
Visiting Judy Grandparents, Crystal Palace Angels, End of Voodoo Boys.

[Alex Pov]

After Having my hospital automated, with Medical Interns from the Night City University now flooding my hospital hallways, learning how it works in the medical field under the guidance of my Androids. I managed to get a Agreement with the NCU for letting the future doctors that will bring on this Place. In Exchange they would learn how to conduct business ethics, morality and on the job training from a successful Hospital. If they failed the practical Exams, they would be sent back to Campus for the Retaking their Exam. If they Done Anything impractical, such as making illicit deals that is similar to a Scav, is grounds for expulsion of their Medical License.

And the Takeover of Pacifica has gone more smoothly as the Voodoo Boys are doing Scorch earth by detonating the buildings, making the Population sided with us, As If i needed those buildings when I needed to make a building even grander than before.

I had a Business with the Free States and I want to see how my Machines are doing well firsthand, I did send several Companies of Skitarii and Assassins of Callidus and Vindicare to each of the Branches I set up in the Free States. They relay reports of how the machines are doing well, As Much I could Trust the Free States With My offer to make my corporation to be stationed there, I learnt enough in Night City, Politicians are pretty much a Double Crossers unless if they did have a Gun Constantly on their backs..

I am waiting in front of the Newly Built Metropolitan Airport In South City, It was Abandoned and Damaged Years Ago since the 4th Corporate war, I purchased the Land and Improved the Decayed Infrastructure, and Provided Cheap and Secured Airlines and Fast Travel for the Local Area States such as Free States and NUSA and Richard Night International Was Made only for International Flights and Giving the Company that owns it a run for their money. As I developed Planes that are Faster, Cheaper in Tickets pricing, And Hired Several flight attendants that lost their jobs in the corporate wars to be a trainer for the people that want to work in the Airlines Service. How is it safe? a Military Grade Shield Generator was Installed within the Airframe, so Missiles are out of the question, and Bombs and Hacking proved impossible as My Black Ice is also monitoring the activities, there are several Terrorist Attempts, but they were detained by Psykers at the airport that monitor their Thoughts, as they Passed through Securities. Heck I even Provided Thunderbolt Fighters to provide Escorts to the Passenger Aircraft.

But That Is a Story for a Later Time...

"Alex Sorry to Keep You Waiting" As Judy Came behind me with a Bag of Luggage.

"You Nervous?" I smiled at the Anxious Judy.

"Its Been so long since I meet my grandparents." She Sheepishly Smiled

"Come, I will take you there to meet them, I am Sure they would miss their beloved grandchild." I helped her luggage as we headed to the Terminal that head to Oregon.

"This..." Judy stare at the Aircraft in front of them

It was Enormous Plane, and Several People Stood in line.

As they Reach the entrance of it...

"Here the Tickets" I handed the Tickets to the welcoming flight attendant.

"Mr. Alexander Solair and Ms. Judy Álvarez?" The Flight attendant Smiled as She led to them to the Economy class.

As they about to take off they heard from the Intercoms.

"This is your Captain Clark Speaking, thank you for Choosing Lightning MxQueen Airlines, Our destination is Oregon, and we will reach there within 3 Hours Shortly, and Enjoy the Beautiful Sunrise as we ascend from Night City."

Several People looked out from the Seat as the Sunrise was shone on the City... Some of them never had seen the place where they once called their home from the Air, and they saw the Greenery of the lands of the Badlands. There are now Farmers are Planting fruit trees in the outskirts of the City.

"Beautiful..." As Judy Watch from the windows of the plane.

"No longer Afraid? You were panicking a few moments ago." I teased her.

"Well, It was the first Time for me to fly to the skies. Its just so beautiful from up here." Judy Said as she Pouted.

"Don't Frown, it wouldn't look good for your Grandparents to see you like this." I console her.

From the Height of the Aircraft patches of greenery is filled in the states as it passed by...

"Sometimes when I look at this land being returned to greenery, you truly are amazing...What a Weird Input I am with."

