
Swing a Sword and Become Stronger (by God Level Chicken Master)

Bai Yu found himself transported to the world of One Piece, where he unexpectedly activated a unique system — the Strongest Swordsman System. Without the need for traditional training, every swing of his sword enhances his skills and might! Embarking on this unconventional path, Bai Yu committed to a daily regimen of sword swinging. In fact, with just one thousand swings, he already awakened the Six Powers, Rokushiki! Throughout history, the legends of the world have sung his praise. None shall get in his way. From this moment forth, Bai Yu's fame will reverberate throughout the pirate world, his name synonymous with unparalleled strength. (This is copied work where all the credit belongs to the original author, only the translation is original. Feel free to read the original, Pirates: Swing a Knife and Become Stronger.)

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23 Chs

First Danger on the Mission

"Your mission is simple this time," Garp started, oblivious to the fact that Bai Yu had long been aware of the clandestine details.

"Because of its straightforward nature, I want you to lead the team, so you will. This is a good opportunity for you to gain some practice," Garp continued. "A hundred men should suffice for this task."

Garp's words ignited a spark of indignation in Bai Yu. The proposition of leading the team himself, limited to only a hundred men, seemed preposterous. Marines at the lower ranks were known for being weak and numerous, and one hundred was a relatively small number, especially for the mission's danger.

He yearned to confront Garp, but he knew better. Despite them being close, Garp was still ranked at a level far beyond him on the ladder, and such a serious mission means he cannot disobey orders even if they have a good relationship.

Most of the navy personnel remaining at this base were low-ranking, mere novices awaiting proper training. Even the few veterans among them lacked the comprehensive strength to make a significant difference.

Suppressing his frustration, Bai Yu questioned, "Are you not accompanying us, then?"

"Of course, I'll be there," Garp responded, "but I have another matter to attend to first. I'll probably join you two or three days later."

Garp's reassurance did little to quell Bai Yu's irritation, rendering him speechless.

"If you're not up for it, you don't have to accept this mission. You can just continue your training under my guidance," Garp offered generously, noting Bai Yu's silence.

At that moment, a system notification resounded in Bai Yu's mind, revealing a special mission related to the unrest in Alabasta. It promised substantial rewards.

[Ding! Special Mission Detected—Alabasta Unrest]

  [Reminder: After the host personally leads the team to help suppress the unrest in Alabasta, you can get rich rewards]

"I accept!" Bai Yu declared, his spirit reignited by the promise of the special mission.

"Hahaha, that's the spirit!" Garp applauded. "Prepare your men and head to the port. The ships await."

Bai Yu's readiness surprised Garp, but it was a welcome development. In no time, Bai Yu, along with handpicked Marine soldiers, arrived at the port. The group might not have been high-ranking, but they were robust and capable. They were primarily sergeants, with a few corporals, but no warrant officers were present.

Resigned yet determined, Bai Yu commanded, "All aboard, we set sail for Alabasta!"

As the ship departed, Garp watched from a rooftop, his eyes glinting with a mix of pride and concern. "Take care, kid. Alabasta is no child's play," he murmured to the horizon.


By evening, Bai Yu's ship was well on its way. According to the navigator, they were two days from Alabasta. Bai Yu spent most of his time on deck, relentlessly training with his sword, determined to perfect his skills before reaching their destination.

However, internal challenges arose.

A sergeant approached him, inquiring about their battle plan. Bai Yu, inexperienced and unranked, realized he hadn't formulated one. After a brief and uncomfortable exchange, several sergeants and corporals suggested that Bai Yu relinquish his command to someone more experienced.

Bai Yu understood their lack of confidence in his leadership but remained resolute, driven by Garp's trust in him. "This is Vice Admiral Garp's order," he retorted, masking his own uncertainties.

Understanding the need for unity, Bai Yu needed to think of a way to guarantee their obedience, at least for the mission. Still, he wasn't very experienced in many things that didn't involve fighting, so he only had one solution which involved his specialty.

Bai Yu issued a challenge, "If any of you can defeat me in combat, I'll hand over the command without any complaints. Is that enough to satisfy you?" The proposal caused a stir among the crew, their eyes turning to the sergeant as they contemplated Bai Yu's daring offer.

"Are you sure?"

