
Sword Burial

A world where martial cultivation is common place, and magic is part of the daily life. Join our protagonist as he journeys to break through Immortality, and achieve his dreams.

GreaterHoi · Fantasi
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10 Chs

Are you still feeling sleepy?

After Mr. Aphelion got done with taking the attendance, he looked around the class started to explain about how their homeroom classes would work in the future.

"Now then, I will not be calling for attendance in the future, so all of you will have to sign-in personally before I come to the class. You will not be pardoned, and will be marked absent for homeroom if you fail to do so. You might even get sent to the disciplinary office if you come late to your homeroom class. Teachers and Lecturers for other classes might not mind, but I can't afford to stress that you must never forget to sign-in for your homeroom class. After I have arrived in the class, we will be stationed here for exactly 35 minutes, and wait for any important announcements if there are any."

He hardened his gaze to show how serious his words were. To be expected of one the best schools, they were ruthless to their students even from the very beginning. Of course, informing them personally rather than just giving them informal books was already considered great kindness. Mr. Aphelion didn't need to take a breather as he continued talking.

"I will now introduce you to some core subjects you will be taking this year." He took a break talking there, and pressed a button on his tablet which caused the tablets of all students to open to a certain document.

"This is the list which contains information for all the classes available to the freshman students. Make sure to read very carefully, as you will have to finalize your elective course selections by the beginning of next week. Remember that there is no return after you have made a choice, and you won't be able drop that class or pick a new one later on. You must pick three elective courses. This list also contains information for all the mandatory classes this year. Ask any questions after reading the list on your own. You can also send me a personal message if you feel uncomfortable with talking while everybody is still here. I will, however, answer most questions outloud as I am sure many of you will have the same concerns."

After he was done saying this bit, he sat down on the chair provided for the teachers, and closed his eyes while waiting for the students to finish reading.

There was not a noise as everyone was absorbed into reading the document provided to them. Atlas and Dylan weren't any different.

The mandatory classes this year were: History of Cultivation, Basic Element Theory (different classes for each element), Basic Combat Training, Basic Survival Methods, and Basic Qi or Mana Usage.

History of Cultivation class was about general history of Earth, and the evolution of Cultivation. The class also taught students about the failures and successes of many past cultivators, and social structures of the Earth's races.

Basic Element Theory class was pretty one of the pretty simple classes, where students would get divided into their respective elemental alignments, and would be assigned a teacher to teach them in batches. For students with multiple alignments, they would be able to sign up for more classes for different elements, but would only receive resources for one of their elements, which would be their major cultivation element.

Of course, if an exemplary student were to appear, the academy would take care of them accordingly. This elemental theory class would cover the basics, but if someone surpasses their peers to a certain extent, they could level up to take the higher level course alongside higher grade students.

For The Basic Combat Training class, students would be divided in to internal and external cultivators. Internal cultivators could conjure energy withing their body to significantly increase their physical power, physique, and other capabilities. After a certain level of mastery, they would also be able to use the energy (mana or qi) within themselves to use to summon it outside in the form of a weapon, which could be ranged or melee.

External cultivators on the other hand would would be able to conjure spells and magic usable respectively with qi and mana. Strongest magic and spells could even cause continents to be formed, but the required energy would also be undoubtedly large.

There were many cons and pros to both types of cultivation, but students could pick which one to focus on. Those who wished to practice Internal cultivation, like Dylan, would nornally start practicing from their childhood in order to strengthen their physiques in advance.

This class would cover basic combat education for both types of cultivators mentioned above, and teacher would be assigned to teach them in batches. If a student were to catch an eye of an esteemed instructor, they could also receive special one-on-one lessons.

Basic Survival Methods were another simple class. This class mainly covered the daily necessities of cultivators. Sometimes, drills were done to ensure the survival capabilities of students. After all, a dead genius is no longer a genius.

Finally, Basic Qi or Mana Usage class would also divide students depending on whether they use Qi or Mana. This class would teach students introductory usage of Qi or Mana, how can it be absorbed to the body to increase cultivation, and etc. This was one of the most important classes in school, and a student would normally pick a teacher themselves, and if the teacher approves, they would become a master and pupil, and the teacher would personally guide the student on cultivation.

This master-pupil relationship would often last even after the student has graduated, and was an important occasion. Some teachers would accept many pupils, while some would accept none. Students could also choose to not take on any teachers, and make use of public, or their family's if their family had one, cultivation techniques to improve.

"Yo, Atlas. I see you already marked the elective classes you wish to take? Care to show me?"

Dylan made a funny face as he brought his head closer to Atlas' tablet to take a look.

"Huh? You picked Introductory Swordsmanship, Spiritual Basics, Healing Basics? Are you still feeling sleepy? Maybe you really not feeling well, do you want me ask the teacher to bring you to the infirmary?"

Dylan was genuinely surprised as he never thought the friend he knew for so long for would make such choices. For all he knew, Atlas wasn't even interested in fighting or cultivation, and was a very gentle person. So Dylan thought that Atlas would take technological and supportive classes. The Healing Basics made some sense, but the other two, Dylan had no clue why Atlas make such choices.

"Huh? I don't even remember reading the informations for the elective classes... when did I mark them? Could it be...."

yeah. imagine the pain you felt while reading all that info dump. now quadruple it as that is what I felt while writing it. this chapter feels nice to me, as we could finally see some affects of that dream

GreaterHoicreators' thoughts