
Chapter 82 Shaui Yulong is Back

"How can I miss the chance of seeing Yuan,accept the invitation! "Yulong sips on his coffee.

"But your mother? does she know you're in for your revenge?" Chen You asks

"NO! and she mustn't know! just give her more female cosmetics and let her wear herself out and if stubborn make her to sleep!"Yulong drops the coffee..."Get me the most dazzling suit from The fashion industry no matter the price! I can't look lower than Yuan!"

Next Morning)

At Grand Hall)

"Welcome everyone! to Golden awards! the award ceremony will begin at noon,just have fun!"The host says as the DJ turns on the music


"I'd be back okay? I wanna get a glass of water"Jia says as she leaves and bumps into Yulong

"Sorry Ma'am! "He tries to quickly wear his nose masks

"Yuan? how come you're here,I told you to wait for me!" Jia stares at him

"You've must have mistaken, okay? I'd be on my way!"Yulong puts back his sunglasses and goes to his sit and Jia returns

"Did you just leave here?"Jia drops the glass

"No! I was obedient! anything wrong?"Yuan asks

"Well its just that I saw you with a nose masks and all,I think I am not feeling too well"Jia smiles and tries to push the image back

"Jia!"WenWen runs to hug her..."Its been long since we've met!"

"Wen? like seriously its been quite long! I know you've been busy!"Jia Hugs her back

"Thats right! Qin Song is here too!"WenWen whispers into Yuan ears

"Qin Song? another Jia's pest?"Yuan squints and sees Qin Song coming

"Lu Jia!"He hugs her tightly

"Song Ge? you didn't even tell me that you were back from the states! I should have welcomed you!"Jia pouts her lips

"How could I trouble my little princess beside I heard that you were in a terrible death scandal" Qin song kisses her hands and pours out a drink..."Lemonade right?"..He pours lemonade out for her and Yuan drinks it

"Hey what's your problem huh? and why is he here?"Song snatches the glass from his hand

"she is my plus one! and why do you even care!"He sips it in one go..."Its Soo bitter!"

"Let it kill you then!"Qin Song hisses and goes to Qin Fe

"Brother!"Fe says as he hugs him..."I guess I will have to return to the military now!"

"Just because I am back,you dont have to go!Qin Wen is rarely happy when we aren't there"Qin Song says as he takes a seat.."You seems down any problem?"

"Is wen free?"He searches for her

"She is busy with Lu Jia, can you imagine that Yuan is a glue that sticks around Jia!"Qin Song whines

"They are married what do you expect!"

"Married? Jia!!!!"Qin Song angrily says