Amidst the watchful eyes of his peers, the sergeant subconsciously licked his lips, seeking confirmation from Bai Yu once more. The opportunity to personally lead a team on a mission was rare, and successfully completing it would certainly bolster one's reputation much more than simply participating.

This sergeant, eager to prove himself and possibly secure a promotion, waited for Bai Yu's assurance.

"Absolutely," Bai Yu responded, his face impassive.

His gaze then swept over those assembled. "Will you all do my challenge individually, or all at once? It might be to boring and tedious if it's the former."

His words sparked indignation among the crew. They'd each forged their paths through numerous battles against pirates, accumulating countless feats of valor to attain their current ranks. And yet, this newcomer seemed to disregard them completely?

As Bai Yu finished, a palpable tension surged through the group, everyone readying themselves for what might come next.

Suddenly, the ship jolted violently, followed by the urgent blare of an alarm.

"Sea Beast alert!"

"Ahead on our course, a giant Sea King-like entity has been spotted!"

The sailors navigating the vessel shouted in unison, reporting the appearance of a colossal creature resembling a sea monster himself, not too far from their current trajectory.

The alert sent waves of unrest through the ship's interior, and in moments, scores of navy soldiers swarmed the deck, Bai Yu and the others among them. Their contentious spirit dissolved, replaced by a unified focus toward the looming threat.

Bai Yu peered ahead, and there it was: less than 500 meters from their vessel, a massive, octopus-like sea king emerged from the ocean depths. Its gargantuan tentacles thrashed the water's surface, sending ripples through the sea and rocking the small warship violently.

Given that they weren't aboard the large naval warships typically commandeered by the legendary Garp, their smaller, more nimble vessel stood at a disadvantage. While faster, its defenses paled in comparison to the larger ships, making them vulnerable to the mighty Sea Kings.

A sudden splash drew their attention; the giant octopus, seemingly aware of their presence, dove beneath the waves and disappeared.

"Has it retreated?"

The crew exhaled in collective relief, but their respite was short-lived.

"No, it's under us!"

Bai Yu, blessed with exceptional vision even in the dark, noticed the creature's silhouette darting toward their ship with alarming speed.

His proclamation prompted the crew to follow his gaze, and their expressions turned grave as they too recognized the imminent danger. The giant octopus was coming, and their ship wouldn't withstand a direct hit.

"We're doomed," some murmured, regretting the absence of Vice Admiral Garp. "None of us are a match for this beast."

Panic ensued, with some sailors wistfully imagining how different their predicament would be under Garp's leadership.

Without warning, the surrounding sea quaked, followed by a towering tentacle bursting through the surface, casting a monstrous shadow as it poised to strike their vessel.

"Quick, prepare the cannons!" The sergeant's command cut through the chaos, soldiers scrambling to load ammunition in a desperate bid to sever the attacking limb.

"Where would you aim it? It's no use," Bai Yu interjected calmly, foreseeing the futility in their efforts given the tentacle's swift descent.

"And what? We just stand and wait for our end?!" retorted the already disgruntled sergeant, his patience with Bai Yu wearing thin.

The crew's eyes, filled with dismay, turned to Bai Yu.

"I mean, your reactions are too slow," he clarified, unaffected by their doubt. "But I am not."

Without another word, Bai Yu invoked Soru, vanishing from sight only to reappear mid-air, his incredible speed leaving the onlookers in awe.

"Geppo!" Bai Yu shouted, created steps on the air itself as he jumped off the ship.

Amidst astonished stares, Bai Yu performed the technique again, propelling himself upward to meet the descending calamity. As he neared the colossal tentacle, he steadied his breathing, gripping his blade with resolve.

With a precise, powerful slash, his sword tore through the tentacle's flesh, yet it wasn't enough to sever the massive appendage completely. Realizing this, Bai Yu's expression remained calm. He tightened his grip and, employing Geppo, spun with his blade, carving a deep, circumferential wound into the tentacle.

In a spectacular display of strength and skill, Bai Yu's sword sliced through, completely detaching the tentacle, as a shower of blue blood rained down from above.

Jumping back on deck, Bai Yu sat down in his chair, "And that, men, is how you do it correctly."

As soon as the voice fell, everyone was in an uproar.

The soldiers on deck erupted in cheers, their earlier apprehension replaced by burgeoning admiration for the prowess Bai Yu had displayed.