
Switched Timelines As A Fox Girl

Discord server for bonus content: https://discord.gg/9g5xeRMrGX ------------------------------------------ Saki, a struggling college student, finds himself on his way to class, but when taking a shortcut through an alley, he is stopped by a homeless man. Sitting behind a small table, the old man offers a rather strange-looking apple. Not wanting to deal with the old man's dream food, he tries to leave, but when he makes it to the end of the alley, he is suddenly looped back to the old man. As if there were some divine intervention, a woman speaks in his head, taking the voice of his only friend Lyra. Not having a choice, Saki reluctantly takes the purple apple, promising that it will change his life. He knew that it was a load of shit, but with the voice in his head and the strange situation, he was hopeful that it was. So, returning home, he takes a bite of the apple, sealing his fate. Waking up in a foreign place, Saki finds himself in a new body, that of a woman. As he accepts this new reality and figures out what the hell has happened to him. He is quick to find out that despite the new chance he got, it is going to be a new hell for him. Going up against nobles that treat him like shit and a world that seemingly wants to go against him. He finds himself in a downward spiral of pain and suffering. However, there is a glimmer of hope as the same apple appears at his lowest moment, providing him another chance. ------------------------------------------ CONTENT WARNING: Heavy themes of suicide and sexual acts ------------------------------------------ Cover done by Ciel @CieL_v2 on twitter

Shoomoon · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
63 Chs

Falling fast

"Mm~." My mind was in a daze, as it hadn't processed what just happened. There was a foreign feeling on my lips and my entire body was pinned down to the bed. I had shut my eyes since I was afraid of what I'd see and what was actually happening. 

I heard my own heartbeat pounding as loudly as it could against my chest, feeling like it was about to explode. However, despite my fear of not wanting to open my eyes, I still did. 

'This is a dream, right? There's no way this is happening right now.' Lyra pulled away from my face and body, but she was still on all fours, hovering over me while looking directly into my eyes. We had just kissed and whether it was accidental or not, there was an obvious tension building. Lyra's face was completely red and I could imagine mine was as well. 

"Is it okay?" Lyra spoke, breaking the silence and asking if it was okay to continue.

My mind wanted to say no and reject Lyra, as nothing good would come of it, leading me down a path of just pain. However, I wanted nothing more than to continue and embrace this situation. I even steeled my resolve, but now that it's happening, I'm getting cold feet. 

I was retreating, not wanting to do something I'd never done before.

'Just nod Saki, let it happen.' I didn't have the courage to say a word, so I nodded slightly and closed my eyes again, hoping that it was enough. 

Lyra didn't respond verbally, but I felt her body push up against mine. Our chests rubbed against each other and her leg pushed in between my legs, making me jump, as this was the first time someone else had really touched me. 

Before I knew it, Lyra and I kissed again. Our lips locked once again, but a lot more intimately this time. I had no idea what I was doing, fully relying on Lyra to take the lead and she did. Suddenly, I felt a tongue intrude into my mouth. 

It freaked me out for a moment, but after a few seconds, I got used to the feeling and it… felt good. As more time went on, the more I got into it, and so did Lyra. Our bodies were constantly shifting and rubbing against each other and it wouldn't be long before things got out of hand. 

However, Lyra seemed to realise this and quickly pulled away. We were both out of breath after holding a kiss for so long. However, Lyra looked a bit freaked out all of a sudden. 

"S-sorry I shouldn't have forced myself onto you." Guilt washed over Lyra's face and she quickly got off of me. 

"We only met today yet here I am pinning you down to a bed... I shouldn't have done that." Basically, admitting the first kiss wasn't accidental, she also realised how quick she was trying to push this relationship. 

'If this was anyone other than me, I would be scared for my life.' I can imagine other people considering this assault, but it wasn't for me. Lyra doesn't know that we were best friends already, so having things progress like this didn't bother me. 

If anything, it was reassuring to know that Lyra has such strong feelings already. It reminded me of when she would fall for anyone within hours of meeting them, so I knew her actions were genuine. If I hadn't, then my rational brain would have called her some kind of player, but in reality, she is a hopeless romantic who can't help herself. 

