
Swing a Sword and Become Stronger (by God Level Chicken Master)

Bai Yu found himself transported to the world of One Piece, where he unexpectedly activated a unique system — the Strongest Swordsman System. Without the need for traditional training, every swing of his sword enhances his skills and might! Embarking on this unconventional path, Bai Yu committed to a daily regimen of sword swinging. In fact, with just one thousand swings, he already awakened the Six Powers, Rokushiki! Throughout history, the legends of the world have sung his praise. None shall get in his way. From this moment forth, Bai Yu's fame will reverberate throughout the pirate world, his name synonymous with unparalleled strength. (This is copied work where all the credit belongs to the original author, only the translation is original. Feel free to read the original, Pirates: Swing a Knife and Become Stronger.)

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23 Chs

Hannabal Dead End Sea Race Part 3


A resounding clash of metal reverberated through the air.

Gasparde's weapon, bristling with spikes, had struck against Bai Yu's formidable greatsword, causing sparks to fly in an explosive display.

Gasparde's face twisted in agony as he felt an immense force travel through his weapon, the vibration assaulting the palms of his hands as if he hadn't struck a sword, but rather, a speeding locomotive.

The sheer power behind the blow left Gasparde's mouth aching, and blood began to seep from his palms.

Ka Ka Ka!

As Gasparde grappled to counter the strength behind the sword, his weapon began to betray him. The sound of fracturing metal filled the air, and cracks spread rapidly across his spiked weapon like a spiderweb.


It wasn't long before the weapon succumbed to the might of Bai Yu's Dragon Flame Greatsword, shattering completely.

With a swift, fluid motion, Bai Yu advanced, the Dragon Flame Greatsword slicing through Gasparde's flesh, leaving a grievous wound from his chest down.

A vivid scar appeared instantaneously, from which Gasparde couldn't help but scream in pain and fury. He staggered back, blood staining the path of his retreat.

"I'll kill you!" Gasparde roared through gritted teeth, his pain driving him to the brink of madness.

Yet, Bai Yu remained calm, raising a single finger and proclaiming indifferently, "One strike and you become a rabid dog, left with the chance to live."

"My second swing is never as merciful," Bai Yu warned coldly.

His previous attack had initially been obstructed by Gasparde's weapon, and the trajectory had altered, slashing along Gasparde's side rather than a direct, potentially fatal blow. Still, the pain was enough to enrage Gasparde further.

"Damn you!" Gasparde shouted, defiance burning in his eyes. "I won't hold back anything!"

In response, Gasparde's body began to morph and surge with an incredible power. His unique ability, it seemed, had been pushed to its limits. Candy-like substance gushed from his body, enveloping him completely until he resembled a gigantic, crystalline green figure.

"You want to kill me with your sword? Try it now!" Gasparde challenged, his voice booming with newfound confidence.

Bai Yu merely smiled, not uttering a word as he assumed a battle stance, his blade igniting with a vibrant green energy.


In a dramatic display of power, the green flames engulfed the blade before condensing into a crystal-like layer along the sharp edge, reminiscent of exquisite jade.


With an explosive burst of speed, Bai Yu launched himself toward Gasparde.

"No one can stop me!" Gasparde bellowed, swinging a massive fist with earth-shaking force toward Bai Yu.

"Azure Dragon: Ultimate Jade Cutter!"

As Bai Yu neared, his blade struck against the oncoming fist. An immense roar echoed as if a dragon resided within the sword.


An unexpected development for Gasparde — there was no stalemate. Bai Yu's blade, infused with an overwhelming aura and the force of his dragon's aura, cleaved through Gasparde's hardened defense as if it were mere paper.


In an agile motion, Bai Yu's figure soared, the Dragon Flame Greatsword continuing its victorious path through Gasparde's defenses, leaving destruction in its wake.

Finally, with a fluid motion, Bai Yu passed over Gasparde's head, his blade having left a trail of devastation from Gasparde's fist to his shoulder, marking even his face.

Bloody mist erupted from the wound, and the hardened shell around Gasparde began to crumble and fall away.

