
Chapter 667 The Young Calf Is Not Afraid of the Tiger

Qin Jian wrote a return letter to Cheng Yue overnight, indicating that he would accept his challenge.

Early the next morning, An Hao brought the reply to the school. She didn't see Cheng Yue but met Li Zhi and entrusted him to pass the letter to Cheng Yue.

Cheng Yue couldn't wait to open the envelope after receiving the reply.

There was only a simple and concise reply on the letter paper, stating that he would accept the fight, with Cheng Yue deciding the time and place.

Li Zhi and Zhang Chaoqian had also gathered around, and after seeing the handwriting, both of them mentally lit a candle for Cheng Yue.

Zhang Chaoqian had been practicing calligraphy with his father since childhood and it was said that the style of one's writing reflects their character. Could one discern a person's character from their handwriting?

Qin Jian's writing was firm and contained an internal sharpness, revealing a degree of steadfastness.