"I just had to do it, if we waited longer, we wouldn't live like this."

[Airport in the Salem]

Salem it was not like Night City, and it was filled with people of Nomads after the Collapse of US Government. And there was a Corporate called themselves as Western Corporate States acting as a government after the Unification war that NUSA started. And After Making a Deal with them for helping a City Build Underwater project after the Oceans are cleansed, I invested the State of Oregon, and the Business came back to life and now most of the People is under my payroll, Sure, there are some corpo spies by Militech and they were handled swiftly and the Militech couldn't place a blame on me as I am the Payroll on the Majority of Oregonians living there. And Making my corporations leave the free states will make the NUSA foundations is Shaky as best, So in a Sense I am Like a Thorn and a Panacea of NUSA, At the Same time, I am not Affiliated with Any Nation and I lived in Night City, which despite how much hell, it is Neutral from Influence aside from Arasaka, I provided Jobs for the people as they relied on Wondertainment for Livelihoods. Nationalizing my Local Branches will be the Biggest mistake they will make as I already set several plans made and they will be in deeper trouble than they are worth, the Local Servers will be cleansed and a EMP Bomb will be Activated, making the places I set roots in Free States, will turn back into the stone age, I casually let a Militech Spy aware of such a thing and they will not do it on the behalf of the NUSA.

Because I am More Insane to EMP Bomb the Entire NUSA and Free States causing a Financial Crash if they done it. And they been looking for that illusory Bombs when It already Planted in Plain Sight as a Statues Commemorating the end of the war. I hired Several Militech Veterans as Security, I really don't care much about their affiliation with Militech.

The way they treated them after use is purely disgusting for a Nationalized Corporation, to even treat them as garbage when their usefulness ran out and it earn me the trust of the Nomad in NUSA as I have given a way out for the Militech Veterans causing some of the Nomads to become affiliated with me, I got a Localized army at this point and there were some Veterans willing to serve as Booth Camps for My Army which I respect them a bit. As a Sign of Respect, I Made a Memorial for all the Militech Veterans that were Abandoned by their Corporate Masters that I didn't Saved. And a Military Salute to those that fought and died in the South Americas in the Corporate War.

Upon Being Interviewed by N54 reasons why I cared for veterans of a Rival corporation. I had this to say;

"They Fought With what they believed in, and being treated worse than a Scav? Before they were Soldiers, they were people like you and me, that we walk in the streets on our community, wanting a chance of life, a chance to make a world a better place, I was Once a Soldier, I fought a war that we could call it hell, even if we on different sides, I will give a Path for them. At least there will be someone that will remember that they existed. A medal may rust with age, a banner may change every time, but a memory of them exist? It will last for eternity..." It Earned a Mixed Reviews of the population, But the Veterans around the globe respected my decision. And I noticed a Increased Veterans wanting to join my Company in the locations that I planted my Branches.

"Wow So this is where Salem, Come We should Head to Eugene. My Grandmother Told me "

"We should Wait a Moment, You seem suffering a bit of Jetlag." I noticed she was anxious about meeting her grandparents.

"I guess you are right...Thanks Alex..."

I booked a Hotel Under My umbrella influence, while waited for Judy for her to recover for a few hours.

I read several reports of the Locals Techpriest of what is happening.

"Militech wished to hold a Olive branch to us? I remember they are much of a prick." I Muttered as I gathered the information that my Assassins have gathered.

"Okay... Food Exports are going Nicely... Another Infiltration attempts?"

"United Europe Is making sanctions on my company and want to nationalize my Machines? Better Pulled out of Europe then... GAEA Please Recall all the Machines of Europe, and Macaldor inform all companies' employees in Europe are to be transferred to the North America Branch. And Inform the public about the truth." I said and they both complied.

