
Swing a Sword and Become Stronger (by God Level Chicken Master)

Bai Yu found himself transported to the world of One Piece, where he unexpectedly activated a unique system — the Strongest Swordsman System. Without the need for traditional training, every swing of his sword enhances his skills and might! Embarking on this unconventional path, Bai Yu committed to a daily regimen of sword swinging. In fact, with just one thousand swings, he already awakened the Six Powers, Rokushiki! Throughout history, the legends of the world have sung his praise. None shall get in his way. From this moment forth, Bai Yu's fame will reverberate throughout the pirate world, his name synonymous with unparalleled strength. (This is copied work where all the credit belongs to the original author, only the translation is original. Feel free to read the original, Pirates: Swing a Knife and Become Stronger.)

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23 Chs


"What a nuisance," Bai Yu muttered under his breath, watching the relentless advance of the rebel army, seemingly indifferent to their own mortality.

Gripping his sword firmly, he slowly lifted it, ready for combat. However, a moment later, he appeared to recall something and lowered his weapon.

"Leader, what should we do?" a Marine soldier inquired, confusion written across his face as he observed Bai Yu's actions.

"Do we have orders to fire, sir?" he added, seeking clarity.

"Wait," Bai Yu instructed, raising a hand to signal a temporary halt. He then closed his eyes, focusing inward. In his mind's eye, he followed the specific technique for using Conqueror's Haki, as imparted by his mysterious system.


With a mental prompt, his eyes snapped open, and an invisible, energetic shockwave radiated swiftly from him. The force swept through the frontline rebels at an extraordinary pace, rendering hundreds unconscious as though they'd been struck by lightning, their bodies collapsing to the ground.

"What just happened?!" one rebel gasped in disbelief, as the crowd witnessed the unexplained fall of their comrades.

In stark contrast, the Marine soldiers around Bai Yu merely exchanged looks of quiet awe, acknowledging his formidable skill with silent thumbs-ups. They understood what others didn't: Bai Yu had just unleashed the overwhelming power of his Conqueror's Haki, a force so potent that those with insufficient willpower could not withstand its mental assault.

"Go ahead, princess. You can speak now," Bai Yu said, turning to the young woman after quelling the rebels with his Haki.

Nodding, Vivi began to explain the situation to everyone present, including Koza and Bell, detailing Crocodile's deception and conspiracies. The crowd erupted in a mixture of disbelief and outrage, struggling to accept that the hero they admired, a Shichibukai recognized by the World Government, could betray them so profoundly.

As murmurs and skepticism swelled among the masses, Bai Yu stepped forward, asserting his authority to silence them. "Everything Princess Nefertari has revealed is true," he announced, his voice carrying a weight that demanded belief. "Crocodile is no longer a Shichibukai. Would you dare question the word of the Marines?"

The crowd fell into a hush, recognizing the gravity of his statement. Their doubts began to wane, especially when a disheveled and defeated Crocodile was presented before them, his sorry state a stark testament to the truth of Vivi'swords.

Confronted with undeniable proof, the rebels, including their leader Koza, surrendered and expressed their willingness to accept any punishment deemed necessary. It was a poignant moment of realization — they had all been mere pawns in Crocodile's treacherous game.


As peace finally descended upon Alabasta, Vivi found her father and, in a gesture of gratitude, invited Bai Yu and his fellow marines to the palace. The day's turmoil had come to an end, but for Bai Yu, another chapter was just beginning.

[Ding! The host completes the system task—Alabasta Unrest]

  [Acquired rewards: Azure Dragon Sword Aura proficiency +10%, Haki +5%, System Sword-Forging Function enabled]

Inside his quarters, he received a system notification, acknowledging his success in resolving the Alabasta crisis.

His proficiency in various skills had increased, and intriguingly, a new 'sword-forging' feature was now available — a tool allowing him to create renowned blades without the need for physical resources, only requiring him to execute a certain number of sword swings.

"System Panel." Curious, Bai Yu delved into the system's mechanics, learning about the different qualities of blades he could forge and noting that even his currently cracked Taidao, which was given by Garp himself, still surpassed ordinary swords in sharpness.

  [The Strongest Swordsman System]

  [Host: Bai Yu]

  [Swordsmanship: Basic Swordsmanship]

  [Technique: Rokushiki, Azure Dragon Sword Aura (30%)]

  [Weapon: Novice Sword (No Quality)]

  [Physique: Grade B]

  [Armament Haki (15%), Observation Haki (15%), Conqueror's Haki (15%)]

It turned out that getting 100% basic swordsmanship and Rokushiki caused the proficiency to disappear. This meant that Bai Yu was making real progress.

"So, I am on the right path."

Motivated by his new power, he felt a renewed determination to master his skills and uncover the full potential of the enigmatic system guiding his path.

"I have to train harder. The way of the sword is not easy."

After perusing the details about the weapon, Bai Yu couldn't help but sigh.

Though the ability to forge a blade using the system was now at his disposal, Bai Yu recognized the need for persistent effort!

Persisting in his daily sword practice is essential to growing stronger!

Knock, knock, knock.

Suddenly, a series of knocks interrupted Bai Yu's reflections.

Sensing the disturbance, Bai Yu quickly dismissed the system panel and opened the door.

To his surprise, a fellow Marine was standing there.

"Am I interrupting your rest, sir?"

Noticing Bai Yu, the soldier inquired with due respect.

"Not at all."

"Please, call me Bai Yu when we're off duty," Bai Yu responded, waving off the formality.