"L-Lyra." It was hard for me to speak, but I needed to reassure her. This was probably Lyra's biggest flaw when it comes to feelings and that was the immense amount of doubt she puts herself through. 

The amount of times she had gushed to me about falling in love with someone yet they had hardly spoken. No doubt I also had this problem, but Lyra had it especially bad when it came to her partners. 

"I can leave if you want." Lyra fidgeted, waiting for what I had to say, clearly assuming the worst. 

'Fuck I can't speak.' I sat up on the side of the bed and when I tried to speak, my voice got caught in my throat. Time was running out before Lyra convinced herself to leave, causing me to internally panic. I didn't want this chance to go to waste now that we've kissed. I want this to go further. 

In desperation, I sprung off my bed and stood in front of Lyra. Getting on my toes since Lyra was quite taller than me, I gave her a kiss on my cheek to show that it was okay. However, post-kiss embarrassment caught up to me. 

'What am I doing!?' Turning around, I squatted down and hugged my knees tightly, trying to hide my face. 

"Thank you." 

As I was mentally sobbing to myself for my actions, I felt Lyra's arms wrap around me from behind. 

"C-can I take that kiss as a yes to being my girlfriend?" Lyra's voice was shaky and hearing the words girlfriend come out of her mouth made my heart want to explode. It also didn't help she whispered directly into my ear, causing tingles down my spine. 

'Oh my god, she said it. This is actually happening.' It felt like a fever dream and at any moment I would wake up. I don't even know how I managed to be so bold and give Lyra a kiss on the cheek!? Like, who am I? This isn't me at all. 

My head was starting to spin, as this moment was a major turning point in this attempt. If I screw it up I don't know if I have the mental fortitude to reset. 

"Y-yes." I raised my head and felt Lyra's face right next to mine. There was a level of warmth that came with it, but it was disturbed by the sudden feeling of something wet. 

"W-wait are you crying? T-this isn't right I am meant to be the one crying." Finally, I was able to speak again since there was no pressure for me to answer.

Lyra let out a few sniffles, confirming that she was indeed crying, but this isn't how it's supposed to go. I am usually the one that should be crying, especially in a situation like this. 

"Haha, sorry I am just so happy that I didn't ruin my chances with you." Lyra let out a chuckle, despite tears streaming down her face. 

"W-well you could have waited a bit, you know? I had no time to mentally prepare myself for this." I turned my body and as soon as I was facing Lyra, she pulled me in tightly. I reciprocated the hug, but it still felt a little awkward touching her. 

'We just kissed, why am I feeling awkward now!' With the most stressful part over, my mind was calming down and the side of me that was stuck in my past body was telling me this was wrong. 

'Just ignore it. it's too late to reject Lyra now…' Pushing those feelings aside, I hugged Lyra more tightly, trying to prove to myself that there was nothing wrong with this kind of relationship. 

"Fair point and I probably should've, but I let my feelings get the better of me. I find it hard to judge how fast I should go with this sort of thing." I was surprised to hear Lyra admit her own flaw. It made me happy that it sounded like she was trying to improve herself. 

"Good thing I'm such a pushover, then huh?" Thinking about this situation from an outsider's POV, this was extremely fast and a major red flag for any relationship. 

"I wouldn't say that. Let's just say my charm worked hehe~." Lyra was sounding much better now that she had calmed down and was no longer crying. 

"Yeah, let's say that." Now I felt like crying!

"Dinner!" My mother suddenly burst through the door with no regard for what we might be doing. 

Lyra and I both panicked and pushed each other away as we probably wanted to keep our relationship a secret for the time being. 

"Huh? What are you two doing on the floor?" Luckily, my mother didn't see what we were doing and was more confused about how we ended up like this. 

"I-I was just teaching Saki some stretches. She was struggling in our physical class so I was giving her a few pointers." Lyra was quick to think of an excuse, which was perfect since I'm extremely lazy. 

"Ohhh, I'm surprised you even convinced her to even move, she hardly ever wants to exercise." My mother let out a cheeky laugh, as it was a direct dig at me. 

"Jeez, thanks mum." I rolled my eyes and pouted, since I couldn't believe she was teasing me in front of Lyra!

"No need to be a downer sweetie, I'm proud that you are actually doing something. Now come on, it's time to eat."