Europe Became in flames of Unrest once more as the public was found out that UE wanted to Nationalize my machines and saw that Wondertainment is now packing shop and leaving along with the Employees and their families in America. And the Machines stopped their work and revert the land they were working on. It made Europe Burn for a While, the Leaders of UE Panicked as they believe that a Mere company just packed up shop and leave as quickly before they even could arrest them. And the Servers in the Branches were wiped cleaned as if they were just manufactured fresh just from the factory. And Several EMP bombs were set off in the local area set off by disguised UE Fighters and I managed to pin the Blame on them as I made the Bombs look like they were made by UE, making the tension higher and fueling Conspiracy theories that the Government wanted to bring back the dark times, Making the Population believe that the Leaders of UE are screwing them over.

Several calls made by the leaders of UE have attempted to ask me to return back to my business. And they Will not do it again. believing that the Attack was Commenced by NUSA to make me leave Europe, Later I returned the Employees and their families back and Business resumed, without noticing as if the rising conflict against with me is just gone with several deals that benefited me the most.

Later I made Several Deals to each Individual Countries a Deal, making them believe that they got the Upper hand. The Benelux Union that was comprised of Belgium, the Netherlands, and Luxembourg agreed to allow me to stave off the rising seas by making Artificial Lands and increasing their landmass, in exchange for letting them as a yesman in UE matters.

And France and Germany were given Investment and Lower the poverty rate by allow my corporation remained unimpeded by their government forces.

Investment and Security is what I am Offering to the People in UE and in Exchange I granted unimpeded access to the UE market. A Carrot and a Bloody Chainsword Tactic. Works Well in Warhammer, You can used it pretty much anywhere, as long as you kept it under wraps.

I have a Idea or two what to do to Britain at the Moment. As it still under constant chaos and the government is struggling to keep control unlike NUSA that managed to get out from the ravages of the corporate war, perfect for me to intervene and provide "safety, security and prosperity." and a Foothold in Europe. [Why Am I becoming Like Palpatine in the rise of the empire book?]

But those things come at a later date.

I placed down my reports and watch Judy Stirred from the bed...

"Ughhh, Alex... You Still Awake?"

"Yup, Just seeing you Snore lightly brings a smile to me." I smiled only to get a pillow in my face.

"Yeah... Nice try Alex." Judy Smirked.

"You are feeling refreshed?"

"Yup, Let's go Alexander!" Judy Smiled.

We take a vehicle and travel all the way to Eugene.

[Outskirts of Eugene]

A elderly woman noticed a vehicle that arrived in their home... A woman Stepped out of the vehicle.

"Grandma!" As the Woman Rushed out to hug her. the elderly hugged her back.

"My Little Ranita! Welcome! who's this lovely man besides you?" as the grandma notice the man coming out the Car

"My Boyfriend, Dr Alexander Solair." Judy introduces him to her grandma.

"Greetings, I heard so much about you." As Alex smiled cordially.

"Grandma, Where's Grandpa?"

"He Just about coming home soon. Oh, there he is, Eduardo! Our Ranita has come to visit us!" The elderly grandmother pointed to a old man that is coming inside the house.

"My god, you have grown so big now... " As the Man Hugged her...

"I miss you two the most..." as they spent several moments hugging.

"Who's this man beside you?" Eduardo asked after he finished hugging his beloved granddaughter, he noticed me.

"I am Dr. Alexander Solair, Founder of Wondertainment and boyfriend of Judy Alvarez." I introduce myself.

"I heard about the Company, You been doing some good in the world." Eduardo Gave me a praise.

"Come Inside, Ranita I will prepare your favorite dish. I hope he enjoys it too." Judy Grandma beckons both me and Judy inside...

After A hearty dinner with her grandparents, I watched over her as she slept in the guest room.

After Assuring she slept well, I noticed there her grandfather was fixing a worn out Cyberware on a nearby bench.

"A little more, Ugh I must be getting old..." He popped up a smoke of my company brand as he lighted it he noticed me.

"Hello, Sir what you are doing?"

"Just fixing a Cyberware of a colleague of mine. It helps keep the rust off me."

"Let me help, I have experience with Cyberware."