Hearing himself addressed as 'sir' or 'leader' by the senior soldier always felt a bit uncomfortable for him.

"Understood, Bai Yu..."

The Marine began to agree but stopped midway upon a subtle cue from Bai Yu.

"By the way, any updates on the information I requested?" Bai Yu queried.

"Yes, there's news," the soldier promptly responded, nodding. "I managed to gather information on the 'Straw Hat Pirates' as you asked."

"Really? That was quick. Let's hear it," Bai Yu said, his spirit lifting at once.

After suppressing the civil unrest in Alabasta, Bai Yu had instructed his men to investigate the whereabouts of the Straw Hat Pirates.

Given the current events, the Straw Hats should technically be in Alabasta.

Yet, for reasons unknown, they hadn't been involved.

However, the soldier quickly provided clarity.

"The Straw Hat Pirates saved Princess Vivi from Crocodile's clutches just recently," he explained. "Afterward, they supposedly ran into Vice-Admiral Garp's ship. What's odd is that the Straw Hats haven't departed; they're lingering in nearby waters as if awaiting something. After we restored the peace in Alabasta, they hurriedly took their leave."

Absorbing the soldier's briefing, Bai Yu had an epiphany.

The Straw Hats were likely waiting for news from Vivi.

Upon realizing the turmoil had ended, they opted against making their presence known, especially with Garp, Luffy's grandfather, on their trail.

"Wait! You're saying Garp was also in Alabasta?" Bai Yu interjected, taken aback.

"Yes, sir! I mean, Bai Yu."

"Didn't the Vice-Admiral inform you?" the sergeant added, "He's on a separate mission on an island close to Alabasta."

Dismayed, Bai Yu cursed inwardly.

Garp hadn't mentioned this! It seemed he purposely kept Bai Yu in the dark, possibly to prevent him from rushing to Alabasta and stirring the waters while expecting backup.

Bai Yu clenched his fist and thought, 'His intentions are clear as day — to make me struggle!'

"Ha! He's trying to corner me so I lose the bet," Bai Yu thought resentfully, "Luckily, I had my trump card!"

"And one more thing…" the soldier began anew, breaking Bai Yu's internal rant.

"Princess Vivi and King Cobra have arranged a banquet in the palace as a token of gratitude," he mentioned shyly. "Should we... attend?"

Admittedly, they hadn't contributed much to the resolution — it was primarily Bai Yu's accomplishment. Accepting such hospitality now felt somewhat undeserved.

"Absolutely, we're attending," Bai Yu declared after a brief thought. "We're not underhanded pirates. We should accept their gratitude graciously."

He felt the Marine troops, on edge throughout the journey, deserved some relaxation.

'Plus... This might be an opportunity to forge stronger ties with Princess Vivi.' Bai Yu thought, putting on his Marine hat.

As a Warrant Officer of the Marines, and not connected pirates, there was no reason to skulk in the shadows.

"Then I'll notify everyone right away!" The soldier, upon hearing Bai Yu's decision, informed him of the banquet's specifics and left to gather the sailors.


Sometime later, in the grand courtyard of the Royal Palace, where an array of tables now brimmed with food and drink, Bai Yu and his naval colleagues took their places.

Notably, Bai Yu was seated amongst Alabasta's high-ranking officials — the King, the Princess, the kingdom's guard leader, and others.

"This peaceful resolution in Alabasta was made possible thanks to the Marine's assistance," King Cobra began, raising his glass as all eyes settled on him. "Especially you, Bai Yu! Vivi has told me much about your deeds."

"In light of your invaluable service, I propose a toast in your honor!"

"To you, Bai Yu!"

With that, Cobra downed his glass of potent liquor.

"No need for thanks," Bai Yu responded, standing up and reciprocating the gesture with gusto. "Apprehending pirates is our Marine's sworn duty. Instead, I thank you for allowing my men and I to enjoy such a feast with your people. Cheers!"


Laughter and warm conversations filled the air as the feast continued. After several rounds, an increasingly inebriated Cobra excused himself, leaving Bai Yu to retreat to a nearby, vacant gazebo for a moment of tranquility.

Soon after, Vivi's voice reached him.

"I owe you a great deal," she expressed, joining Bai Yu.

"There's no..." Bai Yu began, but Vivi interjected, knowing his reply, "need for that, right? Just take my praise so my guilt can momentarily disappear, you heartless loan shark."


The two shared a knowing smile, then silently savored Alabasta's unique night sky together.

After what seemed like an eternity, Vivi broke the silence.

"I've heard you're departing tomorrow," she stated.

"That's right," Bai Yu confirmed. "Crocodile must be escorted to prison, and we have to report back with a detailed account of events."

A quiet spell followed until both began to speak at once.

"You first," Vivi offered, still smiling.

"What will you do now?" Bai Yu inquired.

"I'll assist my father in rebuilding Alabasta," she answered, her tone resolute.

Bai Yu simply nodded, deciding against further questions. He understood Vivi's dedication to her people and her choice to aid King Cobra in governance. However, he sensed that her path wouldn't be an easy one. He yearned to say more but held back. She seemed more mature now than before, and he trusted her decisions.

"Will we... ever meet again?" Vivi asked, a subtle blush tinting her cheeks.

"I am sure of it," Bai Yu replied with conviction.

Under the vast night canvas, their bond quietly strengthened, promising future encounters in their unpredictable worlds. One chased the path of politics, the other chasing the path of swords.