
Sword Burial

A world where martial cultivation is common place, and magic is part of the daily life. Join our protagonist as he journeys to break through Immortality, and achieve his dreams.

GreaterHoi · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
10 Chs


After the homeroom class was over, Atlas an Dylan went to the rest of their classes. Although today was the first day of the school, students were only introduced to the classes and given detail explanations. Elemental Theory, and Qi-Mana Cultivation Classes were still not divided, and would only be so after the first week has ended. Although it is said as a week, since today was already Wednesday, the students only had time to finalize their selections, like; external or internal Cultivation, or if one has multiple alignments, which one to major.

So there were no lectures during classes today, and it was mostly about introducing general class curriculums. Each class lasted about 45 minutes, and the students were also given lunch time in the middle. Although there was free food provided, there were also expensive options, in which the food were more nourishing to the body. Since Atlas and Dylan came from noble families, they could afford nourishing food, which would help their development.

When all of their classes were over, the two returned to their dorm rooms. The dorm rooms in this school was also divided into several categories, the free ones would be shared between four people, some could pay money to lower the number of dorm mates, or even have an entire room to themselves. There were also higher level rooms available which provided better mana and qi absorbance, but those would not be able to rented with money, but contributions to the school.

In this school there was a contribution system to help students gather resources. Teachers, sponsors, independent employers, and sometimes even other students, would release public missions while using contribution points as payment. These missions could be: help raise a herb, look after pets, cleaning, etc.

Contribution points could also be obtained from contributing to the school itself, or winning tournaments and showing exemplary results. These points were often used as betting wagers between the higher-ups of the school whenever an interesting event takes place.

Atlas and Dylan naturally had a shared room between the two, and had no problems with it since they were no different than brothers.

The room they had was one of the highest class ones a student could rent with money, and actually had its own kitchen, bathroom, 2 separate bedrooms, a large lounge, and a mini training room with some technological devices installed. Life was indeed easier to those with money.

After Atlas and Dylan came back to their dorm, the two cleaned up (separately) and started practicing. Dylan picked up a sword he had brought with himself when he came to the school and went to the training room to practice, while Atlas sat down on his bed to collect his thoughts and meditate.

In fact, Atlas was trying to reorganize the information he had seen when he was dreaming earlier today.

'I can clearly remember the final swords moves both Dylan and the killer me displayed during the final battle. Although I dare not say that I have completely understood how those simple moves could gather so much power, I should at least not forget about it.'

Atlas' talent in cultivation wasn't good enough for him to be considered a genius, yet it wasn't like he didn't have any other strong points. He was extremely smart, and could maintain a calm composed state of mind at all times. If Atlas had something once, unless he himself wishes to, he would never forget about it.

This in itself was a truly heaven-defying ability itself, as one would require and extremely high state of mind to do so. While his perception (comprehension) was considered average between his peers, his always composed personality would allow him to carry an objective point of view, and let him understand or learn something he wishes know more about with relatively less effort.

So although his dream was highly disturbing, he wanted to remember about the few parts he could benefit from. He knew that all dreams came from one's mind, and could actually be very important. Atlas also felt something inside of him change after that dream today. He felt an emotion that never existed within him. This kind of emotion wasn't anger, pain, hate, sadness, happiness, joy, or any kind he knew. Especially those final lines he heard.

'"Don't... ever forget... I... always..." was it? I wonder what it actually means. I can remember everything from that dream in a very clear way, but only this sentence is when everything gets blurry. Whenever I think of this sentence a faint silhouette comes to my mind, not clear enough distinguish even iuts gender, but according to the voice the person who has said this sentence should be woman. I don't know why but... thinking of this actually hurts. Not physically, but I feel great emotional pain.'

He slapped his face light with his hands and cleared his mind. He the started to rub his chin as he went back to pondering again.

'No need to waste time fretting over something that can not be solved right now. I remember that the killer me in my dream didn't use water element, but used ice and wood instead. And in the very final exchange between him and Dylan, he only used his sword without any Qi or Mana embed to it. Yet that attack was still able to cause Dylan in my dream to lose his life.'

Atlas scrambled with his hair as he tried to make some sense of what he saw in his dream, but only got confused more.

'Thinking about it, he indeed looked older in my dream, maybe in his 30's. Same with Lillian as well, she also looked around that age. But when I saw the reaction in Dylan's eyes, the killer me didn't look any older than 20 years old. Strange...'

He tried to think of some reasons why that could be so.

'A reason is that the killer me in my dream had taken good care of his skin, this is also the most likely reason. Another would be him reaching a higher level of cultivation than both Dylan and Lillian, but there is zero to no chance that is possible, unless of course, if it has anything to do with either that ice elemental alignment or that strange sword technique.'

weekly chapters done, I will upload more if I feel like it, but close to zero chance really.

GreaterHoicreators' thoughts