"Fine Have a Go at it." Eduardo stepped aside.

I notice it was the latest gen of a lung pump and there were several grimes sticking in. I scrubbed it and Eduardo spoke; "Is my granddaughter doing well? In Night City? Did she hate me?"

"Of Course, Sir she has plenty of friends in Night City." I said.

"But sometimes she missed you two you know? Even if she has friend and me to cover her loneliness, family love is something even I couldn't Replace. She never hated you. It was understandable at that time Night City was a Hell hole and you had no choice but to leave." I continued.

When I done finishing the repairs. Eduado

"What are your plans Doctor?" Eduardo asked.

"Right now, I am planning to make it the safest place in the world, So that you can live with her once again, even if I fail at it, She will still see you monthly. She still your family after all." I said.

"You really are a good man, Alexander."

"I could say the same thing to you sir, you raised her with the best as you could, when her parents died."

"You heard about that huh..."

I grabbed a Amasec in the trunk of the car and poured and gave him a cup. After a couple of cups we talked much about her childhood. Sometimes he exaggerated her feats. Like a doting parent.

After a fifth cup he felt drowsy, he excused as he headed to bed.

"Come Out, I could smell your bloodlust from here." I spoke out loud.

As Several figures surrounded me...

"Tell me, what brings you the pleasure of coming to this place with such hostilities?" I jest as I watched my surroundings.

One stepped out from the crowd and said, "We are from Crystal Palace and we are its Angels, Alexander Solair."

Crytal Palace was a Luxury Space station that was created by United Europe with the joint efforts with USSR and they housed these Highriders, pretty much like Spacenoids, and they are deadlier to any earthbound mercs, powerful and fast but not experienced, they gained autonomy several years ago, now it has a self-governance status and why they want with me?

"Why no formalities? I have no problems with Crystal Palace?" I prodded for answer

"One of our clients stated that you are too dangerous to be left alive."

"Ah You mean that Arasaka Bastard? Are you willing to piss me off?" I diverted their attention as I Covered Judy Family home with a Barrier.

"Do you know why we told you where we came from? Because you are already dead and Soon those people behind you...." They trailed off... as they sense a bloodlust that they never seen before...

"What was that last sentence? Come, I Double dog dare you say it!" I growled as My Eyes turned into a myriad of colors.... Until it turned black as the void of space... Golden flames erupted around me...

What was Golden Fires surrounded Alexander is Slowly waned and turning Crimson... Screams of the dammed and Blood flowing endlessly appeared in the minds of Highriders. A towering figure sat on a throne of Skulls Smiled at this candidate...

One of them got the balls to finish the sentence; "We will kill you and the ones you loved especially those in Night City..." only to find his head ripped off from his body and into my hands. the Head took a few moments to realized what was happening.

<Hidden Requisite Complete: Temporary Faction Choice: Khornate Armor Chosen, locking out the rest of Factions for duration....>



<Resetting System.... Time... [69 Minutes]>

"More than Enough..." He growled.

"Come on he is just a single man! We have a job to accomplish..." One of the Highriders yelled out to rally the people found herself watching her legs as her torso fell off...

"Highriders? Highriders! YOU WILL DIE!" Alexander Roared out as Several Chains Appeared in his hands.. A Ork Choppa is slowly turning into a Chain Axe Manifested in Alex hands, Frenzied as Crimson Armor Clad over him...

"Something is wrong! the Clients Never Said about..." One Highrider yelled his sentence halfway only for him to ripped into two by Alexander Axe...

Several Highriders Attempted to use their technological weapons that they get from Seventh and opened fire.

"Shit, What is that armor is made of!" One Screamed as Bullets and Laser beams deflected the once was a easy target into a monstrous hulking beast slowly growing.

"This isn't the Armor that man Client has said!' as one of them attack him with a beam katana.

