
Terran Federation Report: Alien Races

File Name: MiB-079-2100

Classification: Level 5 [Sky Marshal Clearance needed]

By: Federal Intelligence Bureau

During the Conflict of the Arachnid War,

We Have Discovered Several New Species of Alien that are fighting the Arachnids....

Some Looked Humanoid such as the Skinnies, Orgyrn and Eldars

While other was not Humanoid in Nature such as Skaven, Necrons....

First Up is the Skinnies, they Were Controlled by the Control Bugs shown in the Media making the public more sympathetic to our joint fight... However in Reality, They Given Our Planet coordinates to the Bugs causing the Meteorite to crash at Buenos Aires, and only when we did "Cordially" Negotiated them with Nova Bombs and the Virus Bomb that Alexander Held for safekeeping, at their Capital planet... Only then they agreed to join us...

While they prove to be Reliable allies, We would need to keep a Eye on what they would do... As they Provided Information thanks to The Translation Modules by the supposedly "Techpriests" was that the Skinnies Found a Sense of Cohesion...


Valuable Spies and Cannon Fodder, If Necessary Need More information...


Director Alexander Auxiliary Troops, As Alexander Claim he Found them in a Planet that held Intelligent Life that was deep in the Bug Space... Great for Engineering Corps, Tunnel Clearing and their Payment is only Food which is Acceptable as of this current writing...

They are Giant Version of Rats that have a Brain of a Human in a Short Sentence, Though they are very Chatty and Extremely Paranoid, One could get used to this Alien Race... Though their Fecal Matter is another debate...

Their Major Known Deployment was in the Campaign of Kwalasha in the Ignis Corp...

Addendum: Useful, But need constant Morale Boost which provides headache not feasible to lead in a Full regiment of them, A M.A.Rs Trooper Jay, codename Rubrixraptor Can handle them... without losing his mind. Unable to Find the Planet that Director Alex has Stated....


Another Race that is Found by Alex in his Deployments in the Bug Zone and from what we gather from him, they are a Starfaring Race, Highly Advance than the Skinnies, But Few in numbers, though their comparison to the Necrons is Debatable in the Federation Society on who's stronger...

They Weld weapons that uses a Psychic Materials that prove to be devastating to the Bugs as they Could Cut off the Psychic link of the Bugs Causing them to be Confused with their Deployments... and their Weapons could Penetrate Standard Federation Armor, It would be wise to Take Precautions to deal with this Race, as they have a Intricate knowledge about Human Politics and wished no part of this, Only Alexander Could Request their Aid, Last time Ambassador Bobby Sanchez Threatened them with the same Diplomacy that we used on the Skinnies, Only to be Murdered In his Hotel at Space Station Charlie, and strained our Relationship with them, We could only Hope for the Best that Director Alexander would Ease our Relationship....


Bribing them with Settlement with a Portion of our unused planets for their Loyalty Doesn't help, Seem like Director Alexander only knows about what they truly want... The Last time Someone did force his personal point of view, had his Body Floated outside of his Home, In Chicago no less... Seem like they have Assassins more capable than our detections methods.... Note: Do Not Provoke...

And Added Extra information: Director Carl Jenkins was the first Human Psychic that contacted their race and he learned a great deal on the mystery of the human psychic powers...


A Skeleton Like Race that is Sentient, And vastly more technological races than all combined, (Citation Needed; Necron Vs Eldars Debate) They Marched in Slow March of Silence as they wield Weapons and Technologies that is beyond our Human Understanding, Blasting What seems to destroy all matter of Life... The Leader of the group is have a good friendship with Director Alexander and he is Well known to collect artifacts and the Supernatural for his Galleria from all Races...

Here are some that He Has "Borrowed" and I quote:

. The Pyramid of Giza

. A Portion of the Great wall of China

. El Dorado

. Camelot

. Actual Leprechaun

. Unicorns

. Crystal Skull

. Fountain of Youth

. Excalibur

. A Pound of Damascus Steel

. Painting and Sculpture that were Lost Centuries ago in the Era what we Know was the Second world war...

. Archimedes Pet dove

. Entire Animal kingdom of Earth of both sexes.... (As Alexander Quotes: Noah Ark?)

. and a Cargo of 500 century Year Old wine in the Mediterranean

. All of the Known And Unseen Classification of Arachnids...

Many Appraisal entered his Galleria to demand that their Prized Country possession to be returned, They were turned into a Exhibit named "People who talk to much..."

While only Alexander could Request some aid, this leader often not wished to speak to Federation ambassadors, particularly that one was dumber than the one we sent to the Eldar, Said that he would need to return all the Artifacts to the British Museum, only to add to the Collection of the Missing people, now Standing horrified as the Visitors that Obeys the Necron Rules of Conduct are laughing at him....

As the Necron had Some distain toward that Place... I wonder why?

The Egyptian was very happy that their Culture was known from outer space, though it is in debated that it was the Necron that provided the Culture of Egypt not the Other way around.... Causing the people of Egypt to have a Cultural Identity Crisis


Negotiations Impossible, as the leader is Constantly leaving, not Meeting with the Ambassador... Weapons are none Tradable as He wouldn't trust the Federation to even keep it as well as the Eldars and their Stealth Technologies... But once called on the battlefield it would be only be call in as death.... and the Scientist speculated that the Necron leader have a Ability of Time travel...


A 2 Meter Tall Giant Also Found in the Bug Space by Alexander, DNA testing prove that they were distant Relatives to Homo Sapiens Bringing up more questions than Answers , is the first humans Existed on earth? They prove to be reliable allies as their strength could ripped Arachnid with bare hands, However their Intelligence and their Claustrophobic of entering Places like the Chimera prove to be a Detrimental, Their Weapons are usually comprised of Ripper Guns a Stubber Type, Shotguns, and Grenade launcher and melee like a Tower Shield And Mace or a Machete for close combat, Director Alexander used them primarily in The Ignis Corps... But they were friendly towards Children and Become a Mascots in the Scholar Progenium, And Can turn into a Berserker in Mass of flesh when what they called "Little Ones" are hurt...

Some of the Children called them "Big Daddy"

Addendum: They could be used as Shock troops, But they need precise orders and It would take time to handle their new environment... Their minds are like Children... so it would be wise not to dragged them into our political struggle....

As Of this Moment of this report, We could see the tide turning to our side, albeit Slowly, Though The Skinnies prove to be Decent allies, We must not forget their Treachery, However the rest of the Alien Races? They are a Unstable Element in the Federation... Director Alexander only said "If you leave them alone, they would be a best Allies to be with, but if they are provoked?" Even his supposedly Friendship with the leaders won't save the provocateur..."