
Switched Soul

Helena Hills a powerful witch of the Dark North clan was wrongly accused and buried alive a day to her daughter's eighteenth birthday. Feeling wronged she swore to be reincarnated. However, who knew it was already fated because she found herself waking up in the body of her own daughter Kimberly Hills, who she found dead from the accident plotted by her daughter's fiance and best friend on her birthday. >>>>>>>>> Meet Alexander Lee, the supreme Alpha of the whole of North Moon, who was cursed by a witch to never find his mate. He is the pure definition of a walking darkness. What happens when he finally found his mate after thousands of years? What happens when the Alpha's mate has her fate tied to a Wizard who turned out to be...? what happens when Kimberly’s path crosses with him?.... Mother's and Daughter's switched souls against the Dark North Clan...... Why so many what happens...? Well... there’s only one way to find out...

illustrator · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
78 Chs

Allow me to avenge you...!



The past hours were excruciatingly painful for both Alex and Kimberly, who was naked inside a bath tub filled with a green liquid and groaning in pain for over three hours now.

As old man Chen had instructed, she has to dip inside the liquid for a long time of about four to five hours before her fever will die down.

It was not an ordinary fever, it was the effect of her unsealed powers.

His heart ached at what his mate had to endure, and wished more than ever that he could be the one doing this on her behalf. The only thing he could do was to keep thinking over the brightest and funniest memories that he never shared with her and he hoped that the heavens could at least make the time pass a little faster for his mate.

His eyes were almost glued to the clock from the time she was dipped inside the bath tub, but the more he stared at it, the slower it seemed to move, leaving Alex to wonder more than once if the clock might have been broken.


Not long after, Old man Chen who went to the hut to bring some herbs return and walked into the room.

Since the bathroom door was left ajar slightly, old man Chen's eyes caught Alex's figure and he was surprised to see Alex in same position when he left the room three hours ago.

Old man Chen went and dropped the things he came with on the bedside and was walking towards the bathroom when...


He heard the sound of someone's sneeze.

Almost immediately, Alex jumped from where he sat on the floor of the bathroom and rushed swiftly to help Kimberly dry


He almost slipped, but was fast enough to grab the bathtub to steady himself from falling.

Once he was able to steady himself, Alex raised his face only for his eyes to settle on Kimberly's face whose face had a raised brow, their face was just inches apart from each other.

Alex didn't know whether to laugh or cry as he didn't know how went from a worried Alex to an embarrassed Alex.


At that moment...


A chuckle escaped Kimberly's lips as she stared at Alex's obvious haste.

"You don't have to worry about me, am fine.."She managed to mutter as she tore her gaze away from his tempting lips that were close to his.

"Hmm.." Alex hummed as he nodded and slowly got up from the awkward position.

"How are you feeling now..?" Alex impatiently asked the question that has been bothering him.

"Am fine now..." Kimberly muttered with a graceful smile, earning a nod from Alex, who smiled in return but he ignore

the fact that she looked like she might

faint any moment.


A satisfied smile spread on Old man Chen's face who was at the door of the bathroom and slowly he turned leaving the room.

Seems he wasn't needed at that moment...

Deciding that getting her back into

her clothes would be too burdensome

given her weakened state, Alex slowly wrapped her up in a huge towel instead and led her carefully out of the bath tub.

Supporting her weak body, Alex guided

her into the bed and tucked her under

a large thick blanket.

At that moment...

Alex laid next to her but I didn't

dare sleep at all as the night passed slowly. He knew that the effect of the Dip was still working its way through her gradually. He'd check every ten minutes, placing his hand on her forehead to check if her body was burning up again or if her unsealed powers fluctuated abnormally.

It was when the early morning light began glowing slowly through the window, that Alex was finally relieved that his mate's condition had remained stable.

Heaving a deep sigh of relief, exhaustion

hit him at last, and he dozed off beside her.

Not long After, Alex woke up when he felt Kimberly move in her sleep, he was light sleeper.

"Kim..?" He called nervously, placing his hand on her forehead. All of a sudden, he chuckled as a thought hit him.

This will be the actual first time he is calling her by her name..

"Are you.." he was about to asked how she was doing when Kimberly's eyes flickered open and met with his. Slowly, Her face turned into a smile.