"PATHETIC WELPS, YOU HAVE NO HONOR!" Several Serrated Harpoons erupted from the crimson Armor piercing several Highriders as they tried to flee. Leaving the Highriders no choice but to go melee... As Ranged didn't worked... They tried every martial artist that mankind could think of Technique and empty determination is nothing to raw power of undiluted strength that snaps bones and crush skulls. Alex Leaving corpses in his wake. No mercy, no pleading entered the ears of the monster before them.

"Please, spare me..." as a Limbless man that threatened harm to the Family in the house, begged the monster in front of him... and Several Highriders surrounded him in fear in waiting for any movement..

The Figure simply raised his hand and clenched his fist... A crack in space was formed and a several Red Demonic horned figures came out, each of them carrying a crimson sword as their snake like tongues hissed as they marched in formation, they waited for the figure to be order whose blood is on their blades tonight...

Alex Simply pointed at the Highriders and the Blood letters swarmed the Highriders with glee, Many that remain tried to fight back but this "Monsters" are faster dodging their attempts and ripped them apart.

How they regretted threatening Alex of his family...

A throne of Skull, Bones and Cyberware rose from the ground and Alex sat on it, Watching the torture of those that harmed his own...

When they are all dead, He simply banished the Blood Letters into Khorne Realm. And stood up, He looked at the home where Judy and her family slept peacefully not knowing the carnage happening outside of her home...

"You have grown soft...Brother....a Family takes care of their own, even if One is in Hell...till we meet again...Save my Genefather...that's all I am asking..." He Smiled under all his Armor. And let the System took control of Alexander Body, The Crimson Armor Slowly Faded from his body as if it never existed.

Meanwhile Alexander in his soul is desperately trying to not Praise the name of the being that blessed him this gift... "My Mind and Soul is not yours to keep, Khorne!" He yelled to the Being of Blood and Slaughter....

"Soon, you will see me soon...I hope you like the gift." Khorne chuckled as he disappeared...

I woke up in a field of blood and corpses...

<Alex what the hell happened!?>

I got really Angry and I lost control of my mind...

I stare at my newest gifts and sigh.

<Khornate Armor>

A "Gift" By Khorne, When Adorn it will give you an Immense Strength and will override your train of thought when wearing for prolonged periods. Able to deflect small arms fire and shoot guided harpoons and Anchors, grow stronger with each damage you take. Summons Blood letters. [Time Limit: 1hrs 30 minutes]

Slaughter (Axe) [False]

A Ork Choppa forcibly turned into a replica of Skarbrand the Exile Axe.

Grants minor abilities compared to the real thing.

Partner didn't I have perks to defend against chaos?

<It was on the External measure...>

You mean...

<It... Came from within the System... and that was a part of package when you should have chosen Chaos....>

Great.. At least I didn't choose Nurgle or Slaneesh....

<You are lucky that it was the System Khorne, not real thing...>

So, I have to balance Chaos and Order? Like the Force or something?

<Who knows? This never happened before? Usually after the Locks were installed, when a User picked one faction, they already obtain knowledge and units to build them, but this is rarity... I better update work up bugs, you can use armor that axe without repercussions... hope...>

I stored all the corpses in the inventory and toss cleansing grenades to erase the blood.

I removed the barrier and Checked Judy...

"Rise and Shine Sleepy head..." I softly spoke...

"Alex, Its 4 am in the morning.." Judy Groaned as she slept under the bed covers...

"Alright, I will make some Pancakes, I will call you later."

I began to make some pancake batter and I saw Ainara Álvarez came out from the master bedroom and saw me.

"Dr. Alex you are up so early?"

"Well, I planned to make breakfast as thanks for the meal. Ms. Alvarez."

"Thank you, you are such a kind soul. Lucky that Ranita manage to find a good man."

"Perhaps so, But She is blessed to have a Grandparent like you Ms. Alvarez."

"What a Smooth Charmer, Let me set out the Plates." Ainara helped set out the plates.

After We had breakfast, for three days Judy Spent with her Grandparents... relieving some memories she longed for...

"Bye Grandma, Grandpa! I will see you again Next month!" Judy Waved Goodbye as we left the home...