Bai Yu swung his sword down, allowing the energy and blood to fall of his blade as he sheathed it, "It's like cutting through butter; or rather, candy."

"I... lost." Gasparde muttered, gazing at Bai Yu's retreating form before collapsing in a pool of his own blood.

Thus, Gasparde, the 'Marine's Disgrace' with a bounty of 95 million Berry, was defeated.

Bai Yu landed gracefully using Geppo, turned away from the fallen foe, his composed demeanor a stark contrast to the shock of Foxy, who had witnessed the entire battle.

Bai Yu declared, his gaze causing Foxy to recoil in fear, "Foxy, you're still here. That's a surprise."

"Don't... don't do it!" Foxy pleaded. "I'll handle it myself!"

In a surprising turn of events, Foxy banged his head against the ground, knocking himself out to avoid further confrontation.

With Foxy's Slow-Slow fruit power no longer in play, Gasparde's pirate ship regained its speed, sailing swiftly toward the finish line. It crashed into a massive boulder, coming to a jarring halt, while Bai Yu leaped off, landing deftly on the rock. He surveyed Hannabal Island, where the remnants of battle still lingered.

Smoke billowed in the distance, and pirates scrambled in every direction, but their escape routes were sealed. The Marines had arrived in full force, swiftly capturing the pirates who were unable to leave Hannabal.

The tide had turned in favor of the navy. Bai Yu knew it was only a matter of time before all the pirates were apprehended. They were no match for the overwhelming strength of the Marines, especially after Bai Yu had taken down their strongest leaders. The remaining pirates were disorganized and leaderless, akin to scattered sand.

Bai Yu chose not to intervene further, leaving the minor pirates to the navy. He then turned his attention to a small depression in the mountains where several stacks of gold berries glimmered. Atop the central pile rested a distinctive wooden box.

"That must be the prize devil fruit," Bai Yu mused.

Bounding over, he reached the box and opened it, revealing a tan-colored devil fruit marked with a unique wing-like patterns which swirled. Lacking a detailed devil fruit guide, Bai Yu couldn't identify it until his system chimed in.

[Ding! Identified: Zoan-type Devil Fruit, ancient model - Pterosaur.]

"An ancient Zoan fruit, a pterosaur form," Bai Yu whispered, astonished. Such fruits were rare, though not as scarce as the mythical or god types.

However, Bai Yu dismissed the idea of consuming it. Despite the allure of transforming into a pterosaur, he didn't need the ability to fly, thanks to his Geppo technique. More critically, he wanted to avoid the Devil Fruit users' crippling weakness: seawater.

"Store it in the system," Bai Yu instructed, deciding to keep the fruit for future plans.

Meanwhile, on Hannabal Island, the Marine's operation continued. Initially, the pirates fought back fiercely, but as more forces arrived, their resistance crumbled. By sunset, the conflict had ceased, with all pirates captured and awaiting transport on naval warships.

As Bai Yu returned to the shore, a Lieutenant Commander from the 188th branch approached, saluting. "Commander, all pirates in the Dead End Race have been apprehended. They'll be transported to Advance City's prison. Thank you for your help, sir. We couldn't have done it without you."

Notably, among the thousands detained, over a hundred had bounties exceeding 10 million, including Gasparde, worth nearly 100 million. This success would undoubtedly astonish the higher-ups in the Marine's headquarters.

"Understood," Bai Yu responded, then added, "Regarding the 300 million Berry reward, bring it back to Branch 188. Allocate a portion to those who contributed, and use the rest for upgrading our equipment."

"Yes, sir!" The Lieutenant Commander's eyes sparkled with admiration. Bai Yu's generosity and leadership had solidified his respect among the troops.


That night, Bai Yu, Koby, and Helmeppo sat around a bonfire, discussing their future. They anticipated promotions due to their significant achievements.

"To our bright future under Commander Bai! Even my father wasn't so impressive in the last decade as you were tonight," Helmeppo raised his glass.

After a few drinks, Bai Yu revealed, "I found a rare Ancient Zoan Devil Fruit. If either of you is interested, it's yours for the taking."

Surprise washed over their face, as the fire cackled, thinking they misheard their boss.