Alex's body froze that moment as he stared into her ocean blue eyes. The twinkles from then could out shine the depth of the familiar darkness in his world. The more he looked, the more he felt like there was a real ocean in her eyes and he wouldn't mind drowning in it.

*MATE IS SO BEAUTIFUL!* Sebastian yelled in Alex's mind. Nothing could contain his happiness right now, first was that his mate was finally okay, secondly he had night rest beside his mate and now this...



Almost hesitantly, Alex touched her cheeks, that was Sebastian at work. He had managed to take control, the mate bond was stronger since his mate was lying in bed beside him.

"You've recovered ..." He muttered, Alex didn't know why he said that or why he was telling her that. All he knew was that he wanted to say something to her...

"Yes.., and it's all thanks to you Alpha.." Kimberly replied softly, her smile even

more bright and tender.


Kimberly herself didn't even know why she was acting and smiling like that. All she knew was that she wanted him to talk to her and she wasn't hating any of it. As a matter of fact, she was liking it instead.


Kimberly chuckled when a thought hit her, this would be the first time she'd call him Alpha and it sounded funny in her ears.

"You.." she wanted to say something but Alex's next word made her swallow whatever she wanted to say.

"Alex.. Alexander... Call me that.. I don't like you calling me what others call me.." Alex didn't let her finish before he said that and Kimberly's brows furrowed.

"Why..? Why should I not call you what others call you..?"Kimberly asked.

"You don't know... do you?" Alex asked instead.

"Know what?" Kimberly asked in confusion.

"That you're my mate.." Alex said to Kimberly whose eyes widened at what she just heard.

But then, she didn't seemed to be much surprised, she had long suspected that it must be the reason the supreme Alpha was taking care of her even without her consent.

At that moment...

Alex moved closer and suddenly made her rest her head in his chest.

"You're my Mate, Kim.. we're bonded together forever. Don't blame me whenever you see me getting mad because of other men casting a glance at you.. it because of the mate bond." Alex said with so much affection in his voice that even him was surprised that he was the one saying that.

Kimberly's heart began beating loudly, this would be was the first time in her life apart from Camilla's family that someone was looking at her with so much affection and this awoke some Many strange feelings inside of her.

At that moment...

All Kimberly could do was swallow a lump and stare as Alex brought her not so tiny hand to his chest and she could feel his heart beating really fast in there.

"Here.., Can you feel that?" He asked with a husky voice.

Kimberly felt her heart skip a beat and her stomach suddenly felt like there were butterflies in them, when Alex held her small cold palm, covering it with his huge warm ones.

Not long after, She took her hand away from his chest and brought it on his face while scrutinizing his face as if familiarize it with her hand.

"I know you can feel it, just like am feeling it right now.." Alex said as he placed his hand on hers which was on his cheek and stroked it gently..

His hot breath fanning her face sent a tingling sensation down her body and that made her tensed body relax immediately..


Allowing his emotional words sink into her, Alex spoke up once again.

"Love..." He called instead and Kimberly hummed in reply before her eyes went to his.


Kimberly slapped herself inwardly, how could her heart act first before her mind could even think of processing it?!


"Can you do something for me..?" Alex asked all of a sudden and Kimberly raised a brow.

"What is it..?" Kimberly voice sounded hoarse as she felt nervous all of a sudden. What can she possibly do for him?? the supreme Alpha.

"Allow me.., Allow me to avenge you.." Alex suddenly said as he stared at his mate but to his surprise, Kimberly remained calm but the aura around her shifted a little.

"Why..? Why should I allow you to fight my fight..?" Kimberly asked instead as her eyes met his and they shared a heated eye lock before Alex broke it and said..

"First, you are my mate and whatever is yours is mine and whatever is mine is yours.., And.."Alex trailed.

"lastly, I have a score to settle.." He added, his eye returning to meet hers again.

"Now, Will you allow me.."

This time Kimberly nodded.. her body answered before her mind could even process anything.

She knew she wouldn't regret her decision because strangely she believed him.

"Thank you." Alex broke into a bright smile that left Kimberly speechless for a while..

How can this man be so handsome and dangerous at the same time? Kimberly thought inwardly.

She was still staring at him while thinking when all of a sudden..

Alex flip her over, pressing her into the pillow, and slowly his lips met hers in a deep kiss.