
Chapter 2

2 years ago.

"AAHHHHHH!!" I scream loudly, I just made a huge discovery. My mother was heard running with big steps towards my bedroom, trying to catch her breath while pressing her body to my door, she stares at me with wide eyes. I was sitting in my purple bed, with my computer on my lap, I stared back at her while smiling like a creep. "Why,, did you,, scream?" She breathes heavily within the words, I'm surprised she really isn't good at running. Lazy.

"Your BEAUTIFUL daughter found a sTABLE APARTMENT IN A GOOD STREET, CLOSE BY HER FAVORITE BOOOY BAAAANNNNDDDD!!!!" I squeaked and screamed, jumping up and down while holding the computer and smiling idiotically. Mom raised an eyebrow, not understanding anything that's coming out of my mouth; "What?"

I sighed deeply and calmed down, "Mom, I found an apartment that I can buy with the money I made the past months AND it's close by my husband's mansion~"

Mother walked over to me and sat on the bed next to me, her expression still showing confusion. "It's is 3 apartments away from their mansion."

"Hold up. Didn't BTS live in the richest mansion, far away from Seoul?"

I gasp, how can she not know? Oh wait, she's not an ARMY. "Remember Eomma, they moved to the center of Seoul, in a middle class street. Somehow there was the richest mansion in the middle of it, so I guess the company thought it would be a good idea to move the band there. And even though they have their own apartments, they still have to live together." I said while looking at mom, she looked so done with my bullshit.

"... and?" She asked still not understanding completely my point, I sigh again. I put the computer in front of her and point at the website, showing the picture of the apartment and it's cost. "If I move here, maybe I'll have the chance to see them at some point!"

Mom looks at me with a weird expression on her face, I seriously cannot describe it. It was like a mixture of confusion and disappointment at once, pretty funny. I laugh like an idiot, haha.

"Is that the only reason you want to move?" My mom almost screams with anger.




That's how I started getting home early after collage. Call me crazy but they would always come home after a long day at 8-9pm in the afternoon, I always wave at them! Even if they never see me or ignore, can't help but do so. I feel magical and nervous whenever I do, chills even. But that day, was somewhat different. March 30, 2019. I'm really good at dates, damn.

April 1st 2019.

I slowly open my eyes, whining at how bad my head hurts and my runny nose bothering my breathing. "Hold on. The sealing.." I close my eyes and open then again, I still se they same thing. The sealing is the color gold, and it seems original, like if it were legit gold. "What the fuck?" I say while I sit down, finding myself laying on a big ass bed, with golden and white covers. I look around and I see a small dog on the floor, I scream. "THATS NOT MY MOCHI, THIS IS NOT MY BED!" I stand up and run towards the first door I see, trying not to step the little dog that's following me. I run inside the bathroom and close the door violently, I look around desperately. I look at myself in the mirror. "NO."

"MY FUCKING GOD NO." I place NOT my hands on NOT my cheeks, inspecting every single inch. "WHAT THE FUCK? NO WHAT— WHAT THE FUCK!!" I keep on screaming while freaking out, "FUCK FUCK FUCK" I scream nonstop, I can't believe what I'm seeing. "I DONT EVEN SOUND LIKE MYSELF, WHAT IS HAPPENING??" I can't stop freaking out, I had no control into this situation, and that's stressing me out too much.

"WAKE UP, WAKE UP!" I slap NOT my face, then look back in the mirror finding a red mark of my big ass hand. I look down and look at my hands, they're now veiny and long. "I even have his hands.. no, this can't be." I look back up at the mirror, staring intensely at the beautiful thing that is now my face.

"There's no way this is real,, there's no way I'm Kim Taehyung."