
Sword of Holy Maiden

Reading her favorite Novel Nia Roy Flitzabeth fell asleep, after she woke up she found herself inside the Novel and she unknowingly frees the Villain Lin Xia

itz_Noor · Fantasi
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9 Chs

Chapter 03 Claimed by the Demon King.

"Demon King is free? so the story", said Nia showing fear and nervousness.

"It's true! , what I believe that maybe the new heir unknowingly freed him , she maybe the Lost princess we're looking for!", said Hisame eying her suspiciously.

"That's great news, I guess" said Nia nevously.

"Is it just or he thinks that I'm the princess!", Nia thought to herself.

If he wants to find Lucy maybe I should make up a story and tell him that I saw Lucy Evans going to the Cellar, not only it'll clear my name but the real princess will be found she thought and look at Hisame and started her drama.

"I think I can help you find the princess ", said Nia smiling happily.

Both Knight and Hisame were shocked hearing her statement.

"Really?", said Hisame with an eyebrow raised.

"yes, cause I saw some lady in forest while I was picking fruits for dinner", said Nia showing to be excited.

"She often come at this time and this time she was looking for a specific berries and I told her to look ahead and she went ahead", said Nia starts looking at Hisame try to get his reaction .

"So you're saying that, that lady might be the Lost princess?", said Hisame getting new information but somehow still feels suspicious of her but didn't show it.

"Yes!, she told me her name is Lucy Evans and she runs a bakery in town ", said Nia eagerly waiting for his reply", said Hisame smiling kindly and he heard a sigh of relief from Nia however it was very low.

"Alright! , we'll search for the lady, We really appreciate your help"said and stood up and left the hut, the knight followed him behind but when they came out they both spotted some flowers but they both didn't stop and left from there and after getting a little far the knight finally spoke.

"Did you notice those flowers General?", said The knight in thought.

"yes, those were Riviles, Cavels and Filves, those were rare flowers grow once in a thousand years and history says be grown where celestial energy can be found in a certain amount", said Hisame in a thought.

"she's telling us half truth, lady she's telling us about may have a part in this but her look was different when I revealed that The Demon King was free", said Hisame with a suspicion.

"So what are we going to do?", said the knight.

"You go search for a lady named Lucy Evans and I'll like to do some research on something that may tell us the truth.

Meanwhile Nia sighed a breath of relief as they left.

"I don't think he's easily distracted by my lies that easily", she said looking at Tim nervously who was also afraid.

"What are we going to do now?", said Tim fearfully.

"Don't worry I'll protect you no matter what", she said determined clenching her fists.

They had lunch and was busy Washing the dishes when suddenly a figure appear opening the door with a band both Tim and Nia jumped startled by it .It was none other but Lin Xia himself.

"Hello there sweet heart!, did you miss me?", said Lin Xia smirking.

"Gah! it's you! How'd you find me!?", said Nia fearfully.

"I can do anything sweet heart! I'm a Demon King after All!", said Lin Xia smirking.

"Why are you here?", said Nia gulping in fear.

He chuckled amused and closing the distance between them and then he grabbed her by waist pulling her close. He grabbed her face and made her look at him in the eyes. This made Nia's cheek grow red.

"Why did you ran away after freeing me from the prison?", asked Lin Xia with a serious tone.

"I freed you? but as long as I remember nothing happened to the cuffs when I touch them", said Nia confused and shocked.

"But they blew up right after you left ", said Lin Xia with a serious tone that made Nia believe that he was telling the truth.

"How? that can't be! I'm just a normal girl, I can't break such a powerful spell!", said Nia confused.

"But you did!", said Lin smirking.

His eyes set on Tim who was scared. Tim took off his hat and coat revealing his ears and tail. He was shocked.

"Please leave my Mommy alone!", said Tim requesting and bowing to him.

"Your mommy!, I see you raising a magical forest beast's child", said Lin Xia impressed.

"Don't worry child I won't hurt your Mom she'll just gonna be my wife and I won't mind making you my son",he said and grab a knife near on kitchen table and cut his finger put it in her mouth, his blood reach Nia's throat and then he quickly got out his fangs and bit in Nia's neck and drank her blood.

All of this happened so quickly that Nia was unable to fight. She tried to shout but her body gave up. Her knees got weak, she couldn't help but to hold him firmly. He lick his lips.

"what did you do!", said Nia in weak voice which was almost a whisper.

Suddenly a mark appear on her left wrist. Seeing this Lin Xia smirked proudly and hugged her.

"you're mine now our blood is one! we're married and you're my wife said Lin Xia caressing her cheek , then kissed her passionately and as kiss ended he looked at her, she was shocked but due to weakness she fainted in his arms.

After few hours she woke up, it was next morning and sun was rising. Then she remembered last time, she was angry and her she got even angry when she saw him lying next to her and smirking.

"Lin Xia!"she shouted his name in anger. he chuckled.

"You bit me! you.. you also made me drink your blood! you idiot!", said Nia gazed him furiously.

"Calm down wifey! what done is done!", he said smirking.

She furiously hit him with pillow she grabbed from bed but this didn't budge him even a little bit. she hit him more until she got tired and sat next to him throwing away pillow in anger.

"You done?",he said.

"yeah, but I'm still furious", she said averting her gaze.

"why did you do that?", she said seriously.

" Cause I like you, you're perfect to be my wife ", he said smirking.

"you have a weird taste cause nobody likes me!", she said.

"I don't see anything wrong with you?", he said confused.

"you know nothing about me yet you married me who does that", She said arguing.

"I'll know you as we spent some time together ", said Lin Xia smiling.

She was about to speak but she stopped as she saw Tim looking hesitatingly through the door.

"Come in sweet heart did l woke you up? I'm sorry!", she said looking at Tim apologetic.
