.

Her statement touched hearts of both Princess Lucy and C.M. Ethan.

"I want to become friends with you", said Princess Lucy nervously.

"Oh sure why not!", said Nia with a kind smile.

"Then I request you to call me by my name, not address me as your holliness ", said Nia with a smile.

"Alright you can call me Lucy and I'll call you Nia", said Princess Lucy excited.

"What about me?"said C.M. Ethan with a smirk on his face.

"You want to be my friend too?", said Nia surprised and confused.

Suddenly Hisame Appeared in front of them and he felt jealous by Ethan's words.

"I prefer you not call her formally", said Hisame with a warning gaze.

"Is that jealousy I see ", said Ethan smirking teasingly.

Hisame hearing this glare at him leaving Lucy chuckle amused.

"Calm down guys you can both adress me by my name", said Nia getting nervous and scared.

"Hisame please have a seat, let's have a chat", said Nia pointing to a chair next to her.

"Alright", Hisame said while still glaring at Ethan who also glaring back.

This wasn't how story suppose to go. Have my existence change the story? But If this goes on I won't be able to witness a love story between male and female lead and also second male lead Ethan Fall for female lead and sacrifice his love for Lucy's sake.I don't want to snatch a spot which is rightfully hers. I must at least make Hisame fall for Lucy at any cost. Nia thought to herself.
