
Survivor’s Heart

Carol Barker was stuck in a world of pain when she discovers something that will change not only her world but the way others would treat her. Woman empowering story full of adventure, discovery, and even romance.

SafireRose · Fantasi
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2 Chs

Chapter Two

My secret has been that I can see things that most others don't. Not because I gained some kind of enchanted ability. No, what I had was the eyes of a wall flower. I studied and watched everything around me from a young tender age.

It wasn't long before I realized some shadows were actual shapes of living beings. Our world was not absent of magic or mythical beings. The world had just let the splendor of enchanted beings slip into the dark and forgotten shadows.

Mert was the very first being I not only encountered, but had managed to make a connection with. He had meandered around within my backyard one night. I only saw him because I had been gazing out my window. I saw a speck of blue that had disappeared just as quickly. When I studied the yard I realized there was a small creature.

Mert was small enough to resemble a small dog but he had the body of what looked more like a goat with the huge eyes. It was as if one of the chino cartoons I loved so much had sprung from the screen of my computer and made itself at home within the confines of my small yard.

I snuck out to the yard trying to quietly slide open the glass door to not wake my mother. It wasn't much to get out, but once I was outside I wasn't sure if the creature was going to be docile.

I turned to look around but was saddened by the absence of the cute creature. I sighed and plopped down into the grass and gazed up at the moon. "I just don't want to be alone anymore." My fingers twined with each of the standing blades as I thought long and hard about my circumstance.

That was when I felt the brush of fur on my arm. Instincts told me to jump away and swat at my arm multiple times till the offensive sensation disappeared. Instead, I looked to where it was and looking right up at me with these big ocean blue eyes was the creature.

Even now I'm not sure why he approached me but when I moved my fingers to touch him he flinched back. Instead, I offered the back of my hand for him to smell. I had hoped it was a motion stating that I meant no harm to the the small thing.

After a moment his too big nose pushed at my hand and then he just sat down and looked up at me. "Can you see me?"

My heart lurched to my throat. I hadn't been expecting this. How on earth could this little being ignite so much fear in one simple phrase. His voice was a little hoarse but with some power beneath it. Like I was speaking to something that had died ages ago.

"Yes." I choked out my hand still frozen in air where I had offered it before.

"Do not be scared young one, I am Mert. I made myself look like this to appeal to your likes."

I shook my head in shock not sure I was even awake.

"I am death."