
…To Survive and Save Myself

Caesar sighed. "I was one out of ten chances, so they were worshiped, almost as if they were gods. I was their trophy princess, the one object that elevated their superiority complex."  

"Mind you that by this time, Roman already existed. But unlike me, he was a standard alpha." 

"How old is Roman, Caesar?" Adeline asked, curious. She wanted to gauge the difference in age between the two. 

Caesar looked at her. "Thirty-six." 

"Ahh…" Adeline nodded, tapping her index finger against her lip. "You're thirty, so he should be six years older. I see. Continue." 

Caesar was not even sure why she'd asked, but he did resume from where he stopped, "At this point, you must think I should be the one loved, right?" 


He shook his head at her. "No. Roman was."

"But why?" It made no sense to Adeline. "Aren't you the gifted one?"