
Chapter 1 Beginning of the Battle

"Ladies and gentlemen, we have just been cleared to land at the Ninoy Aquino International Airport. Please make sure one last time your seat belt is securely fastened. The flight attendants are currently passing around the cabin to make a final compliance check and pick up any remaining cups and glasses. Thank you!"

After I finish saying the things I need to say before the plane land in the NAIA.Im so tired this is the first time we landed in Philippines thats why I cant say what I am feeling right now I dont know why I felt so nervous hearing the words Phillipines.Its not like I hate Philippines it just that theres something always come out in my mind when I always heard the word Phillipines.Actually I born in Philippimes but when I was 2 years old we already migrate at United Kingdom because of my dad start a new business there so we have no choice to stay there for good.

"Hey Denise what are you waiting for we need to go they are waiting for us"-the one of my co-attendant told me when she saw me sitting infront I dont know but theres something I dont know but its like a dejavu for me because everytime I heard something about Philippines my head start to ache but i just ignore it and I dindnt even tell it to my mom even to my dad because they are always over reacting in my situation just like when I was in grade school I am playing at the playground when there is someone push me at the swing and my head bump into the swing and cause a wound in my head and I saw my mom arguing to the parents who push me they even fighting to each other and I hate seeing that I dont want to seek any attention because of this.They even take me to the hospital though my wound in my head is not very in serious state.My dad even get me a private nurse for me and force me to stay in 1 week myghad im not going to die yet but the way they act makes me feel like im already dying and that is the reason why I prefer to have my own dorm in UK.

So know I am here to the place that I am afraid to go but I have no choice this is part of my work and we need to stay here for months I think

When I step out my foot on the plane

The wind touches my skin and it makes me feel nervous but I just ignore it and I just follow my friends because we still need to find our hotel.

"Ow shes here we are waiting for you where did you go?" -Cheska asked me with her irritated face as if I care if she waited

"I just want to feel the good presence of this place without a toxic people" I said to chesks and smiled to her

*Whatever just come in you are wasting the time youre not even important" Sarcastically said by cheska

I just look at her and flip my hair hahaha I dont need to waste my angelic voice just two argue with that bitch!

"Hey can you please stop fighting here we are all tired can you just shut up your mouth and let us sleep and rest for a while?"

Why are you telling me that tsk! I asked her and I just ignore her and go to the back seat.When I am already sitting peacefully I just decided to sleep for a while because I think we will get there after 2 hours so I just need to take a nap

The Dream(Scenario 1)

Walking barefoot into the sand,waves touching foot,the cold wind touches my and a gloomy sky and stars

"Come here babe dont go there its already dark"- a boy shouted to a girl near at the sea water playing a sand and waiting for sunset

"Wait I will just watch the sunset and I will go there already"She replied without looking at the boy

It seems like the girl hiding something for the boy her body is already weakening thats why she cant stand up and she just sit infront of the sea hugging her knees and witness the sun goes down until

A lot of people running,shouting and crying infront of


Ahhhh!!! I shouted and I look around they are all sleeping peacefully thank God its just a dream but not an ordinary dream its a nightmare

I touched my face and Ive notice that theres a tears falling into my cheeks I even cry without knowing it

Arggghhhhhhh!!! I shouted because of frustation and messed up my hair in annoyance

what happened to me I am always dreaming this kind of scenario I hate it it makes me feel so scared because of this I just get my phone and listened to a song until we arrived in our hotel

When we already arrive at the hotel I quickly went out to the car to get my suitcase and when I already get this I walked infront of the frontdesk of the hotel to ask our room number

after that I just go to the elevator but when I already infront of the elevator there is two young couple kissing inside

*Cough* *cough* i fake cough but it seems they dont hear it

Hey! I shout at them and they looked at me

"This is not a motel room for god sake uour ruining my day can you just get out and get a room stupid bitch" I irritated shout with them and look and raise my eyebrow and they just go out without saying a word what the they are still young for that thing before I go inside the elevator I just sigh deeply to forget what happened