For the first time I saw her, she felt relieved...

"Alex... Are You sure we meet them again?" She asked as she looked at the verdant grasslands...

"Of Course, Judy We might Even See them In Night City once crime rate is lowered down."


"I will try." I smiled as I drove back to the Airport.

Meanwhile... Highriders Came again to Judy Family estate to finish the job and they were ambushed by Assassins that Alex left behind. And a Message was sent to the Crystal Palace that shaken the Highriders Confederation to the Core; "Your Assassination failed, and you are so dead on my list after I done with this planet!"

It causes a Panic to the Highrider Communities began to find the culprit and realized that there was a conversation with a Arasaka Talking to the Assassination Teams in a Room...

"I believe that this Man is a Threat to this world" The man Spoke and Several Pictures was seen...

"What Threat? He is doing good to this world?" One of the Angels asked...

"That is merely a Facade, He will conquer this planet and he will not stop until all those that stand against him is dead." The man Sighed at the stupidity of the locals.

"We Highriders Confederation will not take part in this assassination..."

"You will see this..." Several moments passed as they stood still in front of the Video call.

They changed their tune and agreed to join immediately... And Now The video showed that Highriders provoked someone that is filled with rage at them... Now there is a debate on whether they will attack him to kill the problem at the roots and avenge the dead or just try to communicate with him and claim they had nothing to do with it... A week later several Highrider Assassin Attempts were made making their doom certain... They hoped that he would not attack them as he didn't have any space capable flight vessels as they ordered UE not to let him into space.... [Are You sure about that?]


At a Last holdout of the Voodoo Boys in the unfinished transit system, Many were wounded from the clash with the Cogboys needing aid, and no one came to provide aid to them not even under threat of decapitation, shipments of Arasaka Weapons have halted as the Middleman supplier was killed.

"Here they come!" yelled one of the vodoo boys as the sounds of gunfire is slowly getting closer to their location, What Dimmed Lights that shone in the tunnels show the Skitarii shadows grew bigger as they get even closer. Bringing them a sense of dread.

Several Voodoo Boys where nervously holding their guns...

"Boo" a Single word cause them to empty their rounds at the tunnel ahead destroying the light in the process... With Several Crimson lights Emanating from the Skitarii eyes as they silently marched in the darkness.

"Calm down, Its what they wanted!" As Maman Bridgette tried to rally the Voodoo Boys to no avail.

"Mama I am Scared; I don't want to die like this!" One of the Voodoo boys bled faster as his heart is palpating.

Streaks of Lightning and bullet sparks became the source of light, Many fell down as their Cyberware and organs were fried.

Maman Bridget was left and her Lieutenant Placide.. She kept firing a Ak-76

"Die! DIE! Shit!" She headed deeper in the tunnels realizing the bullets ran out.... As she turned to flee, she was ripped apart by her Lieutenant, as Placide Face disappear in and replaced with Callidus Mask.

She Died in the dark tunnels and Was Incinerated with a Heavy Flamer that melted the railway, and the body was carbonized and smashed to bits only to be vacuum and tossed the ashes into the Sewage Pipes. Ending the Tyranny of Pacifica. They came in with a bang and ended up with a whimper.


A/N: I always did wonder what is life is beyond the Night city? Sure All I could gather was Night City was a Neutral Ground. And I could Guess what is like on the other nations that is on the other side of America on the Wiki Profile, Highriders in here remind me of those High Riders in Nurceria.

Highriders does exist in Cyberpunk Universe. They are pretty much Genetically Engineered to live in space and they work as assassins. And Crystal Palace is that shining Casino like Space Station in the Ending of V? After all, attacking that place is more of a death sentence than attacking the Arasaka Tower alone as they have more advance technologies than in Night City, Perhaps a Cure for V. Now you know why Mr. Blue is so eager to send V there no matter the Gender.

Its Comes at a surprise that Alex was possessed by a wrong God in his time in rage? Who is his "Brother"? Who knows? A Ally or just another part of the Great game?