
Dimitri’s Taste Of Medicine 2

Still, Yuri disagreed, wanting to be in there until it was all over. 

A few inches away, Roman stood staring at the both of them. His expression was blank, therefore, it was impossible to tell what he was thinking. But his hands had balled into fists and he'd averted his gaze, drawing a soft breath. 

"Stop!!! Stop!!! Stop!!!" Dimitri screamed. 

Yet, Caesar didn't. "Did you stop when she asked? When she begged? When she cried? Did you?" His smile grew colder. "I'm going to make sure you would never hold a whip in your hands ever again. Not even a scissors. For every pain you put her through, I'll double it for you. We're not done." 

He continued and never stopped until every finger on both hands was gone. All ten of them. Dimitri's blood was everywhere and he couldn't scream anymore. His vocal cord seemed to have sustained some damage due to his constant scream and mere crying made it hurt all too bad it was unbearable.