
Survivor of the Multiverse: starting from dino crisis.

"Join me on my journey through the multiverse, from the nightmares of Raccoon City in Resident Evil to confronting the mutated mitochondria in Parasite Eve, avoiding becoming dinosaur food in Dino Crisis, and navigating the dark corridors of Silent Hill. As you explore a world that is a fusion of horrors, you will need to solve puzzles, confront monstrous creatures, and make decisions that will challenge your moral values. To clarify, I received some assistance from ChatGPT to create this story. It will serve as a means to practice my English, which is at a very basic level, and to improve my grammar. Please bear with me as I continue to learn."

Ax_nevermay_cry · Derivasi dari game
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22 Chs

Chapter 19: Edward City?

[Axel POV] 

I had a smile plastered on my face, being done with that Chinese transmigrant put me in a very good mood, in my other life I hated how arrogant they became after getting their "system."

It literally wasn't their own strength, it was a borrowed strength that could easily be taken away if a way could be found to remove their system, but leaving that aside, I need to concentrate on finding a lab or a facility where gas masks can be found.

"I need to go to a high place so I can get a glimpse of the city from above" I murmured to then exit the building I was in.


My good mood was dissipated by the feeling of loneliness that I felt when I saw the desolate streets, I could not hear any noise, something that personally made me feel very uncomfortable.

I focused my attention on looking for a tall building, but I was a little puzzled by the state in which the city was, a lot of vegetation invaded the buildings, landslides in the streets, worn out cars.

"Everything is in very bad condition, it's as if years had passed Did I miss something?" 

He was puzzled, the game showed very little of the city, but that little showed the deterioration of these, he did not remember all the reports so it is most likely that there was a paradox of time "If only a month passed in our time, possibly in this time that month is compared to five or ten years. 

Fortunately the events that were occurring were the same as in the game as that guaranteed me that the third energy data was in good condition.

"In case I don't find a gas mask I can secretly follow Regina and her group, sooner or later they will get the third energy data" But I would have to be careful, if Regina saw me she would easily come to the conclusion that I came for the third energy data.


While I was advancing I could see a tall building that would be perfect to give me a view of the city from above.

Standing at the entrance of the building I pulled out my grapple gun, with a quick and precise gesture, pointed it upwards and pulled the trigger. 

The metallic sound of the shot echoed through the empty streets, and I calmly watched as the hook shot out, uncoiling its cable as it made its way towards a broken part of the building.

An instant later, the metallic click told me that the hook had found its target: a steel beam protruding from the broken wall. With a firm tug, the hook engaged.

Activating the retraction mechanism a brief mechano hum was heard as the cable began to retract.

Then, with a burst of force, I was launched upwards, as I ascended the wind whistled in my ears "I never get bored of this feeling of freedom that the hook gives" My arrival raised a cloud of dust that made me cough a little.

"Cof, Cof, I hate dust" Recomposing myself from the coughing fit I peeked through the broken wall and set my sights towards the roof of the building, repeating the process of a moment ago I managed to reach the roof of the building.

The sight that greeted me as I reached the edge of the building was desolate, Edward City had been shattered, its tall buildings now concrete skeletons, shrouded in vines and moss climbing up the peeling facades.

"The streets, once bustling and full of life, now lay deserted" I muttered under my breath.

Shrubs were pushing their way through the cracked pavement. The greenery of nature had begun to reclaim its territory, erasing the vestiges of man's hand. 

The sounds of daily life could no longer be heard, only the sepulchral silence that enveloped everything, occasionally interrupted by the whisper of the wind among the ruined buildings.


Contemplating what was left of the city I could not help but say "Really a depressing sight" There were several times in the past when I came to this city and every time I came here you could hear children playing and many workers joking with each other and now there is nothing left.

I stood silently on top of the abandoned building for a few minutes as I closed my eyes and said a silent prayer to the victims.

"Great deaths for normal people" Kirk's voice rang in my mind.

"Certainly dying eaten by a dinosaur is unique, but it's something you don't wish on someone" With a sigh I turned my attention towards a building that was located on a military base.

"Probably the science center, I'd better go there, if I find survivors...I'll see what I can do for them" With my target set I launched myself from the building with my grapple gun in hand.

As I plummeted I muttered "If Ada Wong can do this, why can't I?" The wind whipped my face and ruffled, my hair as I descended at full speed, with a quick and precise movement, I aimed for the nearest building and pulled the trigger of the grapple gun.

The hook shot out with a sharp whistle, an instant later, the hook found its target and snagged on an overhanging ledge, stopping my fall in its tracks. With a sudden jerk, the cable tightened, halting my descent.

With grace and elegance, I landed on the street with a soft thud, my legs bent to absorb the impact. Straightening up I moved in the direction of the military facility.

[Meanwhile on the outskirts of Edward City.]

"Dylan, Regina anyone receiving me?" David a member of the rescue teams was holding his communicator to his ear as he tried to contact any member of his team "Damn it! No one's answering!" 

With a sigh, David put his hands on his hips "I'd better get on with the mission, the priority now is the survivors, Dylan and the others know how to take care of themselves" With that said David walked off towards Edward City.

[At the Pier] 

Regina could be seen frowning after hearing the last communication "Who could that voice have been from? A survivor maybe? or maybe it could be him" A smile adorned her beautiful face after remembering a boy with whom she lived a Dino adventure.

Shaking her head slightly Regina remembered what that person said by message "Near the dock there is a stream in which there is a card that will give us access to a third energy facility and therefore an access to Edward City".

"It would be better to investigate the stream and rescue the one who has muscles instead of brains" Getting serious Regina moves towards the door that will take her to the stream.


Here's your favorite author returning to his first Fanfic!

Procrastination aside, it's time to get back on your feet.

So how about my new way of writing? I hope you like it, I accept constructive criticism! 

Soon I'll be uploading advanced chapters in my patreon "patreon. com/Mrnevercry"


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