
Sword of Holy Maiden

Reading her favorite Novel Nia Roy Flitzabeth fell asleep, after she woke up she found herself inside the Novel and she unknowingly frees the Villain Lin Xia

itz_Noor · Fantasi
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9 Chs

Chapter 02 Saving another Stranger

Tim was also so happy that he began to call Nia his Mom. Everything was going fine until one day on picking fruit for dinner both Nia and Tim came to meet another lady she was picking fruit too but as she got further she fell as ground beneath her collapse and she fell into a hole.

"Oh no! we got to help her", said Nia both went after her.

They found her lying unconscious, her head was injured.

"She's wounded, she fainted cause of it", said Nia examining her carefully and then she bandage her.

"Let's search for water, so we can woke her up!", said Nia looking around.

"you stay here with the lady, I'll try to find some water here", said Nia and Tim nodded.

She leaving them behind went further ahead and searched,to her fright it looked like a Cellar. She gather courage and went even further and to her surprise , she found a man hanging, cuffed by the chains and his cuffs had strange Mark on it.

"Why all of this seems familiar?", she thought and look again at the man and found him quite attractive even though he was not in his Best condition cause of injuries.

She then remembered after reviewing her past and things about this world.

"I'm in the Novel", she shouted in realization utterly shocked.

She again look at the man but this time found him staring at him.

"Finally!, someone is here to free me",he said while smirking.

"If I'm in novel then he must be Lin Xia!", she thought but unknowingly said his name out loud.

"Well well, strange enough you know me!, we haven't met have we?", he said while smirking that could surely could be said was of a demon.

"No!,we haven't, said Nia as a chill run down her spine draining all of her color from her face.

He looked at her in the eyes and said while playful smirk played on his lips.

"You look like a good girl so why don't you come closer!", said Lin Xia.

She was afraid yet something about him feel alluring and her feet aromatically went towards him until there was few inches gap left.

"Why don't you free me?", said Lin Xia whispering .

"I can't, even if I want to I can't, your cuffs contains a spell which can only be broken by a Holy Maiden or someone even powerful", said Nia looking into his eyes blurting out everything. she cover her mouth realizing what she just said .

"You're quite cute when you're helpless", said Lin Xia chucking amused.

"At least you can give it a shot don't you?", said Lin Xia smirking.

"Alright! I'll try said Nia and her hand reach out but stopped in middle hesitating but then she touched her fingers on cuffs but nothing happened.

"See I told you now gotta go! bye ", she said and quickly ran away without looking back.

She reached Tim and said, Let's leave from here as soon as possible.

Meanwhile cuffs whom she touched began to glow and both of cuffs blow up setting him free.

"She said she doesn't have powers but the way cuffs blew explain that she's no ordinary woman!, she even knew my name", said Lin Xia confused but impressed at the same time.

Meanwhile in Nia's home, she sprinkle water on her, she woke moaning in pain then opened her eyes.

"Are you feeling okay?", said Nia worried look on her face.

"I'm Alright! Where am I?", said girl worried.

"You're in my house!, I brought you here as I found you unconscious!, what is your name?", said Nia worried.

"Really!? Thank you so much!, My name is Lucy, Lucy Evans", said Lucy smiling thankfully.

"I'm Sirinia Rose Flitzabeth, Nia for short", said Nia shocked a bit.

"Wow! so she is the heroin, no wonder she's so pretty!", said Nia mesmerized by her beauty.

After that Lucy left after thanking her and thankfully neither she met and freed Lin Xia nor she found out that Tim is not a human, she hide his tail and ears well. What she didn't knew that she herself had freed him.


Inside the castle of Kniles in court room. A man with Fearful expressions on his face enters in a hurry and went straight to the man sitting in chair busy in documents who looked at him in worry.

"General!, the news is true, he's been freed and our team search the area and saw that the cuffs were blown like some great power have touched it but it's even stronger as cuffs are still emitting gold energy",he spoke both fear and thrilled at the same time.

"Are you sure!?", said Hisame shocked.

"100% sure general ", said the knight.

"If that is the case then it seemed Confusing", said Hisame in thought.

what kind of power have freed him if it was not the Holy Maiden herself? he thought.

"Have you searched nearby areas?", said Hisame rubbing his chin in thought.

"Yes, there's one hut closest to that place and there's a lady who lives there", said knight confidently.

"Then let's pay a visit shall we?", said Hisame with a smirk.

"As you wish General Hisame!", said the knight bowing respectfully.

Both left the castle and went to Nia's Hut. Nia was playing violin at that time and didn't notice them coming. Tim didn't notice him too as he was so mesmerized by the sweet and romantic tune. Hisame was so impressed by her talent that he stopped the knight from getting her attention.

Soon Clap could be heard after it ended also it got their attention.

"Bravo! what a natural talent are you!", said Hisame in praise.

"Thanks I guess", said Nia in confusion.

"Pardon for sudden visit but we would like to have a little chat with you, so may we come in?", said Hisame in gentleman manner.

Nia nodded and all went inside her hut and she made tea and sat in front of Hisame after serving him a cup while the Knight kept standing behind him like a wall.

"I'm general Hisame from castle of Kniles, I know this is All of sudden but we're here to investigate.

"General Hisame!?, so, this guy is the hero? he's handsome", she thought but her mind drifted back to Lin Xia. He's way more handsome than realizing what she was thinking, she shook her thoughts.

"Is everything alright General?", she said politely trying not to show her fear.

"Don't tell me Lin Xia is free", she thought getting a little Panic.

"Demon King is free ",he said frustrated.

"Shoot!", so novel didn't stop from progressing, Lucy Evans may have went there again.
